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Google Summer of Code 2007

Project Ideas:

1. Integration with Fedora

Investigate the integration of the Fedora digital object repository system with Greenstone 3. Greenstone can already import content via several protocols (e.g. z39.50, OAI), this project would examine whether that content can be sourced from a Fedora repository.

2. Greenstone 3 as an OAI Server

Greenstone 2 works with OAI but the new Java/Tomcat framework for Greenstone 3 means we need to update this solution to provide OAI services.

3. Access Control in Greenstone 3

Implement a user access control mechanism in Greenstone 3, possibly via using a standard such as XACML.

4. Greenstone and Location-based search

Implement a search and browse function for locations in Greenstone. This can focus on the interface or just on finding a way to index existing collections based on location. Keep in mind that location names may be ambiguous depending on the country.