2022-09-14T19:37:09+12:00 (21 months ago)

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1 edited


  • documented-examples/trunk/wiki-e/resources/collectionConfig.properties

    r36614 r36615  
    1 name=QQQQMediaWiki collection
    2 index_Title=QQQQTitles
    3 index_text=QQQQText
    4 index_Source=QQQQFilenames
     1name=MediaWiki collection
    7 shortDescription=QQQQ<p>This demonstration collection is made from the Greenstone Wiki website. It shows off the new feature of building a Greenstone collection from a MediaWiki website in Greenstone.</p>
     7shortDescription=<p>This demonstration collection is made from the Greenstone Wiki website. It shows off the new feature of building a Greenstone collection from a MediaWiki website in Greenstone.</p>
    9 description1=QQQQ<h3>How the collection works</h3><p>The collection configuration file, <tt>collectionConfig.xml</tt>, contains the plugins <i>MediaWikiPlugin</i>, <i>ImagePlugin</i>, <i>ZipPlugin</i>, <i>PDFPlugin</i>, <i>PowerPointPlugin</i>, <i>WordPlugin</i> (along with the standard plugins <i>GreenstoneXMLPlugin</i>, <i>ArchivesInfPlugin</i> and <i>DirectoryPlugin</i>). The <i>MediaWikiPlugin</i> handles the HTML pages downloaded from a MediaWiki website, while <i>ImagePlugin</i>, <i>ZipPlugin</i>, <i>PDFPlugin</i>, <i>PowerPointPlugin</i> and <i>WordPlugin</i> handle the image, zip, PDF, PowerPoint and Word files associated with the Greenstone Wiki.</p>
     9description1=<h3>How the collection works</h3><p>The collection configuration file, <tt>collectionConfig.xml</tt>, contains the plugins <i>MediaWikiPlugin</i>, <i>ImagePlugin</i>, <i>ZipPlugin</i>, <i>PDFPlugin</i>, <i>PowerPointPlugin</i>, <i>WordPlugin</i> (along with the standard plugins <i>GreenstoneXMLPlugin</i>, <i>ArchivesInfPlugin</i> and <i>DirectoryPlugin</i>). The <i>MediaWikiPlugin</i> handles the HTML pages downloaded from a MediaWiki website, while <i>ImagePlugin</i>, <i>ZipPlugin</i>, <i>PDFPlugin</i>, <i>PowerPointPlugin</i> and <i>WordPlugin</i> handle the image, zip, PDF, PowerPoint and Word files associated with the Greenstone Wiki.</p>
    11 description2=QQQQ<p>To build a collection from a MediaWiki website of your choice, you would first download the wiki files using the <i>MediaWiki</i> option on the <i>Download</i> panel of GLI. This download type works in a similar way to a the <i>Web</i> download, but is specially designed for crawling MediaWiki websites.</p>
     11description2=<p>To build a collection from a MediaWiki website of your choice, you would first download the wiki files using the <i>MediaWiki</i> option on the <i>Download</i> panel of GLI. This download type works in a similar way to a the <i>Web</i> download, but is specially designed for crawling MediaWiki websites.</p>
    13 description3=QQQQ<p>Once the files are downloaded, copy them into a collection using the <i>Gather</i>, dragging them from the <i>Downloaded Files</i> folder in the Workspace tree on the left-hand side.</p>
     13description3=<p>Once the files are downloaded, copy them into a collection using the <i>Gather</i>, dragging them from the <i>Downloaded Files</i> folder in the Workspace tree on the left-hand side.</p>
    15 description4=QQQQ<p>In the <i>Document Plugins</i> section of the <i>Design</i> panel, add <i>MediaWikiPlugin</i>. <i>MediaWikiPlugin</i> has several specific options which control aspects of page presentation, such as whether or not the table of contents, navigation toolbars and search box are shown on each page. Configure these options based on how you want the pages to appear. You can see the options used by this collection in its collection configuration file, <tt>collectionConfig.xml</tt>.</p>
     15description4=<p>In the <i>Document Plugins</i> section of the <i>Design</i> panel, add <i>MediaWikiPlugin</i>. <i>MediaWikiPlugin</i> has several specific options which control aspects of page presentation, such as whether or not the table of contents, navigation toolbars and search box are shown on each page. Configure these options based on how you want the pages to appear. You can see the options used by this collection in its collection configuration file, <tt>collectionConfig.xml</tt>.</p>
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