Changeset 7195 for trunk/gsdl/perllib

2004-04-07T12:20:59+12:00 (20 years ago)

First cut at a plugin for processing (exported) ProCite databases. It is likely than more functionality will be added at user request.

To use it, open the database in ProCite (Windows only, I believe), mark all records, choose File -> Export Marked Records, pick Comma Delimited, then export to a text file. Put this text file in your collection's "import" folder, and add ProCitePlug into the collection configuration file (make sure the TEXTPlug is removed). Import then build collection.

Making this into a nice collection involves a bit more work. You probably want to use MGPP, and set groupsize to something like 100. You'll also need to work with format statements and choose your classifiers intelligently. Lastly, you'll probably want to build indexes on the metadata fields (and this means setting collectionmeta values to describe them too).

An example ProCite collection is /greenstone/gsdl/collect/procite on puka.

1 added

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