Changeset 8331 for trunk/greenorg/macros

2004-10-14T16:15:41+13:00 (20 years ago)

fixed a couple of spelling mistakes

1 edited


  • trunk/greenorg/macros/

    r8327 r8331  
    17671767<table class="faq-table"><tr><th align=left>Item</th><th align=left>Description</th></tr>
    1768 <tr><td>VList</td><td>Applies to all vertical lists, unless overriden by a more specific format item. These include search results, classifier lists, and table of contents</td></tr>
     1768<tr><td>VList</td><td>Applies to all vertical lists, unless overridden by a more specific format item. These include search results, classifier lists, and table of contents</td></tr>
    17691769<tr><td>HList</td><td>Applies to all horizontal lists. Horizontal lists are often used in classifiers, particularly AZ[Compact][Section]Lists</td></tr>
    17701770<tr><td>DateList</td><td>Applies to all date lists - these are the vertical lists generated by a DateList classifier.</td></tr>
    17711771<tr><td>SearchVList</td><td>The vertical list of search results</td></tr>
    1772 <tr><td>CL1VList</td><td>Applues only to the vertical list of classifier 1</td></tr>
     1772<tr><td>CL1VList</td><td>Applies only to the vertical list of classifier 1</td></tr>
    17731773<tr><td>CL1HList</td><td>Applies only to the horizontal list of classifier 1</td></tr>
    17741774<tr><td>CL1DateList</td><td>Applies only to the DateList in classifier 1</td></tr>
    17801780<tr><td>[link][/link]</td><td>Link to the document (Greenstone version)</td></tr>
    17811781<tr><td>[srclink][/srclink]</td><td>Link to the original document (only if the original was converted to another form)</td></tr>
    1782 <tr><td>[icon]</td><td>An appropriate icon for a classifier/document node. Eg. bookshelf, book, chapter, page</td></tr>
    1783 <tr><td>[srcicon]</td><td>An appropriate icon for the original source document. Eg. Word, PDF, PS icon.</td></tr>
     1782<tr><td>[icon]</td><td>An appropriate icon for a classifier/document node. E.g. bookshelf, book, chapter, page</td></tr>
     1783<tr><td>[srcicon]</td><td>An appropriate icon for the original source document. E.g. Word, PDF, PS icon.</td></tr>
    17841784<!--<tr><td>[href]</td><td>not sure what this does and it caused a segmentation fault when I tried to use it</td></tr>-->
    17851785<tr><td>[num]</td><td>The document number (position in the search results - useful for debugging)</td></tr>
    17871787<tr><td>[Text]</td><td>The text of the current section</td></tr>
    17881788<tr><td>[RelatedDocuments]</td><td>Related Documents info (if available). This is a vertical list of Titles (or Subjects if Titles aren't available) that link to the related documents. It is based on "relation" metadata, which is a space separated list of collection,OID pairs.</td></tr>
    1789 <tr><td>[highlight][/highlight]</td><td>These are used for 'higlighting' (actually bolding) the selected section in a hierarchical table of contents, and the selected node in a classifier. Apart from those two cases, this has no effect. If you actually want to highlight/bold/italicise something in a list, and have it apply to all items in the list, then use actual html tags, like &lt;b&gt;&lt;/b&gt;, &lt;u&gt;&lt;/u&gt; and &lt;i&gt;&lt;/i&gt;</td></tr>
     1789<tr><td>[highlight][/highlight]</td><td>These are used for 'highlighting' (actually bolding) the selected section in a hierarchical table of contents, and the selected node in a classifier. Apart from those two cases, this has no effect. If you actually want to highlight/bold/italicise something in a list, and have it apply to all items in the list, then use actual html tags, like &lt;b&gt;&lt;/b&gt;, &lt;u&gt;&lt;/u&gt; and &lt;i&gt;&lt;/i&gt;</td></tr>
    17901790<tr><td>[Summary]</td><td>Displays Summary metadata if available, otherwise displays a short summary created on the fly.</td></tr>
    17911791<tr><td>[DocOID]</td><td>The internal identifier of the document</td></tr>
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