================= = RELEASE NOTES = ================= MindTerm, release 0.97 - Jan 10, 1999 MindTerm is an entirely FREE(*) SSH (currently v1.5) client program written in 100% pure Java (non-certified). It can be run as a standalone program or as an applet in a webpage. It is more than yet another ssh- client, apart from beeing multi-platform/web-enabled, it's also a full set of packages enabling people to make their own ssh-client and/or "ssh-aware" java-applications/applets (e.g. special/proprietary proxies, ssh-aware applications/applets "speaking" to proprietary daemons behind firewall, tunneling-only-client etc). It has one other notable feature setting it apart from some other clients, a special ftp-tunnel which works with "ordinary" ftpd's "behind" the sshd. (*) Licensed under Gnu's General Public License (GPL), see the file COPYING or go to New in this release (applet now more usable otherwise mainly terminal-enhancemnents): o New copyright-policy (again :-). Now the code is GPL. o Now uses random generator and MD5 hash from Logi Ragnarsson's (GPL'd) cryptonite (, it's excelent check it out!) which makes the applet runnable from 'most' (at last :-) browsers (e.g. /Netscape4.x, /java-plugin, win32/IE4) o Added support for selecting terminal-emulation (with 'set term ' in local command-shell, NOTE: the TERM env. variable is only set at initial login) o Added several terminal-types (xterm-color/xterm/linux/scoansi etc.), only xterm/xterm-color tested more thoroughly, the rest is tested very briefly o Colors work (in terminals supporting colors) o Line-draw characters work (in terminals supporting it) o Mouse works (only xterm/xterm-color) o Function keys now work, sending respective terminal's esc-seq. o PgUP, PgDN, Home and End keys can be used either "locally" for controlling the scroll-back buffer OR they can be set to send proper escape-sequences (use 'set lp ' in local command-shell) o Fixed bug: Keyboard focus is lost when iconified in WinDOS (95/98/NT) (NOTE: this bugfix is quite strange, I don't understand this fully) o Fixed bug: Keyboard focus never acquired when run as applet with plugin when NOT run in a separate frame KNOWN BUGS: o The fix for keyboard-focus when deiconified introduces an oddity when MindTerm is used as an applet () where it snatches focus from the browser itself! :-). I will look into the whole thing... o Keyboard focus seems still to be an issue when running as an applet inside the applet's own Frame when using the java-plugin (I'm bewildered, I definately need some more awt-studying...). o One or two people have reported ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when typing , I can not reproduce this, nor can I understand how this can happen :-(, please report if you experince/find this. o Linux line-draw characters doesn't work when normal line-draw characters have been displayed?! (i.e. first use xterm then logout, switch term to linux and reconnect, now we are misinterpreting them??) o Linux line-draw characters doesn't work when doing debug messages in terminal-interpreter)?!? (DEBUG is true in TerminalXTerm.java). This is a ghost, alternatively I'm too tired... Could this be related to the above? :-) o Sometimes things seems to lock up (e.g. 1 minutes delay between 'login:' and 'password:'). I can't seem to find any explanation, a guess is that certain JIT's do something funny when for example compiling the DES.class file??. Try running with -nojit to see if it helps. TODO-LIST (in no particular order): o Property-files (on a per server basis) to be able to store parameters (e.g. server-host-keys, identity-file, port-number etc.). Also the terminal-settings will be saved between sessions o SSH2 support (of course :-) (not for long...) o Clean TermainlWin.update() a bit (maybe remove ATTR_BG/ATTR_FG and instead allways use them) o Optimize some, e.g. lot's can be done final... o Better key-mapping support (this is not easy given the KeyEvent in java...) o Ansi IRM (insert mode) in terminal (TerminalWin.setInsertMode()) o Telnet (maybe "Kerbified" and/or "SSLified" aswell) o Make the plugins more usable (clean/effective), maybe add some other proxy-service? (suggestions welcome!) o Priority/mtu on a per tunnel basis (i.e. make some tunnels "more responsive" than others) o Lot's of error-handling and general clean-up o A GUI with a menubar and such, can be useful :-) o Check all terminal modes to work correctly... (it is still quite untested) o Scaling font in terminal instead of changing rows/cols when resizing terminal o Documentation... o et.c. et.c. ================= MindTerm has been tested with jdk1.1.6(v5), jdk1.1.5 on Linux (with 2.0.x kernels), on Windows NT4 and Windows-95/98 also with jdk1.1.7A/jdk1.2. As an applet also with Linux/Netscape-4.07, Win32/Netscape-4.5, Win32/IE4.01, win32/java-plugin-1.2. All tests were against sshd versions 1.2.17, 1.2.21, 1.2.25 and 1.2.26. Your milage with other platforms/versions may vary. Please read this entire text before starting to use MindTerm. All comments and bug-reports should be sent to: Information about this program and its source code can be found at: Features list: o Password and RSA/rhosts-RSA authentication o 3DES/DES, Blowfish and RC4 block-ciphers o Standard SSH port-forwarding (including X11-forwarding) o Special FTP port-forwarding (see FTP-NOTE below) o Plugin-architecture for adding other (than FTP) protocol-specific "proxies" o Full vt102 support, also supports full xterm/xterm-color (with mouse) and some other terminals o "applet-enabled", the class mindbright.applet.MindTerm can be used to run MindTerm as an applet (both in a separate Frame or in the Applet-Panel itself) o Copy/paste with mouse selection ('copy-on-select' and insert-key pastes) o Cursor-keys (with DECCKM toggle) o PgUP, PgDN, Home and End keys can be used either "locally" for controlling the scroll-back buffer OR they can be set to send proper escape-sequences o NonGUI mode, i.e. run at command-line without opening a terminal-window o MTU option (to be able to controll maximum packet size) o The ssh package can be used quite easily by itself to "SSH-enable" an arbitrary java-application o The terminal and security packages can (of course) also be used by itself o Cross-platform (it's java :-) FTP-NOTE: The FTP port-forwarding is done entirely in the client, no patching of the sshd is needed. The FTP port-forwarding is only supported for local-port-forward, i.e. you can connect to a remote FTP-server through the tunnel. It works "100% transparent" with "modern" ftp-clients that use the PASV ftp-command (e.g. Netscape navigator). Older (and not so smart) clients that still use the PORT command are in trouble, since the remote-port-forwards only can be initialized at startup (i.e. before the sshd goes into its server-loop) the best we can do is to pre-allocate the remote-port at startup and reuse it through-out an FTP session. The problem with this is of course the ftpd's way of using the ftp-data port for connecting back to the client hence rendering our remote-ports unusable by the ftpd's ftp-data-port for about a minute after disconnect (i.e. when the tcp-socket is in state TIME_WAIT). This is partly worked around by pre-allocating a number of ports on the remote end using them in a round-robin fashion enabling us to do some PORT-commands in a row, if however we do too many in about a minutes time we're out of available connections back to ourselves making the ftp-server angry :-). This could of course easily be solved by patching the sshd but that might not be feasible in all situations. INSTALLATION: In order to use this program you need the java-runtime (jdk or jre) from Javasoft or any other party providing a port for your platform. It should work with any 1.1.x or 1.2 jdk/jre (it also works with Netscape's and Microsofs's browser-supplied java-runtimes). Please read the installation notes for your respective platform before trying to run MindTerm. Examples of where the java-runtime can be found: Linux: http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux.html Win32 and Solaris: http://www.javasoft.com/products/ When you have installed the java-runtime and made yourself familiar with how to use it you are ready to run the MindTerm. The commandline-options of MindTerm are somewhat similar to those of the free ssh-client for unix. When run with option '-?' MindTerm says: usage: MindTerm [options] [ []] Options: -l user Log in using this user name. -d No terminal-window, only dumb command-line and port-forwarding. -i file Name of the RSA identity file (default: ~/.ssh/identity). -v Verbose; display verbose debugging messages. -V Display version number only. -a authtype Select authentication type: ``passwd'', ``rsa'', ``rhostsrsa'' -c cipher Select encryption algorithm: ``blowfish'', ``3des'', ``des''... -p port Connect to this port. Server must be on the same port. -L [/plugin/]listen-port:host:port Forward local port to remote address. -R [/plugin/]listen-port:host:port Forward remote port to local address. Thank you for using MindTerm... Note that you don't have to give any command-line options in order to run MindTerm, all settings can be changed from a simple command-shell inside the program (see below). The program can be run with a command something like the following: java -classpath /classes.zip:/mindbright.jar mindbright.application.MindTerm where: is wherever your java-runtime libraries resides. Note that if you use a CLASSPATH environment variable you might use that instead and just add the mindbright.jar to it like: CLASSPATH = CLASSPATH:/usr/local/myjavaapps/mindbright.jar is wherever you put the mindbright.jar file. In the case where you have added the file TO the class-path (i.e. not put the file IN a directory in the class-path). The command would of course just be: java mindbright.application.MindTerm Note that when using Windows NT/95 you use ';' instead of ':' in the path, but you knew that. 'STANDALONE' USAGE: When the program is started it does some initialisation, this can take several seconds depending on the speed of your machine. When the copyright notice has been printed you are prompted for the SSH-server to connect to, this looks like: Copyright (c) 1998,99 by Mindbright Technology AB, Stockholm, Sweden Initializing random generator, please wait...done (press ^D before logging in to enter local command-shell) SSH-server: wintermute To enter the local command-shell you press ctrl-D at the prompt (i.e. before having logged in). If running in "dumb" mode you might have to press ENTER after pressing ctrl-D. Like: ...entering local command-shell (type 'h' for help). mindterm> **When typing help (or just h) at the prompt in the local command-shell: The following commands are available: go Start SSH-session with current settings. quit Quit program. add [//]:: (see below). del |* Delete local/remote forward (* = all). list Lists current parameters and forwards. set [ ] Set value of a parameter. help Display this list, but you knew that :-). (do 'set' without arguments to list parameter-usage) Examples of adding a remote/local tunnel: > add r 4711:www.foo.com:80 Adds a remote tunnel at port 4711 back to www.foo.com port 80 without a plugin, i.e. default tunneling behaviour. > add l /ftp/4711:ftp.bar.com:21 Adds a local tunnel going to ftp.bar.com port 21 using the ftp protocol-plugin to handle protocol specific needs. NOTE: The first character of the command can be used instead of the full word. NOTE2: Sometimes ftp-forward to localhost/ fails, use hostname instead. **When typing set (or just s) by itself at the prompt in the local command-shell: Do 'set ' where parameter is one of the following: server : name of server to connect to port : port on server to connect to username : username to login as cipher : name of block cipher to use authtype : method of authentication sshdir : home-directory of ssh-config id-file : name of file containing identity (rsa-keys) x11-fwd : indicates whether X11 display is forwarded or not display : display definition (i.e. :) mtu : maximum packet size to use (0 means use default) privport : indicates whether to use a privileged port or not (locally) escseq : sequence of characters to type to enter local command-shell term : type of terminal to emulate lp : use PgUp, PgDn, Home, End keys local or escape them to shell fn : name of font to use in terminal fs : size of font to use in terminal sl : number of lines to save in "scrollback" buffer sb : scrollbar position (or 'none' for no scrollbar) rv : set/unset reverse video aw : do autowrap of line if output reaches edge of screen si : reposition scroll-area to bottom on output to screen sk : reposition scroll-area to bottom on keyboard input sc : put instead of at end of lines when selecting (For possible parameter-values use 'list') **When typing list (or just l) at the prompt in the local command-shell: SSH settings: server : null port : 22 username : Administrator cipher : 3des ( none des 3des rc4 blowfish ) authtype : passwd ( rhosts rsa passwd rhostsrsa tis kerberos kerbtgt ) sshdir : C:\WINNT\Profiles\Administrator\.ssh\ id-file : identity x11-fwd : false (true/false) display : localhost:0 mtu : (4096 - 256k) privport : false (true/false) escseq : '~$' local tunnels: remote tunnels: Terminal settings (use 'set' to change): terminal type (term) : xterm-color ( xterm linux scoansi att6386 sun vt220 vt100 ansi vt52 xterm-color linux-lat at386 vt102 ) local pagectrl-keys (lp) : false (true/false) terminal font (fn) : Courier (Dialog, SansSerif, Serif, Monospaced, DialogInput) terminal font size (fs) : 12 (system dep.) save lines (sl) : 1024 (0 - 32k) scroll bar (sb) : right (none/left/right) reverse video (rv) : false (true/false) auto wrap (aw) : true (true/false) scroll to end on output (si) : true (true/false) scroll to end on key (sk) : true (true/false) copy instead of (sc) : false (true/false) (parameter names and permitted values in parentheses) 'APPLET' USAGE: See page of Mindbright Technology in Sweden.