2022-11-04T15:05:39+13:00 (18 months ago)

new strings for debuginfo

1 edited


  • main/trunk/greenstone3/web/WEB-INF/classes/interface_default2.properties

    r36238 r36884  
    145145debuginfo.xsl7=The page XSL with format elements and inline templates added in, with any include/import files inlined. gslib elements have been transformed to proper XSL. The first pass of transforming GSF elements to XSL has been done.
    146146debuginfo.formatedit=Web interface editor for editing Greenstone3 format statements.
    147 debuginfo.refreshconfig=Refresh all the collection configuration files:
    148 debuginfo.reconfigsite=Reconfigures the whole site. Reads in siteConfig.xml, reloads all the collections.
    149 debuginfo.reconfigcoll=Reconfigure just one collection. Re-reads the collectionConfig.xml file and reloads the collection.
     147debuginfo.refreshconfig=Refresh the site or part of it:
     148debuginfo.reconfigsite=Reconfigures the whole site. Reads in siteConfig.xml, reloads all the collections and services.
     149debuginfo.reconfigpart=Reconfigures just the specified part of the site - collections, or site-wide services, service clusters, or external sites.
     150debuginfo.activatemodule=Activates the specified module name (sn) of type (st). Type can be collection, service, serviceCluster, site.
     151debuginfo.deactivatemodule=Deactivates the specified module name (sn) of type (st). Type can be collection, service, serviceCluster, site.
     152debuginfo.refreshcollection=Refresh a single collection/service cluster or part of it:
     153debuginfo.reconfigcollpart=Reconfigure only part of a collection/service cluster - metadataList, or serviceList.
     154debuginfo.reconfigcoll=Reconfigure just one collection. Re-reads the collectionConfig.xml file and reloads the collection.
    150155debuginfo.misc_params=Miscellaneous Helpful Parameters
    151156debuginfo.forcetandc=Add to a link to a source document (eg PDF file) to force the terms and conditions page to display - even if you have already verified yourself once.
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