Changeset 8062 for trunk/gli/classes

2004-08-26T11:51:09+12:00 (20 years ago)

changed the library url warnign message for gs3

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r7694 r8062  
    866866MissingEXEC.Message:Warning! You will not be able to view your new collections within the Librarian Interface unless you specify the path to the locally running Greenstone Library Webserver. You can enter this now in the text field below, or later by going to Preferences and choosing the Connection tab. Remember that a valid url must start with the protocol "http://", and will probably end with the executable name ("library" for Greenstone local library server, "gsdl" for other web servers).
    867867MissingEXEC.Title:Missing Greenstone Library Address
     868#***** Missing EXEC_GS3 *****
     869MissingEXEC_GS3.Message:Warning! You will not be able to view your new collections within the Librarian Interface unless you specify the path to the Greenstone context in the locally running Tomcat Webserver. You can enter this now in the text field below, or later by going to Preferences and choosing the Connection tab. Remember that a valid url must start with the protocol "http://". The default address is http://localhost:8080/gsdl3.
     870MissingEXEC_GS3.Title:Missing Greenstone Library Address
    868871#***** Missing GSDL *****
    869872MissingGSDL.Message:Warning! You will not be able to access all of the Librarian Interface's features without a local copy of Greenstone Digital Library also installed. If you believe you are recieving this message in error please check your installation, and the paths specified in Librarian Interface batch or script file.
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