2024-02-24T18:55:30+13:00 (4 months ago)

First commit related to attempting to move (applet) Phind to Webswing. Unfortunately, Phind was an awt applet and not a JApplet, so the first step was to make a JApplet out of it as Webswing only supports swing and not awt as Dr Bainbridge had explained. Then I thought, should I make it a regular Java application, since I was going to be reworking a copy of the code anyway (the new classes have a J prefix in front of them to indicate they use Java Swing). I couldn't find Dr Bainbridge to ask, so I found out it's possible to write a class as an (J)Applet and as an Application (just need a main method), so I've tried to recreate it as an application. I think I've got it working to the point where I beleive I'm hitting the same error the original Applet hit when run through java's appletviewer commandline tool.

6 added

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