Changeset 6653 for trunk/gli/buglist

2004-01-29T14:24:47+13:00 (20 years ago)

Migrated todo list into buglist

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/buglist/status.txt

    r6640 r6653  
    21672167Change the procedure. Copy all the files first then search for metadata from this new folder? Read in the existing metadata and somehow process it so that its all namespaced?<br>Wrote new class for importing legacy metadata.xml files prior to GDMManager seeing them.
    2169 203B325
    21702170Reading in non-gatherer config files - not handling quotes properly for format statements. If you read in a collectionmeta surrounded by ' ', then internal " end up being written out escaped. But for format statements, they get written out as is, breaking the format.
    21752175Work out why these two are different and fix.<br>Extended GREENSTONE_TO_DOM codec to account for speech marks and apostrophies that hadn't yet been escaped, let alone converted to be DOM safe.
    2177 203B326
    21782178dls.Subject(Subject and Keywords) - this is acting weird in classifier configuration - you double click on the classifier to open up the controls, and dls.Subject is not selected - matching problem?
    2185 203B327
    21862186Format statements - all the default ones appear in the list and end up being written to the config file - so now you have eg a DateList format statement with no Date classifier.
    21912191Remove DateList format string<br>Far too much work for so little return
    2193 203B328
    21942194Opening a non-gatherer collection. If no metadata sets are added then don't bother looking for metadata? Or does it stop after the first prompt anyway?
    2201 203B329
    22022202Close a collection, open a collection, don't do anything on the Gather pane, then switch to the Enrich pane. No files are shown.
    22072207Ensure new collection message propagated to all visual components<br>Although I've also had this problem once in the past, I can't seem to repeat it now. So unless someone can predictably repeat it there isn't much I can do.
    2209 203B330
    22102210Prevent the user copying files from the import directory of the currently loaded collection (workspace tree) into the collection tree. This causes all sorts of problems.
    22152215Either a) check for and block these invalid file actions, or b) prevent files in the import folder (workspace tree) being selected at all (ie. grey them out). Hiding the currently loaded collection in the workspace tree is <i>not</i> an option.<br>Now all file nodes know whether they are in the currently opened collection and refuse to be dragged if so.<br>Icons complete
    2217 203B331
    22182218Trying to change from MG to MGPP crashes out with a ClassCastException if no indexes assigned
    22232223Caused by trying to sort a list of no indexes with the natural order comparator
    2225 203B332
    22262226Should the term 'metadata' be a special term in the indexes list for mgpp collections - cos its still legal.
    22312231Despite some people thinking it wouldn't be much use, I'll add this back in as it is needed for legacy support<br>It's back in. I wonder if we shouldn't consider making these multilingual - however that would require significant changes to various scripts.
    2233 203B334
    22342234If configure a classifier whose metadata is dls.Subject, it doesn't match the dls.Subject in the metadata list, and so its set wrong in the controls.
    22392239Check how the names are matched<br>Was matching the wrong strings
    2241 203B335
    22422242Currently assigned levels in mgpp collection. The default is document if no levels are indicated - should the gatherer put in document if none are specified?
    22472247Add in this as the default behaviour<br>Document level is now there by default. In fact its added if there are no current levels, if its the only level you can't remove it, and if you do somehow manage to remove it it gets added back straight away.
    2249 203B336
    22502250Saving a collection causes the inherited metadata icons to disappear
    22552255Ensure inheritance data isn't being stompped, and if not determine why repainting table doesn't repaint icons<br>The problem occured because the pre-save metadata 'purge' wasn't being called (I'd obviously added an extra boolean argument, but had forgotten to increase the number in the call. Worse still this was an overrided method and one of the other methods happened to match!)
    2257 203B337
    22582258Importing metadata from legacy files currently requires GDMLoader and a large cache. This has to change if we want to avoid the Out Of Memory problem on large collections
    22632263Was reinstated for legacy collection importing. Need to move the namespace adding code to its own pre-load stage where it gets completed before the GDMManager is loaded.<br>LegacyCollectionImporter class written, which goes through the legacy collections metadata prior to the GDMManager being loaded, and ensures its all properly namespaced - prompting the user for how to merge elements as necessary. Its unfortunate I had to write a new class but if turns out to be far more efficient than trying to further extends GreenstoneMetadataParser to cover this special case (where the file/folder isn't important and where we only want to touch each metadata.xml file once - as compared to several times when determining inherited metadata). Regardless the new class now only ensures the metadata.xml files are compatible (in terms of namespacing and subject hierarchies), but also prebuilds the element value trees based on what it finds when it parses the hfiles (which it has to do anyway).
    2265 203B338
    22662266Need to add help text for new features: opening legacy collections, exporting to cdrom.
    22712271Do it.<br>Done it.
    2273 203B339
    22742274Previewing collections. Need to add code for MACs. Under linux, it currently uses the file association for html files. However, this could be used for editing html files, so instead want a separate browser setting. perhaps changeable in  the preferences page.
    22792279Implement suggestion<br>The first time you try to preview a collection GLI will ask you to enter the command used to launch the preview browser using a derivative of the FileAssociationDialog. However from then on you change the launching command via the Preferences->Connection view. The command itself is stored in the GLI's configuration file.
    2281 203F340
    22822282Exporting collections to cd. Need to make a nicer result dialog - message at top, then script output in a separate scrolling box.
    22872287Done, but as a side effect of fixing modal dialog hang and progress bar.
    2289 203A341
    22902290If you drag copy files which have associated metadata, but you have no metadata sets in your collection, you recieve a warning. If you click OK you are immediately faced with another warning. Then another. One for each file. Could we please have it so you only have to say OK once per drag action.
    22952295Add another flag created for each file copy action, which records if the user has already seen and dismissed the WarningDialog.<br>You are now only warned once for each independant file action.
    2297 203A342
    22982298Once you have build a collection you are presented with a WarningDialog. Couldn't this be a less worrying MessageDialog instead?
    23032303Subclass WarningDialog and replace 'warning' strings with 'message'. This may also require a change to the terminology in the prefences dialog to ensure people know where to look to find the hide/unhide for this dialog
    2305 203F343
    23062306On the general design pane can we show a preview thumbnail of the icons, rather than a cryptic path with doesn't mean much to anyone?
    23112311Dig out the thumbnailing code present in Hermes (GLI 0.1), and use thumbnail images rather than path. Will require a little shuffle around of components<br>This is on hold until the strings come back from translation so I can see if its possible to chop "URL to" off the front of them.
    2313 203F344
    23142314The ImportSet dialog needs simplifying in much the same way that the open collection dialog was.
    23192319Create a SimpleImportSetDialog - however I have to be sneaky and mostly reuse strings already present in dictionary
    2321 203F345
    23222322In format statements you're not allowed to put in 'ex.' for extracted metadata. We should use 'ex.' consistantly throughout GLI. If in Greenstone you encounter 'ex.' strip it
    23272327Changing GLI so as to always show the namespace, including ex, shouldn't be to hard. A more difficult task will be changing Greenstone to make it aware of the ex namespace
    2329 203F346
    23302330GLI Preferences panel - Modes: Geek vs Library tech support vs Librarian vs Librarian Assistant depending on whether you understand (a) running PERL scripts, and (b) regular expressions. Suppress stuff on Create and Design panels according.
    23352335I don't know if I appreciate being referred to as a Geek! Anyhow the last two categories as easy to implement (make use of workflow code already in place) but the separation between the first three could be trickier. Redesign views involved to have different appearances depending on the mode setting. Also suggested was simplified messages in the log. This can easily be implemented once the non-language dependant markup has been added to perl scripts.
    2337 203F347
    23382338Allow for any -metadata argument to plugins, classifiers etc to be a comma separated list. This will address the problem of metadata spread over several namespaces (ie ex.Title, dc.Title and dls.Title) and also allow a user to indicate preferred ordering.
    23432343GLI can be easily extended, although the control itself - a mixture of a combobox, list and two buttons - might need some refinement. Extending Greenstone to provide this added functionality is of course a different story
    2345 203B348
    23462346Several plugins still choke on filenames that include space
    23512351Fix plugins - it seems in several instances the only reason they're dying is an explicit assert preventing spaces - yet there seems to be no good reason for it
    2353 203B349
    23542354Make images links in HTMLPlug work even when they're in a folder whose name contains an extended latin character (it already escapes space, but not accented letters)
    23592359While this is mostly Greenstones problem, as ImagePlug is responsible for extracting 'images', GLI might be helping to propagate this problem by writing a malformed value into the metadata.xml<br>GLI no longer writes extracted metadata to metadata.xml in such a way that Greenstone will incorrectly reassign the values over and over.
    2361 203B350
    23622362If you change the thumbnail size in ImagePlug (say to 50), the change is not reflected in any ex.thumbnailsize metadata previously extracted
    23672367A combination of two problems: (1) Extracted metadata, in order for it to be available when you open a previously built collection, is stored in the metadata.xml files. However the second, and subsequent, times the Greenstone scripts are run this metadata is reassigned. Thus even if the thumbnail size changes, both values - the original and the new one - for the size will be available as extracted metadata, and (2) No attempt is currently made to remove obsolete extracted metadata as I had (incorrectly) assumed it would be pretty static.<br>The first problem has been addressed. While extracted metadata is still stored in the metadata.xml, it is now saved in an element named 'XMetadata', which is not recognized by Greenstone which only looks for 'Metadata' elements<br>Second problem fixed. Again I'd used a forward counting for loop - what was I thinking? Also shifted the whole thing out of the actually Archive parsing code, and made a method which removes all the extracted metadata at once (far more efficient ie 10 times faster)
    2369 203F351
    23702370Export to CD-ROM. Progress bar needed
    23752375An indeterminate progress bar is in place - but a more accurate progress bar is being postponed until the details of the non-language specific perl output markup is complete
    2377 203B352
    23782378There is a memory leak caused by PreferencesPane reregistering components with the dictionary over and over
    23832383Unregistering code needed - previously not necessary as all other 'temporary' components didn't need to be live in the case of a dictionary change. Preferences however - but design - is always active when the dictionary changes.<br>Put the unregistering code back in.
    2385 203B353
    23862386Cancelling the autofilter dialog also removes any current filter for that column
    23912391Ensure that the cancel action doesn't call the clear filter methods (as it used to before the remove filter button was added)<br>Done
    2393 203F354
    23942394Allow free editing of the collect.cfg - to allow commenting etc
    23992399This of course was the reason I rewrote the entire CDM to use a DOM as its model. My previous data model caused all non-recognized commands in the config - including comments - to be pushed to the bottom of the collect.cfg gli wrote out. Now that the DOM is in place a free editor shouldn't be too dificult - simply use a list proxied onto the DOM and treat adding/removing a list entry as adding/removing a node in the tree.
    2401 203F355
    24022402Extend the dls.mds to be multilingual.
    24072407Download as many translations as I can from<br>Languages Remaining (in order of priority):<br>Italian<br>Gernam<br>Portuguese<br>Turkish<br>Greek<br>Finnish<br>Japanese<br>Thai<br>Ukrainian
    2409 204B356
    24102410Dialog Modality. The built in method of dialog modality supported by the Swing libraries is not only buggy, but also has the draw back of modality applying to all open frames and dialogs. As we want people to be able to open an interact with a help frame even when a 'modal' dialog is displayed we needed a slightly different approach. Thus we developed a different method of modality. The idea was to essentially hijack control of the AWT event dispatch thread while the modal dialog is open, only allowing non-user events to be passed to the parent dialog. Furthermore it was planned that this only has effect within the current frames component tree by utilitizing a component TreeLock. While this provided necessary functionality in terms of multiple frames, it has also been found to be buggy, causing several problems when attempting to display dialogs from outside the AWT Thread, and when attempting to close the GLI. Some concrete examples of the problems caused by Modal dialogs are:<br>1. If, in the Design view, you enter a collection title that is already in use, and then immediately click File->Exit, the modal dialog warning of the title clash causes GLI to hang during shutdown.<br>2. If you have a modal dialog open, switch to another application which causes a repaint of the entire screen, then switch back to GLI, the modal dialog is hidden and there is no way to restore it.
    24152415There are two things that need to be done. Extra code must be added to ensure that attempting to acquire the TreeLock doesn't result in Deadlock. This may be as simple as always opening modal dialogs from the AWT Thread using swing workers. Secondly we must ensure that either WindowEvent events are processed properly (which I'm fairly sure they are) and that if a modal dialog is open WindowEvents such as WindowDestroy are vetoed somehow.
     2418Perhaps add an 'I'd like to complain' + Automatic bug reporting.
     2423An honours student is currently working on this feature.
     2426Turn GLI into an applet. Break into independent modules, and add security.
     2431Due to the 'research' growth nature of the GLI, I'm afraid whatever modularity and good oo-design it once had has been severely undermined by interclass communication. In order to begin providing modularity (ie not even including the compiling Mirror type code unless you choose it) the boundries between class would need to be clarified, and I'm afraid nothing short of a rewrite from scratch is likely to do that (think throw-away prototype). However due to the considerable effort and expense already invested durin Beta testing, perhaps more surgical efforts need to be made to separate 'modules'. Of course modularisation is required if you want to provide GLI as an applet and you don't want a rediculous download - furthermore it is necessary to address 250F360. And when designing or migrating to an applet it is necessary to address security, not only at the file 'sandbox' level, but also in terms of restricting access to certain collections. This might require user lists and other related information. All and all this is quite a mamoth task.
     2434Separate mds and profile editing. Redesign to provide more natural access.
     2439The metadata set editing dialog was one of the last major components of the GLI to be envisioned - and it shows. It was only partially functional during beta testing, and even then it wasn't really testing. In fact, much like the Mirroring module, I believe it is best described as pre-alpha. While it is significantly better than the free text xml editing it replaced, there is still a lot of room for improvement especially in terms of user interaction. For instance making more use of the 'tree' structure paradigm and right click menus rather than columns and columns of buttons. The plan was to separate metadata set and import profile editing as they are distinct tasks - which were thrown together here for simplicity of code rather than any user specific reason.
     2442Allow GLI to run without greenstone installed - eg just gather and enrich
     2447Related to 250B, this type of functionality is needed before we provide a 'spawned' version of GLI just for field operatives or the like. Currently there is significant dependancy on Greenstone within GLI, such as running the makecol scripts and determining where files are actually copied to. Any spawn version would have to have its own version of collection creation - plus would probably need work completed (read begun) on the collection 'Export' functionality.
     2450Handle zip files
     2455By 'handling zip files' we mean allow GLI to treat a zip file like a folder much like the new WinXP behaves. Thus a zip could be opened, browsed, copied from just like any source folder. This would seem 'predestined' given that java already provides api methods for zip streams and handling.
     2458Add back customAZlist
     2463A Custome AZList allows you to specify the various letter ranges into which files are grouped. An excellent example of how to do this is present in the Organizer. It was decided early on that it would be nice to include the same functionality in the GLI, but it turned out to be difficult to implement given the current system of metadata. The difficulty was adding custom AZ list metadata (to coerce the files into the appropriate range) but in correctly removing it especially when the user changes the ranges via classifier configuration. Current methods for mass metadata removal are slow and require traversing the entire collection. Regardless the skeleton for run time loading of custom classifiers, with out without custom configuration dialogs, is still supported.
     2466WebRenderer - browsing from files, and previewing your collection
     2471If you have read the bug list you will have learned that there have been several stumbling blocks encountered when dealing with html rendering. One possible solution is the inclusion of software such as the excellent HTML renderer libary, WebRenderer, from JadeLiquid software. While this would allow for HTML rendering in GLI, including Applets, it has the serious drawback of being non-public license. We could at least support WebRenderer, but have JEditorPane or similar 'free' library as a fall back.
     2474Test working remotely (gatherer and colls on different machines)
     2479Several feature requests revolve around remote access of GLI, where several users all use GLI to work on shared collections. While in theory remote access, via a locally mapped drive, is possible, no testing has been carried out on how well it works.
     2482Detect if import needed before re building
     2487Currently the entire collection is reimported and rebuilt each time the user clicks "build collection". However there are specific cases in which import, build and both import and build need to be run. GLI could keep track of which action(s) are needed to rebuild the collection successfully.
     2490Make help more context sensitive
     2495There are already several contexts under which the default Help pages shown are specific to that context. However even further sensitivity could be implemented, such as an error message offering to let the user read the appropriate help for that action (or whatever caused the error).
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