Changeset 6906 for trunk/gli/classes

2004-03-03T17:21:48+13:00 (20 years ago)

Fixed a couple of little typos.

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r6818 r6906  
    179179CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small:URL to home page icon:
    180180CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small_Tooltip:The URL of the image to display on the library's home page
    181 CDM.General.Image_Copy_Failed:An error has occured which prevents the image you selected being copied.\nPlease try copying the image to the images folder of your collection manually.
     181CDM.General.Image_Copy_Failed:An error has occurred which prevents the image you selected being copied.\nPlease try copying the image to the images folder of your collection manually.
    182182CDM.General.Image_Filter:Images (gifs, jpgs and pngs)
    183183CDM.General.Instructions:The design section of the Librarian Interface allows you to control many aspects of your collection's appearance. The design is split up into several sections. This section contains general options and settings. To choose a different section, click on its name in the list to the left.
    381381CollectionManager.Not_Col_File:'{0}' is not a Librarian Interface Collection File (.col)
    382382CollectionManager.Old_Collection:This is an older version Greenstone collection.\nCurrently these cannot be opened directly, but support for importing\nlegacy collections will be provided soon.
    383 CollectionManager.Preview_Ready_Failed:An error has occured which will prevent the collection being previewed.
     383CollectionManager.Preview_Ready_Failed:An error has occurred which will prevent the collection being previewed.
    384384CollectionManager.Preview_Ready_Title:Collection Preview State.
    385385CollectionManager.Session_Ready:Collection {0} ready for use.
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