Changeset 7024 for trunk/gsdl/perllib

2004-03-12T11:51:08+13:00 (20 years ago)

turned escaped angle brackets back to themsleves

1 edited


  • trunk/gsdl/perllib/strings.rb

    r6986 r7024  
    458458BibTexPlug.desc:BibTexPlug reads bibliography files in BibTex format. BibTexPlug creates a document object for every reference in the file. It is a subclass of SplitPlug, so if there are multiple records, all are read.
    460 BookPlug.desc:Creates multi-level document from document containing <<TOC>> level tags. Metadata for each section is taken from any other tags on the same line as the <<TOC>>. e.g. <<Title>>xxxx<</Title>> sets Title metadata. Everything else between TOC tags is treated as simple html (i.e. no processing of html links or any other HTMLPlug type stuff is done). Expects input files to have a .hb file extension by default (this can be changed by adding a -process_exp option a file with the same name as the hb file but a .jpg extension is taken as the cover image (jpg files are blocked by this plugin). BookPlug is a simplification (and extension) of the HBPlug used by the Humanity Library collections. BookPlug is faster as it expects the input files to be cleaner (The input to the HDL collections contains lots of excess html tags around <<TOC>> tags, uses <<I>> tags to specify images, and simply takes all text between <<TOC>> tags and start of text to be Title metadata). If you're marking up documents to be displayed in the same way as the HDL collections, use this plugin instead of HBPlug.
     460BookPlug.desc:Creates multi-level document from document containing <<TOC>> level tags. Metadata for each section is taken from any other tags on the same line as the <<TOC>>. e.g. <<Title>>xxxx<</Title>> sets Title metadata. Everything else between TOC tags is treated as simple html (i.e. no processing of html links or any other HTMLPlug type stuff is done). Expects input files to have a .hb file extension by default (this can be changed by adding a -process_exp option a file with the same name as the hb file but a .jpg extension is taken as the cover image (jpg files are blocked by this plugin). BookPlug is a simplification (and extension) of the HBPlug used by the Humanity Library collections. BookPlug is faster as it expects the input files to be cleaner (The input to the HDL collections contains lots of excess html tags around <<TOC>> tags, uses <<I>> tags to specify images, and simply takes all text between <<TOC>> tags and start of text to be Title metadata). If you're marking up documents to be displayed in the same way as the HDL collections, use this plugin instead of HBPlug.
    462462ConvertToPlug.convert_to:Plugin converts to TEXT or HTML.
    530530ImagePlug.thumbnailtype:Make thumbnails in format 's'.
    532 IndexPlug.desc:This recursive plugin processes an index.txt file. The index.txt file should contain the list of files to be included in the collection followed by any extra metadata to be associated with each file.\n\nThe index.txt file should be formatted as follows: The first line may be a key (beginning with key:) to name the metadata fields (e.g. key: Subject Organization Date). The following lines will contain a filename followed by the value that metadata entry is to be set to. (e.g. 'irma/iw097e 3.2 unesco 1993' will associate the metadata Subject=3.2, Organization=unesco, and Date=1993 with the file irma/iw097e if the above key line was used)\n\nNote that if any of the metadata fields use the Hierarchy classifier plugin then the value they're set to should correspond to the first field (the descriptor) in the appropriate classification file.\n\nMetadata values may be named separately using a tag (e.g. &gt;Subject&lt;3.2) and this will override any name given to them by the key line. If there's no key line any unnamed metadata value will be named 'Subject'.
     532IndexPlug.desc:This recursive plugin processes an index.txt file. The index.txt file should contain the list of files to be included in the collection followed by any extra metadata to be associated with each file.\n\nThe index.txt file should be formatted as follows: The first line may be a key (beginning with key:) to name the metadata fields (e.g. key: Subject Organization Date). The following lines will contain a filename followed by the value that metadata entry is to be set to. (e.g. 'irma/iw097e 3.2 unesco 1993' will associate the metadata Subject=3.2, Organization=unesco, and Date=1993 with the file irma/iw097e if the above key line was used)\n\nNote that if any of the metadata fields use the Hierarchy classifier plugin then the value they're set to should correspond to the first field (the descriptor) in the appropriate classification file.\n\nMetadata values may be named separately using a tag (e.g. <Subject>3.2) and this will override any name given to them by the key line. If there's no key line any unnamed metadata value will be named 'Subject'.
    534534ISISPlug.desc:This plugin processes CDS/ISIS databases. For each CDS/ISIS database processed, three files must exist in the collection's import folder: the Master file (.mst), the Field Definition Table (.fdt), and the Cross-Reference File (.xrf).
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