Changeset 6051 for trunk/gli/buglist

2003-11-30T21:43:23+13:00 (21 years ago)

Here is the result of sixteen hours work over the weekend. I'm too tired to comment them all separately, but here are some of the highlights:
Rewrote how the 'base on collection' method actually retrieves and updates the collection configuration - ensuring the CDM.CollectionConfiguration class is used instead of the retarded Collection.CollectionConfiguration (which coincidently has had a name change to BasicCollectionConfiguration). Went through code search for places where the two versions had been confused. Rewrote large swathes of GDMDocument so as to differentiate between normal and extracted metadata - an attempt to prevent the snowballing extracted metadata problem. Fixed problem where GLI was correctly recieving the last few lines of an external process. The collection shortname is no longer visible, nor is the confusing double name for metadata elements. Also coloured folders in the trees are kaput. The users email is now saved as part of the GLI configuration and is used as appropriate to fill out collection fields. There are new options on the right click menus over trees to allow the expansion and collapsing of folders. 'Show Files' now shows all types (or at least 6 types) of image properly (arg, the plagues of copy and paste). 'Based On' collections are public, plugin list automatically moves to next entry if plugin removed (I guess we should do the same in every other screen?) and metadata arguments in plugins/classifiers are no longer editable. There are about a dozen other small things, but I can't remember them. Hope I remembered to set all of the files to UNIX line-endings.

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/buglist/status.txt

    r6038 r6051  
    3030Fixed (16-10-03)
    31 Metadata importing should have happened automatically. To investigate further. Tracked down an error in ElementWrapper that was causing a NPE when attempting to import metadata with files - but only if you hadn't based your collection on a previous one. Its possible that is what was causing the problem/confusion here
     31Metadata importing should have happened automatically. To investigate further.<br>Tracked down an error in ElementWrapper that was causing a NPE when attempting to import metadata with files - but only if you hadn't based your collection on a previous one. Its possible that is what was causing the problem/confusion here
    142 Fixed 22-10-2003
    143 Default strings for all features to be added by way of a combobox containing currently/commonly used format strings. Turns out that one multipurpose default format string can be used. Added 'Use Default Format' button to format manager which becomes active when a part is selected that has a default format string available
     142Fixed - 22-10-03
     143Default strings for all features to be added by way of a combobox containing currently/commonly used format strings<br>Turns out that one multipurpose default format string can be used. Added 'Use Default Format' button to format manager which becomes active when a part is selected that has a default format string available
    207 Adding suggested information to help. Tooltips also being added. Tooltips complete. Section on basic functionality removed from help documents due to translation constraints
     207Adding suggested information to help. Tooltips also being added<br>Tooltips complete. Section on basic functionality removed from help documents due to translation constraints
    324324Linux, Win98, WinXP
    326 Fixed 22-10-2003
    327 Include 'expand text' button for extracted metadata. Investigate other methods for displaying HTML based information. Expand text button in place
     326Fixed 22-10-03
     327Include 'expand text' button for extracted metadata. Investigate other methods for displaying HTML based information<br>Expand text button in place
    396396Win98, Win2000
    398 Fixed 22-10-2003
    399 Ensure GLI correctly detects when it needs to produce hfiles. Elements in metadata sets can now be told if they are to generate hfiles as necessary, however of the three mentioned above only AZList was a bug. Organization has a flat structure so doesn't really need a Hierarchy classifier (a AZCompactList would do)
     398Fixed - 22-10-03
     399Ensure GLI correctly detects when it needs to produce hfiles<br>Elements in metadata sets can now be told if they are to generate hfiles as necessary, however of the three mentioned above only AZList was a bug. Organization has a flat structure so doesn't really need a Hierarchy classifier (a AZCompactList would do)
    428428Win98, Win2000
    430 Fixed 16-10-2003
    431 Ensure that selecting a fixed feature clears component selection and adjusts output state appropriately. It was, the problem lay in trying to change the gui from within the EventThread again - SwingUtilities to the rescue.
     430Fixed (16-10-03)
     431Ensure that selecting a fixed feature clears component selection and adjusts output state appropriately<br>It was, the problem lay in trying to change the gui from within the EventThread again - SwingUtilities to the rescue.
    436436Win98, Win2000
    438 Fixed 16-10-2003
    439 First index should be the default if none other is selected. Fixed as part of the redesign of the indexes page
     438Fixed (16-10-03)
     439First index should be the default if none other is selected.<br>Fixed as part of the redesign of the indexes page
    1430 Fixed 11-11-2003
    1431 Something to do with Codec transform not being applied at the right place<br>Actually the whole idea of using double escapes is flawed as this just causing further problems during building. Instead replace escape with some 'safe' character (What about newline?). Of course, this would be transparent to the user as they have been explicitly told in several help documents to use escape.<br>Why CVS didn't update when I changed the status of this bug before I don't know - but it is now officially, completely and finally fixed.
     1430Fixed 05-11-03
     1431Something to do with Codec transform not being applied at the right place<br>Actually the whole idea of using double escapes is flawed as this just causing further problems during building. Instead replace escape with some 'safe' character (What about newline?). Of course, this would be transparent to the user as they have been explicitly told in several help documents to use escape.<br>Have now used the '|' character behind the scenes as it doesn't seem to cause problems in GLI and Greenstone. Of course the user still sees and uses '\' to denote hierarchical paths.
    1446 Fixed 27-11-2003
    1447 OK<br>Gone. The 'alias' was the unique identifier of a particular row in the hfile - perhaps key would have been a more descriptive name - anyhow I now just use the full-path of the metadata value which is gareunteed to be unique (whereas allowing people to enter their own 'alias' would have required GLI to test this).
     1446Fixed - 05-11-03
     1447The value alias is meant to be a unique identifier for a certain hierarchy path - this isn't made clear in the documents, and is far less of an issue for computer generate documents as it would've been for hand written ones
    1998 Pending
     1998Fixed 13-11-03
    19991999Ensure description metadata extracted from plugins/classifiers and utilized by the comboboxes
    2014 Fixed
     2014Fixed 13-11-03
    20152015Increase empty string checking
    2126 Pending Again
    2127 Make memory use reasonable<br>Reinstated the idea of caching metadata.xml files rather than trying to load them all
     2126Fixed - 06-11-03
     2127Make memory use reasonable<br>I've made memory savings in two ways (hopefully). First I've re-activated the idea of only caching a certain number of MDSDocuments in memory (its currently arbitarily set at twenty five), as one of the causes of this problem was hundreds of small MDSDocuments being loaded. The second problem is that the threaded task that loaded all of the documents initially never released the tree nodes after creating them - thus if your collection contains hundreds of folder nodes, each with a small mds, you'd blow your memory allowance. Since caching has been re-enabled I've simply disabled the loader thread (which used to be necessary for hierarchies when I had to depend on the stupid numbering scheme - this however has hopefully been addressed with the hvalue attribute in MDS documents).
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