Changeset 5797 for trunk

2003-11-07T11:56:43+13:00 (20 years ago)

added strings for ExternalCollectionPrompt - used when opeing a non-gatherer collection

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r5745 r5797  
    433433DirectoryLevelMetadata.Message:You are about to assign 'folder level' metadata to the selected folder (or folders). Such metadata will be automatically inherited by all files and folders in this folder. Furthermore this metadata cannot be removed from specific children, only replaced. To continue with this action click 'OK'.
    434434DirectoryLevelMetadata.Title:About to add folder level metadata
     438ExternalCollectionPrompt.NewMDS:Create a new, empty metadata set.
     439ExternalCollectionPrompt.ExistingMDS:Choose one or more existing metadata sets
     440ExternalCollectionPrompt.Title:Load external collection
     441ExternalCollectionPrompt.Instructions_1:You are about to load a collection that has not been created by the GLI. You will be asked to select one or more metadata sets to use for this collection. Existing metadata will be imported into the selected set(s). Original metadata files will be saved in a folder called import.bak.
     442ExternalCollectionPrompt.Instructions_2:You are about to load a collection that has not been created by the GLI. You need to add a metadata set to this collection. You can create a new empty metadata set to which all the metadata elements found in the collection will be automatically added. Alternatively, you can select existing metadata sets, and elements from the collection will be merged with or added to the elements already in those sets. Original metadata files will be saved in a folder called import.bak.
    861869NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Instructions1:Check the boxes beside the metadata sets to include in your collection.
    862870NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Instructions2:(Note: You can add new ones later).
     871NewCollectionPrompt.Metadata_Title_Existing:Select metadata sets.
    863872NewCollectionPrompt.Name_Error:You have either failed to enter a name for the collection, or the name you have choosen is already in use. Please correct.
    864873NewCollectionPrompt.NewCollection:-- New Collection --
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