2023-07-12T19:20:59+12:00 (11 months ago)

Commit 2/2 Dr Bainbridge fixed the issue of a very low resolution gs3-server icon being used on the Mac when the gs3-server.app was minimised. Actually, the same problem existed, but more subtly, on both linux and windows too. This low resolution icon was set in Java, in BaseServer.java class (rather than being specified by the dock:icon which was being set for the non-minimised mac app in gs3-server.sh). As it was being set in Java, it affected all OSes. On windows and linux it wasn't noticeable so much, as their icon trays use much smaller icons. Windows uses 48x48 icons. As it is, the opened gs3-server in Windows used 16x16 and it looked slightly better. But the minimised icon on Windows looks vastly better with the new 128x128 icon that's ideal for the Mac. I've decided to leave the GLI icons as they are, as they're fine for Mac though not 128x128, and ideally sized for Mac and Linux. Sort of a compromise.

1 added

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