Changeset 9048 for trunk

2005-02-15T17:04:39+13:00 (19 years ago)

added explode metadata strings, CDM.PluginManager.Ignore* and changed CDM.PluginManager.Plugin_Suggestion_Prompt

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r9040 r9048  
    276276CDM.PlugInManager.Configure_Tooltip:Change the options of the selected plugin
    277277CDM.PlugInManager.Controls:Editing Controls
     278CDM.PlugInManager.Ignore:Don't Add Plugin
     279CDM.PlugInManager.Ignore_Tooltip:Don't add any plugins to this collection.
    278280CDM.PlugInManager.Instructions:Use this view to add, configure or remove plugins from your collection. To add one choose it from the combobox and click 'Add Plugin'.\nTo configure or remove one, select it from the list of assigned plugins then:\ni)   Change its position in the plugin order by clicking on the arrow buttons. (Note: The position of RecPlug and ArcPlug are fixed).\nii)  Configure it by clicking 'Configure Plugin',\niii) Remove it by clicking 'Remove Plugin'.\n\nPlugins are configured using a pop-up design area with a scrollable list of arguments. Enable arguments and enter or select values as necessary.
    279281CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn:Select plugin to add:
    283285CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn_XML_Parse_Failed:Unable to determine the arguments for the {0}\nplugin. Please ensure that the plugin in question provides\nthe  -xml flag by running the script described\nin  section  2.1  of  the   Greenstone  Developers  Guide.
    284 CDM.PluginManager.Plugin_Suggestion_Prompt:None of the plugins in this collection are expected to process the file "{0}". The following plugins can be used to process this file. You can add one to your collection now by selecting it and pressing the Add button.
     286CDM.PluginManager.Plugin_Suggestion_Prompt:None of the plugins in this collection are expected to process the file "{0}". The following plugins can be used to process this file. You can add one to your collection now by selecting it and pressing the Add button. (Note that you can change the list of plugins at any time by going to "Document Plugins" on the Design Pane.)
    285287CDM.PlugInManager.Remove:Remove Plugin
    286288CDM.PlugInManager.Remove_Tooltip:Remove the selected plugin from the list
    460462DirectoryLevelMetadata.Message:You are about to assign 'folder level' metadata to the selected folder (or folders). Such metadata will be automatically inherited by all files and folders in this folder. Furthermore this metadata cannot be removed from specific children, only replaced. To continue with this action click 'OK'.
    461463DirectoryLevelMetadata.Title:About to add folder level metadata
     466#****** ExplodeMetadataPrompt *******
     467Cancel:Cancel exploding
     469ExplodeMetadataPrompt.Encoding_Tooltip:Choose the encoding for reading in the file.
     470ExplodeMetadataPrompt.Error:An error occurred during exploding.
     472ExplodeMetadataPrompt.Explode_Tooltip:Explode the metadata file
     473ExplodeMetadataPrompt.Instructions:Exploding this metadata file will produce individual records with editable metadata. This is an irreversible process and the original metadata file will be removed from the collection..
     474ExplodeMetadataPrompt.FilenameField:Filename field:
     475ExplodeMetadataPrompt.FilenameField_Tooltip:Enter a database field whose value will be used as the record's filename. If empty, records will be named 0001, 0002 ...
     476ExplodeMetadataPrompt.NotExplodable:This file is not explodable.
     477ExplodeMetadataPrompt.Success:Database successfully exploded.
     478ExplodeMetadataPrompt.Title:Explode Metadata Database
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