Changeset 5440 for trunk

2003-09-03T15:34:43+12:00 (21 years ago)

* empty log message *

1 edited


  • trunk/gsdl3/TODO

    r3713 r5440  
    1 This is just a random list of things for the future - if anyone works on something can they remove it from the list or mark that its done.
     1General todo list. in no particular order. large  jobs.
    3 * currently nothing is cached - service decriptions, text strings etc could all be cached. use
     3* gs3 release - basic stuff, translations, installation, documentation. oct 31? gs2 building only, both default and nzdl interfaces? gatherer?
    5   - user preferences cached? eg query params from previous query request?
     5* generic resource retrieval - associated documents, src docs eg pdf/word, niupepa image files etc. if http accessible, put a link otherwise use a general resource retrieve?
     7* collector collection building - do we want to finish this? needs addDocument and configureCollection services.
     9The addDocument service (in GS2Construct) has not been implemented. It should take a file name and add the document to the import directory of teh collection.
     10there are problems with just transmitting a file name - the service may live remotely and therefore the document is not there. You should probably send it attached to the html - therefore need to work out:
     11how to get the document attached to the form (theres something to do with post and encoding = multipart ?? otherwise the browser just sends the filename),
     12and then where to get it in the servlet - is it a parameter? or something else?
     14and then it needs to be added into the xml request to be passed to the service.
     16If the program is running locally its much simpler just to send a filename - can we somehow check for this?
     18* configure Collection for building
     20also to do with building, a little harder, is the ConfigureCollection service. There is no stub for it yet, but easy enough to add one. - need to add this service to the service description xml stuff, and write a processConfigureColleciton() method.  It would be easy enough to display the config file in a big text box, and have the user edit it like the collector does.
     22the hard bit is that when you click ConfigureCollection, you dont know what collection you are going to be dealing with - all the building services, you select the collection on the service page. with the configure stuff, you need to select the collection, and then the config file needs to be retrieved. so its really a two step process to configure the coll - first select the coll, submit that, then edit the config file, and submit that.
     24All the services currently are one step - need to think about how this type of service fits into the model.
     26maybe it needs a hidden arg? - to tell teh service if you're at stage 1 or 2?
     27when teh action does the request, it then asks for the service description again to redisplay it for the user. maybe if the service knows that it has done the first half, it sends the second type of description?
     29also do we use the collect.cfg file or the collectionConfig.xml file to show the user?
     31* sequence of services
     33some service clusters  have services that you are supposed to carry out in sequence such as building, but there may be others.
     35can we do a generic action or xslt or something that sends teh user to teh next service once they've completed the first one?
     37Maybe the service cluster/serviceRack class specifies teh sequence of services, and they are all handled individually like present except that some xslt puts a next button on each page with a link to teh next service in the list.
     39* proper install package
     41* currently nothing is cached - service decriptions, text strings etc could all be cached. (cgi args are cached by tomcat)
    743* document structure - new greenstone archive format? TEI, XHTML, OO, GML compatible? parallel document structures?
    3066* combining requests to MR - results from first one becoming content for second one??
    32 * getting the interface to determine from the xslt what info to ask for, eg whther to display Title or To and From metadata for a document in the search result list.
    34 * retrieving resources/associated docs
    36 * keeping state eg for usage logs, preserving preferences between pages,
    37  old gs preferences page etc
    39 * katrinas language translation stuff - when translating, we want to click on a text piece or macro and go to a sample page with that text string in it. can we do this?
     68* language translation stuff - when translating, we want to click on a text piece or macro and go to a sample page with that text string in it. can we do this?
    4170can we tell in gs3 where bits will be in pages?
    4574what about the interface bits?
    47 * is the 'to' att compulsory? do we have to have to=""?
    49 * query info - eg num docs found from a search, query term info -
    50 is this called metadata for the query and returned in a metadataList? or
    51 should it have another name?
    53 <response>
    54 <metadataList>
    55 <metadata name="numDocs">55</metadata>
    56 <content>
    57 <document name="HASHxxx"/>
    58 ...
    59 </content>
    60 </response>
    62 ????
    64 * how do we specify content type for a service?
    65  eg DocumentRetrieve content is a list of <document name="xxx"/>,
    66  MetadataRetrieve content is a list of docs as above, and a list of <metadata name="dc:Title"/>.
    68 Need to specify this in the service description??
    70 * use collectionConfig as well as buildConfig.
    71   - format of the collection config file - indexes, display strings (old collection meta), format stuff - xslt
    72   - make sure there is nothing hard coded in a service about its services where it should be looking at the config file.
    7476* are message formats fixed? can we create a DTD? or will they evolve too much over time?
    7880* should actions respond to describe requests? and what would they say if they did? are they agents and part of teh system, or somehow outside the system?
    80 * download new version of tomcat. what about soap? is there a new version of that too?
     82*  what about soap? is there a new version of that?
    8284* combined query services - eg one page with two service forms on there eg text query and music query - need to combine the results. eg teh action could carry out both queries then use xslt to combine the results.
    8688true cross collection search would probably need a new service??
     90* more generally, combining services in general, action and service level
     92* action helpers: query term highlighting, page transformation and metadata determination (remove from receptionist?)
    8893* if leave an applet page you lose all teh previous info eg for the status display for importing. need a function to retrieve again all the previous messages to redisplay them.
    90 * there should be a command that anyone can send to any agent to reconfigure itself eg reload a colection if its indexes have changed, load in a new collection, reload a service agent etc.
    9295* can the xslt dynamically retrieve the metadata it needs for say query results??
     97* CSS instead of tables? - use html lists than use css to format them.
     99* cross coll search - if colls are built the same, just present the form and search both. need to think about ranking.
     100if colls are not built the same, and have indexes, subcolls, langs - do we merge the lists? and only search those that have the right ones? what if two indexes have different meanings and display text but the same id? are they treated as same index? which name do you display?
     101what about colls with different levels eg oneonly has document, the other doc and section. what do you display? field lists? just combine?
     103* search history
     105* use objects instead of applets? java provides a conversion tool. NPX_PLUGIN_PATH=
     107* danas combined search and browse stuff
     109* can xslt be used to generate requests as well as transform teh output?
     111* kea.
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