Changeset 6050 for trunk

2003-11-28T17:56:11+13:00 (20 years ago)

Unfortunately I've had to change more strings. Only one more time - I swear. After that I'll make like a kidnapper and piece together the strings from existing bits of text.

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r5993 r6050  
     360#***** CollectionBuilt *****
     361CollectionBuilt.Message:The collection has been built and is ready for previewing.
     362CollectionBuilt.Title:Collection Creation Result
    360365#***** CollectionManager *****
    361366CollectionManager.Cannot_Open:The collection at:\n{0-Collection file path}\ncannot be opened.
    369374CollectionManager.Not_Col_File:'{0}' is not a Librarian Interface Collection File (.col)
    370375CollectionManager.Old_Collection:GLI has detected that this is an older version Greenstone collection.\nCurrently these cannot be opened directly, but support for importing\nlegacy collections will be provided soon.
    371 CollectionManager.Preview_Ready:The collection has been built and is ready for previewing.
    372376CollectionManager.Preview_Ready_Failed:An error has occured which will prevent the collection being previewed.
    373377CollectionManager.Preview_Ready_Title:Collection Preview State.
    504508#******* File Associations dialog **********
    505 FileAssociationDialog.Add:Add Association
    506510FileAssociationDialog.Add_Tooltip:Use this application to view files of this type
    507511FileAssociationDialog.Batch_File:Batch files
    509513FileAssociationDialog.Browse_Tooltip:Choose the application to use from your filespace
    510514FileAssociationDialog.Browse_Title:Choose Application
     516FileAssociationDialog.Close_Tooltip:Close this dialog and return to the main window
    511517FileAssociationDialog.Command:Launch command:
    512518FileAssociationDialog.Command_File:Command files
    513519FileAssociationDialog.Command_Tooltip:Enter the command to launch the application to use
     520FileAssociationDialog.Details:New File Association Details
    514521FileAssociationDialog.Executable_File:Executable files
     522FileAssociationDialog.Existing_Associations:Current File Associations
    515523FileAssociationDialog.Extension:For files ending:
    516524FileAssociationDialog.Extension_Tooltip:The file extension of the files to view
    517 FileAssociationDialog.Instructions:Use this dialog to set what external programs are used to view a certain file-type, and what command is sent to launch this program.\nTo select a current file association, choose an extension from the 'For files ending' drop down list.\nTo add a new file-type, type its extension in 'For files ending'.\nTo add or modify a launch command, type the new command in 'Launch command' or click 'Browse' to search the file system for an appropriate program. Use the special string '%1' to indicate where the name of the file to be opened should be inserted, e.g. "C:\\Windows\\System\\MSPaint.exe %1". '%1' will be appended to the end of a command if not otherwise specified.
     525FileAssociationDialog.Instructions:Use this dialog to set what external programs are used to view a certain file-type, and what command is sent to launch this program.\nTo add a new file-type, type its extension in 'For files ending'. To add or modify a launch command, type the new command in 'Launch command' or click 'Browse' to search the file system for an appropriate program. Use the special string '%1' to indicate where the name of the file to be opened should be inserted, e.g. "C:\\Windows\\System\\MSPaint.exe %1". '%1' will be appended to the end of a command if not otherwise specified.\nMacOS users should always try the mac specific command "open [-a <application_name>] %1" first.
    518528FileAssociationDialog.Title:Edit File Associations
     530FileAssociationDialog.Remove_Tooltip:Remove the current selected association from the existing associations
     532FileAssociationDialog.Replace_Tooltip:Replace the currently selected association with the new association details
    619633#*****MappingPrompt **********
    621 MappingPrompt.Map:Map Chosen Folder
     635MappingPrompt.Map:Create Shortcut
    623 MappingPrompt.Title:Set Folder Mapping
    624 MappingPrompt.Unmap:Unmap Folder
     637MappingPrompt.Title:Set Folder Shortcut
     638MappingPrompt.Unmap:Remove Shortcut
     823MSM.Legacy.Corrupt_Metadata_XML:GLI has encountered a corrupt metadata file while attempting\nto import this legacy collection.  The offending file can be\nfound at:\n{0-Corrupt file path}
     824MSM.Legacy.Delete_Metadata_XML:By cancelling the previous dialog you are instructing GLI to\nignore the current legacy metadata file:\n{0-Legacy metadata file path}\nThis is  necessary as you have  provided no safe way for GLI\nimport the metadata contained within.  Are you sure you want\nto do this?
    809825MSM.No_Description:No description found.
    810826MSM.No_Name:No name found.
    882898NewCollectionPrompt.Base_Collection_Tooltip:Select an existing collection to base the new collection on
    883899NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Description:Description of content:
    884 NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Email:Author's Email:
    885 NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name:Short Name:
    886 NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name_Tooltip:Short collection name, used internally (must be 8 characters or less)
     900#NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Email:Author's Email:
     901#NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name:Short Name:
     902#NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name_Tooltip:Short collection name, used internally (must be 8 characters or less)
    887903NewCollectionPrompt.Description_Error:The description field must be filled out. Please correct.
    888904NewCollectionPrompt.Email_Error:You have either failed to enter an email, or the email as typed is not a valid. Please correct.
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