Changeset 36969 for documentation

2022-12-05T16:24:13+13:00 (17 months ago)

Forgot to commit the first set of updates to the tutorials for GS3. I may possibly need to merge later with further changes that were made on the other machine.

1 edited


  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml

    r36364 r36969  
    1420 <Text id="ep-sd-2">In the table of contents (on the right) by default a section number and section title are displayed. For documents like these where the section titles are the same as the section numbers, this doesn't make much sense, as you end up with headings like "1 1". We can hide the section number from the display by adding some CSS style information.</Text>
     1420<Text id="ep-sd-2">In the table of contents (on the right) by default a section number and section title are displayed. For documents like these where the section titles are the same as the section numbers, this doesn't make much sense, as you end up with headings like "1 Page 1". We can hide the section number from the display by adding some CSS style information.</Text>
    1465 <Text id="fw-24c-3">To highlight the query terms in a PDF document, we need to pass them into the PDF file by appending <AutoText text="#search=&quot;query&quot;"/> to the end of the document link. We need to create the link ourselves rather than using &lt;gsf:link type=&quot;source&quot;/&gt; in the format statement. </Text>
     1465<Text id="fw-24c-3">To highlight the query terms in a PDF document, we need to pass them into the PDF file by appending <AutoText text="#search=&quot;query&quot;"/> to the end of the document link. We need to create the link ourselves rather than using <Format>&lt;gsf:link type=&quot;source&quot;/&gt;</Format> in the format statement. </Text>
    14661466<Text id="fw-24d-3"><AutoText text="PDFPlugin"/> saves each PDF file in a unique directory for that document, and we can use</Text>
    14671467<Format>&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;httpPath&quot; type=&quot;collection&quot;/&gt;/index/assoc/&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;archivedir&quot;/&gt;/&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;srclinkFile&quot;/&gt;</Format>
    14681468<Text id="fw-24e-3">to refer to the PDF source file.
    1469 The search terms can be found in the &quot;q&quot; cgi parameter. You can access this using &lt;gsf:cgi-param name=&quot;q&quot;/&gt;.</Text>
     1469The search terms can be found in the &quot;q&quot; cgi parameter. You can access this using <Format>&lt;gsf:cgi-param name=&quot;q&quot;/&gt;</Format>.</Text>
    1687 <Text id="fw-24c-3">To highlight the query terms in a PDF document, we need to pass them into the PDF file by appending <AutoText text="#search=&quot;query&quot;"/> to the end of the document link. We need to create the link ourselves rather than using &lt;gsf:link type=&quot;source&quot;/&gt; in the format statement. </Text>
     1687<Text id="fw-24c-3">To highlight the query terms in a PDF document, we need to pass them into the PDF file by appending <AutoText text="#search=&quot;query&quot;"/> to the end of the document link. We need to create the link ourselves rather than using <Format>&lt;gsf:link type=&quot;source&quot;/&gt;</Format> in the format statement. </Text>
    16881688<Text id="fw-24d-3"><AutoText text="PDFPlugin"/> saves each PDF file in a unique directory for that document, and we can use</Text>
    16891689<Format>&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;httpPath&quot; type=&quot;collection&quot;/&gt;/index/assoc/&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;archivedir&quot;/&gt;/&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;srclinkFile&quot;/&gt;</Format>
    16901690<Text id="fw-24e-3">to refer to the PDF source file.
    1691 The search terms can be found in the &quot;q&quot; cgi parameter. You can access this using &lt;gsf:cgi-param name=&quot;q&quot;/&gt;.</Text>
     1691The search terms can be found in the &quot;q&quot; cgi parameter. You can access this using <Format>&lt;gsf:cgi-param name=&quot;q&quot;/&gt;</Format>.</Text>
    2199 <Text id="0452">The <MajorVersion number="2">search</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText text="form search"/></MajorVersion> page includes a pulldown menu that allows you to select one of these partitions for searching. For example, try searching the <i>relatives</i> partition for <i>mary</i> and then search the <i>monarchs</i> partition for the same thing.</Text>
     2199<Text id="0452">The <MajorVersion number="2">search page</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText text="search"/> section</MajorVersion> includes a pulldown menu that allows you to select one of these partitions for searching. For example, try searching the <i>relatives</i> partition for <i>mary</i> and then search the <i>monarchs</i> partition for the same thing.</Text>
    2669 <Text id="0424">Open up your <b>tudor</b> collection, and in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel inspect the files you dragged into it. The first folder is <Path></Path>, which opens up to reveal <Path>tudor</Path>, and so on. The files represent a complete sweep of the pages (and supporting images) that constitute the <i>Tudor citizens</i> section of the <i></i> web site. They were downloaded from the web in a way that preserved the structure of the original site. This allows any page's original URL to be reconstructed from the folder hierarchy.</Text>
     2669<Text id="0424">Open up your <b>tudor</b> collection, and in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel inspect the files you dragged into it. The first folder is <Path></Path>, which opens up to reveal <Path>tudor</Path>, and so on. The files represent a complete sweep of the pages (and supporting images) that constitute the <i>Tudor</i> section of the <i></i> web site. They were downloaded from the web in a way that preserved the structure of the original site. This allows any page's original URL to be reconstructed from the folder hierarchy.</Text>
    36443644&lt;gsf:template match=&quot;classifierNode[@classifierStyle = 'VList']&quot;&gt;<br />
    36453645      <Tab n="2"/>...<br />
    3646       <Tab n="2"/>&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;Title&quot;/&gt;<br />
     3646      <Tab n="2"/>&lt;gsf:link type=&quot;classifier&quot;&gt;<br />
     3647           <Tab n="3"/>&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;Title&quot;/&gt;<br />
     3648      <Tab n="2"/>&lt;/gsf:link&gt;<br />
    36473649     <Tab n="1"/>&lt;/td&gt;<br />
    36483650    <highlight><Tab n="1"/>&lt;td valign=&quot;top&quot;&gt;<br />
    36553657<Text id="0609"><b>Preview</b> the result (you don't need to build the collection.) Bookshelves in the titles and browse classifiers should show how many documents they contain.</Text>
    36583661<Text id="0612a">Adding a Phind phrase browser</Text>
    36653668<Text id="0612b"><b>Build</b> the collection again and <b>preview</b> it. Select the new <MajorVersion number="2"><AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelPhrase_"/></MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText key="" /></MajorVersion> option from the navigation bar. Enter a single word in the text box, such as <AutoText text="band" type="quotes"/>. The phrase browser will present you with phrases found in the collection containing the search term. This can provide a useful way of browsing a very large collection. Note that even though it is called a phrase browser, only single terms can be used as the starting point for browsing.</Text>
    36683672<Text id="0612a-1">Branding the collection with an image</Text>
    40244028<Text id="0690a"><MajorVersion number="2">Refresh in the web browser to view</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><b>Preview</b></MajorVersion> the new <MajorVersion number="2"><AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_"/></MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText key="gs3::metadata_names::Title.buttonname" /></MajorVersion> list.</Text>
    40254029<Text id="0687c">As a consequence of using the <AutoText text="bookshelf_type"/> option of the <AutoText text="List"/> classifier, bookshelf icons appear when titles are browsed. This revised format statement has the effect of specifying in brackets how many items are contained within a bookshelf<MajorVersion number="3"> for classifier nodes</MajorVersion>. <MajorVersion number="2">It works by exploiting the fact that only bookshelf icons define <Format>[numleafdocs]</Format> metadata.</MajorVersion> For document nodes, Title is not displayed. Instead, Volume, Number and Date information are displayed.</Text>
    4026 <Text id="0687d">You may notice that the <AutoText text="Titles"/> browser shows the volume numbers in inverse order. To correct this, in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> Pane, under <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Classifiers"/>, configure the <AutoText text="titles" /> <AutoText text="List" /> classifier. Tick <AutoText text="sort_leaf_nodes_using"/> and set the metadata to <Format>ex.Volume</Format>. Rebuilding now will ensure the <i>ex.Volume</i> Number of each newspaper are listed in numeric order. This has the effect of also sorting the <i>ex.Number</i> value for each <i>ex.Volume</i>.</Text>
     4030<Text id="0687d"><MajorVersion number="2">You may notice that the <AutoText text="Titles"/> browser shows the volume numbers in inverse order. To correct this, in</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">In</MajorVersion> the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> Pane, under <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Classifiers"/>, configure the <AutoText text="titles" /> <AutoText text="List" /> classifier. Tick <AutoText text="sort_leaf_nodes_using"/> and set the metadata to <Format>ex.Volume|ex.Number</Format>. Rebuilding now will ensure the <i>ex.Volume</i> Number of each newspaper are listed in numeric order. This has the effect of also sorting the <i>ex.Number</i> value for each <i>ex.Volume</i>.</Text>
    4637 <Text id="oaiserver-14">Although the data transmitted over OAI is in the form of XML, Greenstone uses a stylesheet to transform that XML response into a user-friendly, structured web page that you see when you perform the <AutoText text="Identify"/> request (as happens when you visit the <AutoText text="verb=Identify" type="italics"/> response page). This allows <AutoText text="Identify" type="italics"/> and other verbs in the OAI specification to be shown in the main Greenstone OAI Server pages as link buttons. You can see these verbs represented in the main Greenstone <MajorVersion number="2"><AutoText text="oaiserver.cgi" type="italics"/> (or <AutoText text="oaiserver.cgi?verb=Identify" type="italics"/>)</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText text="oaiserver" type="italics"/> (or <AutoText text="oaiserver?verb=Identify" type="italics"/>)</MajorVersion> page as a row of button links starting with "Identify", displayed at the top and in the lower part of the page.</Text>
     4641<Text id="oaiserver-14">Although the data transmitted over OAI is in the form of XML, Greenstone uses a stylesheet to transform that XML response into a user-friendly, structured web page that you see when you perform the <AutoText text="Identify"/> request (as happens when you visit the <AutoText text="verb=Identify" type="italics"/> response page). This allows <AutoText text="Identify" type="italics"/> and other verbs in the OAI specification to be shown in the main Greenstone OAI Server pages as a row of links. You can see these verbs represented in the main Greenstone <MajorVersion number="2"><AutoText text="oaiserver.cgi" type="italics"/> (or <AutoText text="oaiserver.cgi?verb=Identify" type="italics"/>)</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText text="oaiserver" type="italics"/> (or <AutoText text="oaiserver?verb=Identify" type="italics"/>)</MajorVersion> page as a row of links starting with "Identify", displayed at the top and in the lower part of the page.</Text>
    46384642<Text id="oaiserver-15">Clicking on the links will execute that verb as a request and return the response from your Greenstone OAI server as a structured web page. Try clicking on all the button links.</Text>
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