Changeset 8865 for trunk/gli

2004-12-20T17:33:42+13:00 (19 years ago)

Matthew's changes - removed unnecessary attributes

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/metadata/rfc1807.mds

    r8747 r8865  
    8484            <Attribute name="identifier">Id</Attribute>
    8585            <Attribute name="definition">The identifier for the RFC-1807 record.</Attribute>
    86             <Attribute name="identifier">This is the second field of any record. It is also a mandatory field. The ID field identifies the bibliographic record and is used in management of these records. Its format is &quot;ID:: XXX//YYY&quot;, where XXX is the publisher-ID (the controlled symbol of the publisher) and YYY is the ID (e.g., report number) of the publication as assigned by the publisher. This ID is typically printed on the cover, and may contain slashes. The organization symbols &quot;DUMMY&quot; and &quot;TEST&quot; (case independent) are reserved for test records that should NOT be incorporated in the permanent database of the recipients. Format:   ID:: &lt;publisher-ID&gt;//&lt;free-text&gt;  Example:  ID:: OUKS//CS-TR-91-123  </Attribute>
    8786            <Attribute name="comment">This is the second field of any record. It is also a mandatory field. The ID field identifies the bibliographic record and is used in management of these records. Its format is &quot;ID:: XXX//YYY&quot;, where XXX is the publisher-ID (the controlled symbol of the publisher) and YYY is the ID (e.g., report number) of the publication as assigned by the publisher. This ID is typically printed on the cover, and may contain slashes. The organization symbols &quot;DUMMY&quot; and &quot;TEST&quot; (case independent) are reserved for test records that should NOT be incorporated in the permanent database of the recipients. Format: ID:: &lt;publisher-ID&gt;//&lt;free-text&gt; Example: ID:: OUKS//CS-TR-91-123 </Attribute>
    8887        </Language>
    10099            <Attribute name="identifier">Entry</Attribute>
    101100            <Attribute name="definition">The date RFC-1807 record was created.</Attribute>
    102             <Attribute name="identifier">This is a mandatory field.  It is the date of creating this bibliographic record. The format for ENTRY date is &quot;Month Day, Year&quot;.  The month must be alphabetic (spelled out). The &quot;Day&quot; is a 1- or 2-digit number.  The &quot;Year&quot; is a 4-digit number. Format:   ENTRY:: &lt;date%gt; Example:  ENTRY:: January 15, 1992  </Attribute>
    103101            <Attribute name="comment">This is a mandatory field. It is the date of creating this bibliographic record. The format for ENTRY date is &quot;Month Day, Year&quot;. The month must be alphabetic (spelled out). The &quot;Day&quot; is a 1- or 2-digit number. The &quot;Year&quot; is a 4-digit number. Format: ENTRY:: &lt;date&gt; Example: ENTRY:: January 15, 1992 </Attribute>
    104102        </Language>
    243241            <Attribute name="definition">Total number of pages</Attribute>
    244242            <Attribute name="comment">Total number of pages, without being too picky about it. Final numbered page is actually preferred, if it is a reasonable approximation to the total number of pages. Format: PAGES:: &lt;number&gt; Example:  PAGES:: 48 </Attribute>
    245             <Attribute name="comment">Total number of pages, without being too picky about it. Final numbered page is actually preferred, if it is a reasonable approximation to the total number of pages. Format: PAGES:: &lt;number&gt; Example: PAGES:: 48 </Attribute>
    246243        </Language>
    247244        <!-- Non-language specific -->
    272269            <Attribute name="definition">Handles are unique identifiers that are used to rerieve location data.</Attribute>
    273270            <Attribute name="comment">Handles are unique permanent identifiers that are  used in the Handle Management System to retrieve location data. A handle is a printable string which when given to a handle server returns the location of the data. Handles are used to identify digital objects stored within a digital library. If the technical report is available in electronic form, the Handle MUST be supplied in the bibliographic record. Format is &quot;HANDLE:: hdl:&lt;naming authority&gt;/string  of characters&quot;. The string of characters can be the report number of the technical report as assigned by the publisher. For more information on handles and handle servers see the CNRI WEB page at NOTE: White space in HANDLE due to line wrap is ignored. Format: HANDLE:: hdl:&lt;naming authority&gt;/string of characters Example: HANDLE:: hdl:oceanview.electr/CS-TR-91-123</Attribute>
    274             <Attribute name="comment">Handles are unique permanent identifiers that are used in the Handle Management System to retrieve location data. A handle is a printable string which when given to a handle server returns the location of the data. Handles are used to identify digital objects stored within a digital library. If the technical report is available in electronic form, the Handle MUST be supplied in the bibliographic record. Format is &quot;HANDLE:: hdl:&lt;naming authority&gt;/string of characters&quot;. The string of characters can be the  report number of the technical report as assigned by the publisher. For more information on handles and handle servers see the CNRI WEB page at  NOTE: White space in HANDLE due to line wrap is ignored. Format: HANDLE:: hdl:&lt;naming authority&gt;/string of characters  Example: HANDLE:: hdl:oceanview.electr/CS-TR-91-123 </Attribute>
    275271        </Language>
    276272        <!-- Non-language specific -->
    300296            <Attribute name="identifier">Retrieval</Attribute>
    301297            <Attribute name="definition">Describes how to get a copy of the full text</Attribute>
    302             <Attribute name="comment">Open-ended format describing how to get a copy of the full text. This is an optional, repeatable field. No limitations are placed on the dissemination of the bibliographic records. If there are limitations on the dissemination of the publication, it should be protected by some means such as passwords. This format does not address this protection. Format: RETRIEVAL:: &lt;free-text&gt;  RETRIEVAL:: for full text with color pictures send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Prof. J.A.  Finnegan, CS Dept, Oceanview University, Oceanview, KS 54321 </Attribute>
    303298            <Attribute name="comment">Open-ended format describing how to get a copy of the full text. This is an optional, repeatable field. No limitations are placed on the dissemination of the bibliographic records. If there are limitations on the dissemination of the publication, it should be protected by some means such as passwords. This format does not address this protection. Format:  RETRIEVAL:: &lt;free-text&gt; RETRIEVAL:: for full text with color pictures send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Prof. J.A. Finnegan, CS Dept, Oceanview University, Oceanview, KS 54321 </Attribute>
    304299        </Language>
    316311            <Attribute name="definition">Keywords</Attribute>
    317312            <Attribute name="comment">Specify any keywords, controlled or uncontrolled. This is an optional, repeatable field. Multiple keywords are entered using multiple lines in the form of  &quot;KEYWORD::  &lt;free-text&gt;.  Format: KEYWORD:: &lt;free-text&gt; Example: KEYWORD:: Scientific Communication KEYWORD:: Communication Theory </Attribute>
    318             <Attribute name="comment">Specify any keywords, controlled or uncontrolled. This is an optional, repeatable field. Multiple keywords are entered using multiple lines in the form of  &quot;KEYWORD:: &lt;free-text&gt;. Format: KEYWORD:: &lt;free-text&gt; Example:  KEYWORD:: Scientific Communication KEYWORD:: Communication Theory </Attribute>
    319313        </Language>
    320314        <!-- Non-language specific -->
    331325            <Attribute name="definition">The Computer Reviews Category index</Attribute>
    332326            <Attribute name="comment">Specify the CR-category.  The CR-category (the Computer Reviews Category) index (e.g., &quot;B.3&quot;) should always be included, optionally followed by the name of that category. If the name is specified it should be fully specified with parent levels as needed to clarify it, as in the second example below. Use multiple lines for multiple categories. Every year, the January issue of CR has the full list of these categories, with a detailed discussion of the CR Classification System, and a full index. Typically the full index appears in every January issue, and the top two levels in every issue. Format: CR-CATEGORY:: &lt;free-text&gt; Example: CR-CATEGORY:: D.1 Example: CR-CATEGORY:: B.3 Hardware, Memory Structures </Attribute>
    333             <Attribute name="comment">Specify the CR-category. The CR-category (the Computer Reviews Category) index (e.g., &quot;B.3&quot;) should always be included, optionally followed by the name of that category. If the name is specified it should be fully specified with parent levels as needed to clarify it, as in the second example below. Use multiple lines for multiple categories. Every year, the January issue of CR has the full list of these categories, with a detailed discussion of the CR Classification System, and a full index. Typically the full index appears in every January issue, and the top two levels in every issue. Format: CR-CATEGORY:: &lt;free-text&gt; Example: CR-CATEGORY:: D.1 Example: CR-CATEGORY:: B.3 Hardware, Memory Structures</Attribute>
    334327        </Language>
    335328        <!-- Non-language specific -->
    360353            <Attribute name="definition">Series title</Attribute>
    361354            <Attribute name="comment">Series title, including volume number within series. Open-ended format, with producing institution strongly  encouraged to be internally consistent. Format: SERIES:: &lt;free-text&gt;  Example: SERIES:: Communication </Attribute>
    362             <Attribute name="comment">Series title, including volume number within series. Open-ended format, with producing institution strongly encouraged to be internally consistent. Format: SERIES:: &lt;free-text&gt; Example: SERIES:: Communication</Attribute>
    363355        </Language>
    364356        <!-- Non-language specific -->
    374366            <Attribute name="identifier">Monitoring</Attribute>
    375367            <Attribute name="definition">The monitoring organization(s)</Attribute>
    376             <Attribute name="comment">The name(s) of the monitoring organization(s). Format: MONITORING:: &lt;free-text&gt;Example:  MONITORING:: ONR  </Attribute>
    377368            <Attribute name="comment">The name(s) of the monitoring organization(s). Format: MONITORING:: &lt;free-text&gt; Example: MONITORING:: ONR </Attribute>
    378369        </Language>
    405396            <Attribute name="definition">The contract number(s)</Attribute>
    406397            <Attribute name="comment">The contract number(s). Format: CONTRACT:: &lt; free-text&gt;  Example: CONTRACT:: MMA-90-23-456 </Attribute>
    407             <Attribute name="comment">The contract number(s). Format: CONTRACT:: &lt;free-text&gt; Example: CONTRACT:: MMA-90-23-456</Attribute>
    408398        </Language>
    409399        <!-- Non-language specific -->
    420410            <Attribute name="definition">The grant number(s)</Attribute>
    421411            <Attribute name="comment">The grant number(s). Format: GRANT:: &lt;free-text&gt; Example:  GRANT:: NASA-91-2345</Attribute>
    422             <Attribute name="comment">The grant number(s). Format: GRANT:: &lt;free-text&gt; Example: GRANT:: NASA-91-2345</Attribute>
    423412        </Language>
    424413        <!-- Non-language specific -->
    434423            <Attribute name="identifier">Language</Attribute>
    435424            <Attribute name="definition">The language in which the report is written</Attribute>
    436             <Attribute name="comment">The language in which the report is written. Please use the full English name of that language. Please include the Abstract in English, if possible. If the language is not specified, English is assumed. Format: LANGUAGE:: &lt;free-text&gt; Example: LANGUAGE:: English Example:  LANGUAGE:: French </Attribute>
    437425            <Attribute name="comment">The language in which the report is written. Please use the full English name of that language. Please include the Abstract in English, if possible. If the language is not specified, English is assumed. Format: LANGUAGE:: &lt;free-text&gt; Example: LANGUAGE:: English  Example: LANGUAGE:: French</Attribute>
    438426        </Language>
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