Changeset 5430 for trunk

2003-09-03T09:38:29+12:00 (21 years ago)

added some info about tomcat config for following symlinks and preventing directory listings

1 edited


  • trunk/gsdl3/INSTALL

    r4848 r5430  
    33This stuff is all done by a script now:
    4 need to carry out the following:
     4just need to carry out the following:
    66source setup.bash
    88source setup.bash
    10 Note: if you are using mozilla it doesn't seem to like localhost - you should edit the siteConfig files (web/sites/localsite/siteConfig.xml) to have your computer name instead of localhost.
     10Note: if you are using mozilla it doesn't seem to like localhost - you should edit the siteConfig files (web/sites/<sitename>/siteConfig.xml) to have your computer name instead of localhost.
    1212Note: the second setup.bash is needed to add the newly created jar files to the CLASSPATH
    2626Tomcat is a servlet container. It is used to serve a greenstone site using a servlet.
    28 The file web/WEB-INF/web.xml contains the setup information for tomcat---tells it what servlets to load, what initial paramaters to pass them, and what web names map to the servlets.
    29 There are three servlets specified in web.xml: one is a test servlet that just prints ``hello greenstone'' to a web page. This is useful if you are having trouble getting tomcat set up. The other two are greenstone library servlets, ``library'', which serves localsite, and ``library1'' which serves site1.
     28The file $GSDL3HOME/web/WEB-INF/web.xml contains the setup information for tomcat---tells it what servlets to load, what initial paramaters to pass them, and what web names map to the servlets.
     29There are three servlets specified in web.xml: one is a test servlet that just prints ``hello greenstone'' to a web page. This is useful for testing tomcat. The other two are greenstone library servlets, ``library'', which serves localsite, and ``library1'' which serves site1.
    3131To run tomcat, you need to have sourced setup.bash in $GSDL3HOME  to set up $CLASSPATH. Then,
    4444any classes or jar files used by the servlets
    46 Note: stdin and stdout for the servlets both go to comms/jakarta/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
     46Also if you change any collections, you can restart tomcat to reload them.
     48Note: stdin and stdout for the servlets both go to $GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
     52Tomcat by default doesn't follow symlinks (although the symlink to lib seems to work). To make it follow symlinks, eg to have the collect directory of a site somewhere else, you need to add the following to tomcats server.xml ($GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/server.xml):
     53<Resources allowLinking='true'/>
     54This needs to go inside the gsdl3 context, i.e.
     56<Context path="/gsdl3" docBase="$GSDL3HOME/web" debug="1"
     58   <Resources allowLinking='true'/>
     61By default, tomcat allows directory listings for everything in the docBase directory. For example, you can enter localhost:8080/gsdl3/sites and it will give you a list of all the sites. To turn this off, you need to edit Tomcat's default web.xml file ($GSDL3HOME/comms/jakarta/tomcat/conf/web.xml):
     63In the default servlet definition, change the 'listings' param to false.
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