Changeset 7407 for trunk/gsdl/perllib

2004-05-25T10:06:16+12:00 (20 years ago)

Additional strings added for Collage classifier.

1 edited


  • trunk/gsdl/perllib/strings.rb

    r7359 r7407  
    280280AZCompactList.maxcompact:Maximum number of documents to be displayed per page.
    282 AZCompactList.metadata:Metadata field used for classification.
     282AZCompactList.metadata:A single Metadata field or a comma separated list of Metadata fields used for classification. Typically used in conjunction with the -onlyfirst flag resulting in the first item of metadata from the list given being used.
    284284AZCompactList.mincompact:Minimum number of documents to be displayed per page.
    372372SectionList.desc:Same as List classifier but includes all sections of document (excluding top level) rather than just top level document itself.
     374Collage.desc:The Collage classifier plugin.
     376Collage.geometry:The dimensions of the Collage canvas. For a canvas 600 pixels wide by 400 pixels high, for example, specify geometry as 600x400
     378Collage.maxDepth:Images for collaging are drawn from mirroring the underlying browse classifier. This controls the maximum depth of the mirroring process.
     380Collage.maxDisplay:The maximum number of images to show in the collage at any one time.
     382Collage.imageType:Used to control, by expressing file name extensions, which file types are used in the collage.  A list of file name extensions is separated by the percent (%%) symbol.
     384Collage.bgcolor:The background color of the collage canvas, specified in hexadecimal form (for example #008000 results in a forest green background).
     386Collage.refreshDelay:Rate, in milliseconds, that the collage canvas is refreshed.
     388Collage.isJava2:Used to control which run-time classes of Java are used. More advanced version of Java (i.e. Java 1.2 onwards) include more sophisticated support for controlling transparency in images, this flag helps control what happens, however the built-in Java runtime for some browsers is version 1.1.  The applet is designed to, by default, auto-detect which version of Java the browser is running and act accordingly.
     390Collage.imageMustNotHave:Used to supress images that should not appear in the colage, such as image buttons that make up the navigation bar.
     392Collage.caption:Optional captions to display below the collage canvas.
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