Changeset 37567 for documentation

2023-03-24T22:02:42+13:00 (13 months ago)

Some more tutorial instruction changes and corrections.

1 edited


  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml

    r37524 r37567  
    3380 <Text id="mf-67">Once you have identified the names of the images to be replaced, you need to find out where they occur in the macro files. To do this on Windows, you would search the macro files for the image names using the <AutoText text="findstr"/> program, which is run in a command prompt. Open a command prompt using <Menu>Start &rarr; Programs &rarr; Accessories &rarr; Command Prompt</Menu>, or <Menu>Start &rarr; Run</Menu> and enter <Command>cmd</Command> as the name of the program to run. If your Windows doesn't have a conventional Start menu, then press <Command>Ctrl+r</Command> to launch the Windows Run dialog, then type <Command>cmd</Command>.</Text>
     3380<Text id="mf-67">Once you have identified the names of the images to be replaced, you need to find out where they occur in the macro files. To do this on Windows, you would search the macro files for the image names using the <AutoText text="findstr"/> program, which is run in a command prompt. Open a command prompt using <Menu>Start &rarr; Programs &rarr; Accessories &rarr; Command Prompt</Menu>, or <Menu>Start &rarr; Run</Menu> and enter <Command>cmd</Command> as the name of the program to run. If your Windows doesn't have a conventional Start menu, then press <Command>Windows-key + r</Command> to launch the Windows Run dialog, then type <Command>cmd</Command>.</Text>
    33813381<Text id="mf-68">You can type <Command>findstr /?</Command> to see a description of the program and its arguments.</Text>
    33823382<Text id="mf-69">To search the macro files for <i><AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif" /></i> type</Text>
    49654965<Text id="ucp-21">The general format of the command is</Text>
    49664966<Format>djvutxt input.djvu output.txt</Format>
    4967 <Text id="ucp-22">Open a DOS prompt on Windows or a terminal on Mac/Linux and experiment to see what it takes to convert your Greenstone installation's <Format>web/sites/localsite/collect/DjVuColl/superhero.djvu</Format> file.</Text>
     4967<Text id="ucp-22">Open a DOS prompt on Windows (to do so: press the letter <i>r</i> while holding down the <i>Windows key</i>&mdash;the key located between the Alt and Ctrl keys on your keyboard&mdash; to launch the Windows <i>Run</i> popup dialog, then type <Format>cmd</Format> into it and hit Enter), or a terminal on Mac/Linux and experiment to see what it takes to convert your Greenstone installation's <Format>web/sites/localsite/collect/DjVuColl/superhero.djvu</Format> file.</Text>
    49684968<Text id="ucp-22a">You may have to invoke <Format>djvutxt</Format> using its full filepath, in which case on Windows the command would look like:</Text>
    49694969<Format>C:\PATH\TO\YOUR\djvutxt C:\PATH\TO\YOUR\GS\web\sites\localsite\collect\DjVuColl\import\superhero.djvu C:\PATH\TO\YOUR\GS\superhero.txt</Format>
    5809 <Text id="themes-6">Go to <AutoText key="gs3::interface_default::pref_b"/>. Now that we are signed in as an administrator, we can see the <AutoText key="gs3::interface_default::pref.theme"/> option, where we can quickly change the theme of our collections. These themes were created using JQuery UI’s ThemeRoller (<Link></Link>).  The first four options (Greenstone Default and Greenstone Custom 1 and 2) are included as part of the Greenstone 3 installation. The remaining themes are retrieved from the web via the jQuery UI API.</Text>
     5809<Text id="themes-6">Go to <AutoText key="gs3::interface_default::pref_b"/>. Now that we are signed in as an administrator, we can see the <AutoText key="gs3::interface_default::pref.theme"/> option, where we can quickly change the theme of our collections. These themes were created using JQuery UI’s ThemeRoller (<Link></Link>).  The first three options (Greenstone Default and Greenstone Custom 1 and 2) are included as part of the Greenstone 3 installation. The remaining themes are retrieved from the web via the jQuery UI API.</Text>
    58105810<Text id="themes-7">Select <AutoText text="Theme: Greenstone Custom 2"/> from the drop-down menu, and click <AutoText key="gs3::interface_default::pref.set_prefs"/>. Now, all of the collections in your Greenstone library should have the Greenstone Custom 2 theme.</Text>
    58115811<Text id="themes-8">Return to the library homepage (click <AutoText text="My Greenstone Library" type="italics"/> in the upper left-hand corner) and explore several of your collections. They should all display the new theme.</Text>
    65026502<Text id="ni1-13">Visit <Link></Link> and click the <b>Download This Template</b> button. In the popup window, select <b>Save File</b> and click <b>OK</b>. This will download a file with a <i>7z</i> (<i>7zip</i>) extension. If you have 7zip installed, then you can extract the file in place. If not, you can either download the free utility, 7zip, from the web, or alternatively use an online service to convert it to a zip file that Windows can extract.</Text>
    65036503<Text id="ni1-13a">To do the latter, visit <Link></Link> or <Link></Link>. (If conversions don't work on Microsoft Edge, try another web browser like Firefox, if you have it installed. Or you can search the web for alternative free online zip conversion services.) The general proccess is the same: Upload your .7z file. Make sure the output format is set to zip and, once your file has been uploaded, you'll be presented with a convert button which you need to press. Once the conversion process has finished, a Download button will appear. Press it to download the .zip file onto your machine. (Such sites may also furnish you with a button by means of which you can clear your uploaded files from their servers.) On Windows, your converted <i>zip</i> version of the template will have been saved in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.</Text>
     6504<Text id="ni1-14">In an Explorer window, navigate to your Downloads folder (<Path>C:\Users\&lt;user-name&gt;\Downloads</Path>). Right-click on the downloaded zip file containing the template, select <b>Extract All...</b> and, in the popup window, click <b>Extract</b>.</Text>
    65046505<Text id="ni1-13b"><i>This template is free to use and modify, but the Copyright and link information <b>must remain intact</b> in files and in the footer of every page. The template <b>cannot be distributed</b> (modified or otherwise) without express permission from OS-Templates. (The full license is provided in the <b>license.txt</b> file included with the template).</i></Text>
    6505 <Text id="ni1-14">In an Explorer window, navigate to your Downloads folder (<Path>C:\Users\&lt;user-name&gt;\Downloads</Path>). Right-click on the downloaded zip file containing the template, select <b>Extract All...</b> and, in the popup window, click <b>Extract</b>.</Text>
    71387138<Text id="ni3-28">Save and close <b>main.xsl</b> and refresh the web browser to see the top bar. Click the <b>Login</b> button and log in as <b>admin</b> (if you hadn't already changed the password, use the default password of "admin") to see all of the links appear along the top, including links to the <b>Add User</b> page, to the <b>Administration</b> page, and to Logout.</Text>
    71417142<Text id="ni3-h5">Interface language files</Text>
    71497150<Text id="ni3-31">When adding or editing properties files, you must restart the server for changes to take effect. In the Greenstone Server window, click the <b>Restart Library</b> button. When the server restarts, navigate to <Path>http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/golden/collection//page/help</Path> to see the English help text properly displayed.</Text>
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