Changeset 5828

2003-11-12T14:58:41+13:00 (21 years ago)

more bugs

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/buglist/status.txt

    r5818 r5828  
    20792079See above. 
     2082Opening non-gatherer collections. Due to the way I have implemented this, we run into a problem with the GDMDocument cache size. What I do is create empty metadata.xml files (and GDMDocuments) for each folder in the collection, then for each file, go through the old metadata and try to items for this file. These are then added to the new GDMDocuments. Once all this has been done, I copy the old metadata files out of the way, then save the collection, which writes the new one out. However, with a small cache of files in memory, the new ones are getting written out over the top of the old ones before I have had a chance to get the metadata out.
     2087Change the procedure. Copy all the files first then search for metadata from this new folder? Read in the existing metadata and somehow process it so that its all namespaced?
     2090Reading in non-gatherer config files - not handling quotes properly for format statements. If you read in a collectionmeta surrounded by ' ', then internal " end up being written out escaped. But for format statements, they get written out as is, breaking the format.
     2095Work out why these two are different and fix.
     2098dls.Subject(Subject and Keywords) - this is acting weird in classifier configuration - you double click on the classifier to open up the controls, and dls.Subject is not selected - matching problem?
     2106Format statements - all the default ones appear in the list and end up being written to the config file - so now you have eg a DateList format statement with no Date classifier.
     2114Opening a non-gatherer collection. If no metadata sets are added then dont bother looking for metadata? Or does it stop after the first prompt anyway?
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