Changeset 37642 for documentation

2023-04-09T20:17:50+12:00 (12 months ago)

For auto incremental building, when doing the delete step, now the tutorial instructions need to tell the user to actually delete the physical documents before running the automatic incremental rebuild, as now there is no delete-manifest to indicate which documents are to be 'deleted' (ignored, not to be included in the rebuilt collection) this time. Before the manifests-demo-e DEC collection was created for GS3 (along with other GS3 DEC collections), I didn't know incremental building with manifests could just specify the docs to be deleted without requiring them to be actuallly deleted from the import folder. So the tutorial had that superfluous step of telling the user to delete docs from import even when a delete manifest was in use. Telling the user to repeat the same steps for auto incremental building, worked out when the automatic (so, without manifest) incremental rebuilding was done: the user would delete the docs. But now the delete manifest step doesn't specify the user should delete the docs before running incr build, but the autoincr step should tell the user to delete the physical docs first for the delete operation.

1 edited


  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml

    r37641 r37642  
    5771   <Text id="ic-21">Now repeat all the above exercises in the same sequence once again, but with a new collection called <i>autoincr</i> also based on the <i>Demo</i> collection. Remember <!--to once again set <Format>&lt;importOption name="OIDtype" value="full_filename"/&gt;</Format> in the collectionConfig.xml file and--> to make <Format>document</Format> level for searching the <Format>default</Format>. And build the collection the first time around with <Format>perl -S -site localsite autoincr</Format>, also largely as before. However, this time <i>don't</i> pass in any manifest file as an argument to the subsequent rebuild commands which use the <Format></Format> script. So you'd be running these commands after each change:</Text>
     5771  <Text id="ic-21">Now repeat all the above exercises in the same sequence once again, but with a new collection called <i>autoincr</i> also based on the <i>Demo</i> collection. Remember <!--to once again set <Format>&lt;importOption name="OIDtype" value="full_filename"/&gt;</Format> in the collectionConfig.xml file and--> to make <Format>document</Format> level for searching the <Format>default</Format>. And build the collection the first time around with <Format>perl -S -site localsite autoincr</Format>, also largely as before. However, this time <i>don't</i> pass in any manifest file as an argument to the subsequent rebuild commands which use the <Format></Format> script. And <i>before</i> running rebuild commands for the delete operation this time, <i>manually delete</i> the following physical folders from the import directory: <Format>web/sites/localsite/collect/incremen/import/b18ase</Format> and <Format>web/sites/localsite/collect/incremen/import/fb33fe</Format>, as now there is no manifest file letting greenstone now which documents are "deleted" (so now they need to be actually deleted for greenstone to automatically detect that they should not be included in the rebuilt collection). So you'd be running these commands after each change this time:</Text>
    57725772  <Format>
    57735773    perl -S -incremental -site localsite autoincr<br />
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