Changeset 37811

2023-07-10T19:06:24+12:00 (10 months ago)

Instruction to generate Imagemagick for linux32 is the same as for darwin (and was used for linux64 too) and now tested to work, so updated to say the same step applies to all these 3 OSes.

1 edited


  • gs2-extensions/imagemagick/trunk/README

    r37807 r37811  
    27274. Create an imagemagick folder containing only setup.bash, setup.bat and the darwin folder (or the "linux" folder on linux machines).
    29 4a. (This seems to be a Darwin-only step, as we don't cut-down the products in the linux folder the same way. 9 July 2023: for 32 bit linux, I found that in the bin folder, bzcmp, bzgrep variations and bzless were symbolic links that were broken as they pointed to where they were built. It can be solved in 2 ways, copy the bzdiff, bzgrep and bzmore and rename as bzcmp, bzegrep/bzfgrep and bzless, respectively before tarring the imagemagick up. Alternatively, since I found that the 64 bit linux imagemagick was cut down just as on darwin below, I repeat the same for 32 bit linux.)
    30 The darwin folder from step 4 should only contain the following 4 folders, so remove the rest:
     294a. This step to cut-down the products in the OS folder was originally Darwin-only, but has since been found to work and be necessary on linux 64 and linux 32 also. (e.g On 9 Jul 2023, for 32 bit linux, I found that in the bin folder, bzcmp, bzgrep variations and bzless were symbolic links that were broken as they pointed to where they were built. It can be solved in 2 ways: copy the bzdiff, bzgrep and bzmore and rename as bzcmp, bzegrep/bzfgrep and bzless, respectively before tarring the imagemagick up. Alternatively, since I found that the 64 bit linux imagemagick was cut down just as on darwin below, I repeated the same for 32 bit linux and it worked on testing.)
     30The darwin/linux folder from step 4 should only contain the following 4 folders, so remove the rest:
    3131- script
    3232- etc
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