Changeset 5993

2003-11-25T16:19:57+13:00 (20 years ago)

New strings when browsing for collection icons

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r5918 r5993  
    163163CDM.General.Access:This collection should be publicly accessible
    164164CDM.General.Beta:This collection is still under construction
     165CDM.General.Browser_Title:Select An Image
    165166CDM.General.Collection_Extra:Collection description:
    166167CDM.General.Collection_Extra_Tooltip:A description of the purpose and content of the collection
    167168CDM.General.Collection_Name:Collection title:
    168169CDM.General.Collection_Name_Tooltip:Name of the collection
     170CDM.General.Copy_Image:In order to use this image for your collection\nGLI must copy into the images folder. Proceed?
    169171CDM.General.Email.Creator:Creator's Email
    170172CDM.General.Email.Creator_Tooltip:E-mail address of the collection's creator
    175177CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small:URL to home page icon:
    176178CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small_Tooltip:The URL of the image to display on the library's home page
     179CDM.General.Image_Copy_Failed:An error has occured which prevents the image you selected being copied.\nPlease try copying the image to the images folder of your collection manually.
     180CDM.General.Image_Filter:Images (gifs, jpgs and pngs)
    177181CDM.General.Instructions:The design section of the Librarian Interface allows you to control many aspects of your collection's appearance. The design is split up into several sections. This section contains general options and settings. To choose a different section, click on its name in the list to the left.
    178182CDM.General.Title:{39}{46}General Options{47}{34}
    356360#***** CollectionManager *****
    357 CollectionManager.Cannot_Open:The collection at {0} cannot be opened.
     361CollectionManager.Cannot_Open:The collection at:\n{0-Collection file path}\ncannot be opened.
     362CollectionManager.Cannot_Open_With_Reason:The collection at:\n{0-Collection file path}\ncannot be opened because:\n{1-Error message}
    358363CollectionManager.Creating_New:Creating a new collection {0}.
    359364CollectionManager.File_Not_Found:{0}\nThe collection above cannot be opened as it no longer exists.
    361366CollectionManager.Log_Created:The log folder created.
    362367CollectionManager.Loading_Successful:Loaded collection {0}.
     368CollectionManager.Missing_Config:This collection does not have a valid collect.cfg file
    363369CollectionManager.Not_Col_File:'{0}' is not a Librarian Interface Collection File (.col)
    364370CollectionManager.Old_Collection:GLI has detected that this is an older version Greenstone collection.\nCurrently these cannot be opened directly, but support for importing\nlegacy collections will be provided soon.
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