Changeset 7667 for trunk

2004-06-29T15:11:32+12:00 (20 years ago)

lots of changes to the mirroring and MissingWGET and OldWGET strings

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r7613 r7667  
    825825#***** Mirroring *****
    826 Mirroring.Destination_Folder:Destination Folder:
    827 Mirroring.Download:{39}Download{34}
     826Mirroring.ClearCache:Clear Cache
     827Mirroring.ClearCache_Tooltip:Delete all downloaded files
    828829Mirroring.Download_Tooltip:Start a new download job
    829830Mirroring.Download_Controls:Download Settings
    830831Mirroring.Download_Depth:Download Depth:
    831834Mirroring.Download_Depth_Tooltip:How many hyperlinks deep to go when downloading
    832 Mirroring.Download_Hidden:Download embedded objects (images etc)?
    833 Mirroring.Further_Options:For further options see File->Preferences...
    834 Mirroring.Higher_Directories:Mirror files from folders above the url given?
     835Mirroring.Download_Embedded:Download text only (no images, stylesheets etc)
     837Mirroring.DownloadJob.Close_Tooltip:Remove this job from the list, stopping it if it is currently running
     838Mirroring.DownloadJob.Downloading:Downloading {0}
     839Mirroring.DownloadJob.Download_Complete:Download complete
     840Mirroring.DownloadJob.Download_Stopped:Download halted
     841Mirroring.DownloadJob.Download_Progress:Downloading in progress
     842Mirroring.DownloadJob.Log:View Log
     843Mirroring.DownloadJob.Log_Tooltip:View details about this download
     844Mirroring.DownloadJob.Mirroring:Mirroring {0}
     845Mirroring.DownloadJob.Mirroring_Complete:Mirroring complete
     847Mirroring.DownloadJob.Pause_Tooltip:Pause this download
     849Mirroring.DownloadJob.Resume_Tooltip:Resume this download
     850Mirroring.DownloadJob.Status:Downloaded {0} of {1} files ({2} warnings, {3} errors)
     851Mirroring.DownloadJob.Waiting:Waiting to start
     852Mirroring.DownloadJob.Waiting_User:Waiting for user action
     853Mirroring.Higher_Directories:Only mirror files below this URL
    835854Mirroring.Invalid_URL:The URL entered is not valid. Please correct.
    836 Mirroring.Job.Downloading:Downloading {0}
    837 Mirroring.Job.Download_Complete:Download complete
    838 Mirroring.Job.Mirroring:Mirroring {0}
    839 Mirroring.Job.Mirroring_Complete:Mirroring complete
    840 Mirroring.Job.Pause_Tooltip:Pause this download
    841 Mirroring.Job.Restart_Tooltip:Restart this download
    842 Mirroring.Job.Status:Downloaded {0} of {1} files ({2} warnings, {3} errors)
    843 Mirroring.Job.Start_Tooltip:Start this download
    844 Mirroring.Job.Stop_Tooltip:Stop this download
    845 Mirroring.Job.Waiting:Waiting to start
    846 Mirroring.Job.Waiting_User:Waiting for user action
    847 Mirroring.Overwrite_Existing:Overwrite files if they already exist locally?
    848 Mirroring.Remove_Failed:Automatically remove failed downloads from the list?
    849 Mirroring.Same_Host:Only mirror within the same site?
     855Mirroring.Invalid_URL_Title:Invalid URL
     856Mirroring.No_WGet:You have no wget.
     857Mirroring.No_WGet_Title:Missing WGet
     859Mirroring.Preferences_Tooltip:Enable proxy and/or edit proxy settings
     860Mirroring.Same_Host:Only mirror files within the same site
    850861Mirroring.Source_URL:Source URL:
    851862Mirroring.Source_URL_Tooltip:URL to download
    864875MissingPERL.Message:Warning! You will not be able to create new collections, nor build existing ones, without PERL installed, and the Librarian Interface was unable to find PERL on your system. If you believe you are recieving this message in error please check your installation, and the paths specified in Librarian Interface batch or script file.
    865876MissingPERL.Title:Missing PERL Path
     877#******* MissingWGET ********
     878MissingWGET.Message:Warning! Web mirroring is disabled because the Librarian Interface failed to locate an appropriate version of WGet. If you believe you are receiving this message in error please check your installation and the paths specified in the Librarian Interface batch or script file.
     879MissingWGET.Title:Missing WGet
    971985NoMetadataSetsSelected.Message:If you create the collection now it will have no initial metadata sets. You will not be able to import nor assign any metadata until a set is imported or added to your collection. Do you wish to continue?
    972986NoMetadataSetsSelected.Title:No Metadata Sets Selected
     989#******* OldWGET *******
     990OldWGET.Message:Warning! The version of WGet you have installed has a known bug when mirroring files which contain encoded characters such as space and tilde in their URL. While this shouldn't be a problem, we recommend installing WGet 1.9 or higher.
     991OldWGET.Title:Old WGet
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