package Global _iconblankbar_ {
} _missingtext_ {Text has yet to be digitised for this page} ##_cgiarggg_ {text} _escdocbutton_ {
} _escgsimage_ {\\"_5_\\"} _escgsimage_ [v=1] {_5_
} # old gsimage needed for document icon # gsimage should be used to define an instance of a flashy image # parameters are: # 1. the url to go to when the button is clicked # 2. the url of the "off" image # 3. the url of the "on" image # 4. the name of the image (must be unique) # 5. image alt text # (border=0 required for netscape4, it won't apply this from a style sheet) _gsimage_ {_5_} _gsimage_ [v=1] {_5_
} # httpdocument and httpcurrentdocument are used by this and # collect.cfg along with gg=full etc. I have added nogg versions of these # two macros which these two files must now use. This is because the # new cgiarg parsing parses gg=text&gg=full into gg=text,full rather # than gg=full as used to happen. So we need to avoid having gg=xxx more # than once in the URL _httppagex_ {_gwcgi_?gg=_cgiarggg_&e=_compressedoptions_&a=p&p=_1_} _httppagestatus_ {_gwcgi_?gg=_cgiarggg_&e=_compressedoptions_&a=status&p=frameset} _httppagetranslator_ {_gwcgi_?gg=_cgiarggg_&e=_compressedoptions_&a=lang&p=translang} _httppagecollector_ {_gwcgi_?gg=_cgiarggg_&e=_compressedoptions_&a=collector&p=intro} _httpclearhistory_ {_gwcgi_?gg=_cgiarggg_&e=_compressedoptions_&a=dh} _httpcurrentdocument_ {_gwcgi_?gg=_cgiarggg_&e=_compressedoptions_&cl=_cgiargcl_&d=_cgiargd_} _httpcurrentdocumentnogg_{_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&cl=_cgiargcl_&d=_cgiargd_} _httpquery_ {_gwcgi_?gg=_cgiarggg_&e=_compressedoptions_&a=q} _httpBrowse_ {_gwcgi_?gg=_cgiarggg_&e=_compressedoptions_&a=br} # _httpdoc_ is the same as _httpdocument_ - _httpdocument_ # may occasionally be altered by the server however _httpdocument_ {_gwcgi_?gg=_cgiarggg_&e=_compressedoptions_&a=d} _httpdocumentnogg_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=d} _httpdoc_ {_gwcgi_?gg=_cgiarggg_&e=_compressedoptions_&a=d} _httpextlink_ {_gwcgi_?gg=_cgiarggg_&e=_compressedoptions_&a=extlink} _httpbuild_ {_gwcgi_?gg=_cgiarggg_&e=_compressedoptions_&a=bc} package Global # add NZDL button and make HOME button go to about page _httppagehome_ {_httppagex_(about)} _numissues_ {_If_("_1_" eq "1",1 issue,_1_ issues)} _numissues_ [l=mi] {_1_ niupepa} _globallinks_ {_homelink__helplink__preflink__nzdllink_} _homelink_ {_navtab_(_httppagex_(about),_linktextHOME_,_textdescrhome_)} _nzdllink_ {_navtab_(,NZDL,_textimagenzdl_)} _textimagenzdl_ {New Zealand Digital Library} _textbiblio_ {Bibliographic Details} _textbackground_ {Background} _textsubmat_ {Subject Matter} _textavail_ {Availability} _commentary_ {Commentary} _missingtext_ {Text has yet to be digitised for this page} _iconclosedbook_ {_texticonclosedbook_} _texticonclosedbook_ {view niupepa} _texticonclosedbook_ [l=mi] {tirohia niupepa} _textbiblio_ [l=mi] {Kōrero Tā} _textbackground_ [l=mi] {He Whakamārama} _textsubmat_ [l=mi] {Kaupapa} _textavail_ [l=mi] {Nohoanga} _commentary_ [l=mi] {Kupu Whakataki} _abstract_ {Abstract
} _abstract_ [l=mi] {Rāpopoto reo Pākehā
} ####################################################################### # index option macros ####################################################################### _stx_ {} _ab_ {english abstracts} _ab_ [l=mi] {ngā rāpopoto reo Pākehā anake} _cm_ {bibliographic commentaries} _cm_ [l=mi] {ngā kupu whakataki anake} _pc_ {papers, commentaries, and abstracts} _pc_ [l=mi] {ngā niupepa, kupu whakataki, me ngā rāpopoto} _pp_ {newspapers} _pp_ [l=mi] {ngā niupepa anake} ####################################################################### ####################################################################### package preferences _globallinks_ {_homelink__helplink__nzdllink_} _homelink_ {_navtab_(_httppagex_(about),_linktextHOME_,_textdescrhome_)} _nzdllink_ {_navtab_(,NZDL,_textimagenzdl_)} ####################################################################### ####################################################################### package document _httpthiscommentary_ {} _httpiconthispaper_ {} _httppageabexpl_ {_httppagex_(abexpl)} _iconabstract_ {_texticonabstract_} _iconabstract_ [v=1] {_texticonabstract_} _iconcommentary_ {_texticoncommentary_} _iconcommentary_ [v=1] {_texticoncommentary_} _prevarrow_ {_If_(_httpprevarrow_,_iconprev_)} _nextarrow_ {_If_(_httpnextarrow_,_iconnext_)} # can't use _docbutton_ macro for detach button as we need to include target _imagedetach_ {
} _imagefullimage_ {_docbutton_(_httpcurrentdocumentnogg_&gg=full,_textfullimage_,_texticonfullimage_)} _imageprevimage_ {_docbutton_(_httpcurrentdocumentnogg_&gg=prev,_textprevimage_,_texticonprevimage_)} _imageviewtext_ {_docbutton_(_httpcurrentdocumentnogg_&gg=text,_textviewtext_,_texticonviewtext_)} _imagepdf_ {_docbutton_(_document:httpcurrentpdf_,_textpdf_,_texticonpdf_)} _httpcurrentpdf_ {_httpprefix_/collect/niupepa/index/assoc/_thisOID_/paper.pdf} _imageviewabstract_ {_docbutton_(_httpcurrentdocumentnogg_&gg=text&cl=_cgiargcl_&d=_1_,_textabstract_,_texticonabstract_)} _imageviewpaper_ {_docbutton_(_httpcurrentdocument_&cl=_cgiargcl_&d=_1_,_textviewpaper_,_texticonviewpaper_)} _imageabstractintro_ {_docbutton_(_document:httppageabexpl_,_textabstractintro_,_texticonabstractintro_)} _imagethispaper_ {_If_(_httpthiscommentary_,_linkthispaper_,_nolinkthispaper_)} _linkthispaper_ {_gsimage_(_document:httpthiscommentary_,_document:httpiconthispaper_of.gif,_document:httpiconthispaper_on.gif,comm,_document:texticoncommentary_)
_document:texticoncommentary_} # this occurs when we're at a commentary page - (no alt text, no link) _nolinkthispaper_ {} _texticonsmalltext_ {_texticoncommentary_} _textabstract_ {VIEW ABSTRACT} _texticonabstract_ {View the english abstract} _textfullimage_ {FULLSIZE IMAGE} _texticonfullimage_ {View fullsize image of this page} _textprevimage_ {PREVIEW IMAGE} _texticonprevimage_ {View preview image of this page} _textviewtext_ {TEXT} _texticonviewtext_ {View the text of this page} _textpdf_ {PDF} _texticonpdf_ {View the PDF version of this paper} _texticoncommentary_ {View the commentary of this paper} _texticonviewabstract_ {View the English abstract of this issue} _textviewpaper_ {VIEW NEWSPAPER} _texticonviewpaper_ {View niupepa issue} _textabstractintro_ {INTRO TO ABSTRACTS} _texticonabstractintro_ {View introduction to English abstracts} _texticonsmalltext_ [l=mi] {Tirohia kupu whakataki} _textabstract_ [l=mi] {TIROHIA RAPOPOTO} _texticonabstract_ [l=mi] {Tirohia ngā whakarāpopoto reo Pākehā} _textfullimage_ [l=mi] {WHAKAAHUA NUI} _texticonfullimage_ [l=mi] {Titiro ki te whakaahua nui o tēnei whārangi niupepa} _textprevimage_ [l=mi] {WHAKAAHUA ITI} _texticonprevimage_ [l=mi] {Titiro ki te whakaahua iti o tēnei whārangi niupepa} _textviewtext_ [l=mi] {KUPU} _texticonviewtext_ [l=mi] {Titiro ki ngā kupu kua tangohia i tēnei whārangi niupepa} _texticoncommentary_ [l=mi] {Tirohia ngā kupu whakataki o tēnei niupepa} _texticonviewabstract_ [l=mi] {Tirohia te rāpopoto reo Pākehā e pā ana ki tēnei wāhanga} _textviewpaper_ [l=mi] {TIROHIA NIUPEPA} _texticonviewpaper_ [l=mi] {Tirohia te whārangi niupepa} _textabstractintro_ [l=mi] {KUPU WHAKATAKI} _texticonabstractintro_ [l=mi] {He whakamārama i ngā rāpopoto reo Pākehā} package query _textsimplesearch_ [l=mi] {Tirohia ki _indexselection_ _If_(_jselection_, _jselection_) _If_(_gselection_, at _gselection_ level)_If_(_nselection_, in _nselection_ language) mō _querytypeselection_ o ngā kupu} ################# package help ################# _globallinks_ {_homelink__preflink__nzdllink_} _homelink_ {_navtab_(_httppagex_(about),_linktextHOME_,_textdescrhome_)} _nzdllink_ {_navtab_(,NZDL,_textimagenzdl_)} _content_ { _texthelptopics_








} _textfindinfo_ {How to find information} _textfindinfo_ [l=mi] {Ngā huarahi hei rapu kōrero} _textnavexpl_ {Navigation buttons} _textnavexpl_ [l=mi] {Pātene whakahaere} _textlangprefs_ {Language preferences} _textlangprefs_ [l=mi] {Ngā Whiringa} _textsearching_ {Searching} _textsearching_ [l=mi] {Rapu kōrero} _textsearchterms_ {Search terms} _textsearchterms_ [l=mi] {Ngā kupu hei rapu} _textquerytype_ {Query type} _textquerytype_ [l=mi] {Ngā tūmomo rapu} _textstem_ {Case sensitivity and stemming} _textstem_ [l=mi] {Ngā pū matua, pū iti me ngā kūmuri hoki} _texthelptopics_ {


} # don't ask why we need the exact same macro in here twice - there appears # to be a bug in the macroprecdence stuff _texthelptopics_ [l=mi] {


} _textSeriesshort_ {access the niupepa by series} _textSeriesshort_ [l=mi] {tirohia te rārangi taitara} _textDateshort_ {access the niupepa by date} _textDateshort_ [l=mi] {tirohia te rārangi e pā ana ki te wā} _textSerieslong_ {

You can access the niupepa by series by pressing the series button. This brings up a list of all niupepa series. Each series also contains a brief commentary, and some series contain English abstracts. } _textSerieslong_ [l=mi] {

E taea te titiro ki te rārangi o ngā niupepa. Pāwhiritia te pātene rārangi taitara. Kei ia niupepa he kupu whakataki, ā, kei ētehi hoki he whakarāpopototanga i te reo Pākeha. } _textDatelong_ {

You can access the niupepa by date by pressing the dates button. This brings up a list of all the niupepa issues, sorted chronologically. } _textDatelong_ [l=mi] {

E taea hoki te titiro ki te rārangi o ngā niupepa e pā ana ki te wā i puta. Pāwhiritia te pātene wātaka. } _textSearchlong_ {

You can search for particular words that appear in the text from the "search" page. See also searching. } _textSearchlong_ [l=mi] {

E taea te rapu kōrero i te whārangi rapu. Tirohia hoki te rapu kupu. } _textaboutexplainbuttons_ {Different navigation buttons will appear in certain sections of the collection. An explanation of these is given below.

} _textaboutexplainbuttons_ [l=mi] {I a koe e tīrotiro haere ana ki te kohikohinga nei ka puta mai he pātene whakahaere. E whai mai ana he whakamārama mō aua pātene.

} _textexplainbuttons_ {

} _textxbshelf_ {Click on a bookshelf icon when browsing the niupepa series to view a list of all the issues in that series} _textxbshelf_ [l=mi] {Titiro ki ngā niupepa katoa kua puta i taua taitara} _textxcomm_ {Click on the 'c' icon when browsing a niupepa series to view a commentary of that series} _textxcomm_ [l=mi] {Titiro ki ngā kupu whakataki e pā ana ki tēnei taitara} _textxpaper_ {Click on a newspaper icon to read the corresponding niupepa issue} _textxpaper_ [l=mi] {Titiro ki tētehi o ngā niupepa i puta mai i taua rā} _textxabstr_ {Click on an abstract icon to read English abstracts of the given issue} _textxabstr_ [l=mi] {Titiro ki te whakarāpopototanga reo Pākehā e pā ana ki tēnei niupepa} _textxnext_ {While viewing a niupepa click the forward arrow to go to the next page} _textxnext_ [l=mi] {Titiro ki te whārangi o mua} _textxprev_ {While viewing a niupepa click the back arrow to go to the previous page} _textxprev_ [l=mi] {Titiro ki te whārangi o muri} _texthelppreferences_ {

When you click the preferences button at the top of the page you will be able to change some features of the interface to suit your own requirements.

Each collection has a default presentation language, but you can switch to a different language if you like. You can also alter the encoding scheme used by Greenstone for output to the browser -- the software chooses sensible defaults, but with some browsers better visual results can be used by switching to a different encoding scheme. All collections allow you to switch from the standard graphical interface format to a textual one. This is particularly useful for visually impaired users who use large screen fonts or speech synthesizers for output. } _texthelppreferences_ [l=mi] {

Kei runga ake ko te pātene whiriwhiringa. Ko tēnei hei whakarerekē i ngā whiringa. Me whakarite ēnei kia pai ai te titiro i tāu ake rorohiko.

Kei ia kohikohinga o te NZDL he reo tūturu hei kōrerorero i waenganui i te kohikohinga me te kaipānui. E taea te whakarerekē i tēnei reo kōrerorero.

Ka taea hoki te whakarerekē i ngā whakatakotoranga pū me ngā whakatakotoranga whārangi. Ka māmā ake te whakatakotoranga whārangi kore-whakaahua mō ngā tāngata e kāpō haere ana. } _texthelpsearching_ {

Search terms

Whatever you type into the query box is interpreted as a list of words called "search terms." Each term contains nothing but alphabetic characters and digits. Terms are separated by white space. If any other characters such as punctuation appear, they serve to separate terms just as though they were spaces. And then they are ignored. You can't search for words that include punctuation.

For example, the query

will be treated the same as

Query type

There are two different kinds of query.

Use as many search terms as you like--a whole sentence, or even a whole paragraph. If you specify only one term, documents will be ordered by its frequency of occurrence.

Case sensitivity and stemming

Two pairs of buttons on the preferences page control the kind of text matching in the searches that you make. The first set (labeled "case differences") controls whether upper and lower case must match. The second ("word endings") controls whether to ignore word endings or not. It is possible to get a large query box, so that you can easily do paragraph-sized searching. It is surprisingly quick to search for large amounts of text.

For example, if the buttons ignore case differences and ignore word endings are selected, the query

will be treated the same as

because the uppercase letter in "African" will be transformed to lowercase, and the suffixes "n" and "ing" will be removed from "African" and "building" respectively (also, "s" would be removed from "builds"). } _texthelpsearching_ [l=mi] {

Ngā kupu hei rapu

Koia nei ngā kupu ka tuhia ki roto i te pouaka rapu. Me tuhi ko ngā reta me ngā nama anake. Kaua e tuhia ngā tohutō, he uaua te kite i ngā tohu tō i roto i ngā niupepa. Me noho te mokowā (wāhi wātea) i waenganui i ngā kupu. Kaua e tuhi ngā tohutuhi (pērā i te '?' me te '/'), ka tangohia aua tohu e te rorohiko nei, ka whakauruhia ko te mokowā.

Hei tauira, hei tuku atu i ēnei kupu rapu;

ka rapua kētia e te rorohiko ēnei kupu;

(arā, kua tangohia ngā tohutuhi)

Ngā tūmomo rapu

E rua ngā tūmomo rapu, ko te rapu ngāwari, ko te rapu matatau. Whakaritea tētehi i te whārangi whiriwhiringa.

Me tuhi te maha o ngā kupu rapu hei arahi i te rapu ki tāu e hiahia ana.

Ngā pū matua, ngā pū iti, me ngā kūmuri hoki

He whiringa mō te pū matua me te pū iti. Āe, me tika te rapu i ngā pū matua me ngā pū iti, kāore rānei, hei aha te āta titiro ki ngā pū matua me ngā pū iti.

He whiringa anō mō te kūmuri o te kupu. Āe, me tika te rapu i ngā kūmuri. Kāore rānei, hei aha te āta titiro ki ngā kūmuri. Mō ngā kupu rapu Pākehā anake te whiringa kūmuri.

Hei tauira, mehemea ka kōwhiritia te hei aha te pū matua me te pū iti, ā, ka kōwhiritia hoki te hei aha te kūmuri o te kupu kātahi ka tukua ēnei kupu hei rapu;

ka ōrite te whakahoki mai o ngā pukapuka ki ēnei kupu rapu

Ka pēnei i te mea, kāore te rapu i te āta titiro mehemea he pū matua, he pū iti rānei, ā, ka tangohia hoki ngā kūmuri (pērā i te "ing", me te "s") i tēnei whakaritenga. } #------------------------------------------------------------- package abexpl _imagethispage_ {} _pagetitle_ {English Abstracts of the Māori Language Newspapers} _content_ {

English Abstracts of the Māori Language Newspapers

The English abstracts are being created by a research team at the Department of Maori Studies of the University of Auckland. This translation work began in 1999 and was funded for a three-year period by grants from the Royal Society of New Zealand's Marsden Fund and the Trustees of the National Library of New Zealand. The research team over that period comprised Professor Ngapare Hopa, Dr Jane McRae, Jenifer Curnow, and the postgraduate researchers who wrote the English abstracts - Tane Mokena, Dinah Paul, Hazel Petrie, Yvonne Sutherland, Lyn Waymouth. The team worked in association with the History of Print Culture in New Zealand, the Alexander Turnbull Library, and the Computer Science Department of the University of Waikato where Professors Mark Apperley and Ian Witten, Te Taka Keegan and others are carrying out the on-line conversion of the newspapers and English abstracts. Specific help with production of the abstracts is acknowledged from Hineira Woodard for translation queries, Stephen Innes of the University of Auckland Library's New Zealand & Pacific Collection for access to research material, and Roberta Wilson for assistance with computers. As further funding is obtained, more English abstracts will be included on the website.

Introduction & Conventions

We have created the English abstracts to facilitate use of the Maori-language newspapers by those who do not read Maori. They are designed to guide readers and researchers to particular articles or information and to give an impression of a whole newspaper issue. Every item in an issue is noted but the abstracts are not an account of the entire content. They briefly summarise the main subjects of long items, such as editorials, articles, and letters, and record, sometimes by a complete translation, small items such as notices, advertisements, short news reports. In sum the abstracts represent a very abbreviated form of a newspaper, and so to ensure a complete reading of any item you will need to refer to, or seek translation of, the Maori text. We suggest, therefore, that you do not quote from the abstracts.

The abstracts follow the order of items in the newspapers and include the titles and subtitles from them. Apart from occasional interpolations in square brackets to clarify, inform or query, the abstracts report only what is in the newspaper. Where English translation is published in the paper, this is noted after a brief statement of content. Abbreviations used are listed below.

A few Maori words remain in the abstracts, with translation in brackets. These remain either because we regard them as key words for researchers of Maori language and culture (words such as waiata, whakapapa, whakataukī), or because there is no equivalent in English for the word or the word has different meanings in different contexts (words such as mana, mākutu, tohunga, pā). We have used the Maori word 'Pakeha' in the abstracts to refer to those in New Zealand who are not Maori, because this use is common in the newspapers and in current New Zealand speech.

Maori names - personal, place and tribal - have been written according to modern spelling. Long vowels have been marked in all names, as far as these are known, on the basis of authorities such as the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, of unambiguous component words in a name, or of common usage. In the case of Pakeha whose names have been transliterated to Maori, the translators have given the original name only when it is evident who the person is; otherwise the transliterated form remains.

We hope that you will find the abstracts of value to your research and enjoyable for the window they open onto 19th and early 20th century Maori life and New Zealand society. We have made every effort to make accurate abstracts of the contents, but we remind you that these are simply summaries. We have not given them the time or research required for full and explicit translations. Given so many newspapers, the very diverse content, and the historical context, we may have overlooked some things and misjudged others. If in your reading you notice errors or omissions, we would be very grateful if you would notify us by email (to so that we may correct them.

The following abbreviations have been used in the abstracts:

CMSChurch Missionary Society
WMMSWesleyan Methodist Missionary Society
MHRMember of the House of Representatives
MPMember of Parliament
MLCMember of the Legislative Council
Updated in August, 2002