package research ####################################################################### # java images/scripts ####################################################################### # the _javalinks_ macros are the flashy image links at the top right of # the page. _javalinks_ {_imagehome_} _javalinks_ [v=1] { _imagehome_
} ####################################################################### # icons ####################################################################### ## "research" ## green_title ## research ## _httpiconresearch_ {_httpimg_/research.gif} _widthresearch_ {200} _heightresearch_ {57} _iconresearch_ {_pagetitle_

The goal of our research program is to explore the potential of internet-based digital libraries. Our vision is to develop systems that automatically impose structure on anarchic, uncatalogued, distributed repositories of information, thereby providing information consumers with effective tools to locate what they need and to peruse it conveniently and comfortably. Our research objectives are to

Project members

The New Zealand Digital Library Project is based in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Waikato, but comprises contributors from universities all over the world. A directory of current and past members is available on the _home:textpeople_ page.

Projects, publications, and programs

Our project members are actively researching a diverse range of topics. These projects are described on the _home:textprojects_ page.

Our research is regularly published in academic publications, which can be browsed and serached through the _home:textpub_ collection.

In the course of our research, we have developed a range of practical software packages, many are available for download.

April 2000 }