# The following mapping is based on the Library of Congress crosswalk given at: # http://www.loc.gov/marc/marc2dc.html 245 -> Title 130, 210, 240, 242, 246 -> Title^Alternative 730, 740 -> Title^Alternative 100, 110, 111 -> Creator 700, 710, 711 -> Creator 720 -> Creator # at later date might want to distinguish between # (LCSH encoding, 2nd indicator=0) and (MeSH encoding, 2nd indicator=2) 600, 610, 611, 630, 650 -> Subject # LCSH or MeSH encoding 050 -> Subject # LCC encoding 082 -> Subject # DDC encoding 080 -> Subject # UDC encoding 500-504, 507-519, 521-529 -> Description 531-539, 541-545, 547-599 -> Description 505 -> Description^TableofContents 520 -> Description^Abstract # First indicator=3 260$a$b -> Publisher 260$c$g -> Date^Created 533$d -> Date^Created 260$c -> Date^Issued # Control field substring, not currently supported by mapping # 008/07-10 -> Date^Issued # Leader fields not currently supported by mapping # Leader06, Leader07 -> Type # DCMI Type Vocabulary 655 -> Type # Subfield $2=dct 856$q -> Format # IMT encoding 300$a -> Format^Extent 533$e -> Format^Extent 340$a -> Format^Medium 856$u -> Identifier # URI encoding 786$o -> Source # URI encoding # Control field substring, not currently supported # 008/35-37 -> Language # ISO 639-2 encoding 041 -> Language # ISO 639-2 encoding 546 -> Language # RFC1766 encoding 775 -> Relation^IsVersionOf 786$n$t -> Relation^IsVersionOf 775,786$o -> Relation^IsVersionOf # URI encoding 775$n$t -> Relation^HasVersion 775$o -> Relation^HasVersion # URL encoding 785$n$t -> Relation^IsReplacedBy 785$o -> Relation^IsReplacedBy # URL encoding 780$n$t -> Relation^Replaces 780$o -> Relation^Replaces # URL encoding 538 -> Relation^Requires 760 -> Relation^IsPartOf 773$n$t -> Relation^IsPartOf 440,490,800,810,811,830 -> Relation^IsPartOf 760,773$o -> Relation^IsPartOf # URL encoding 774$n$t -> Relation^HasPart 774$o -> Relation^HasPart # URL encoding 510 -> Relation^IsReferencedBy 776$n$t -> Relation^IsFormatOf 530 -> Relation^IsFormatOf 776$o -> Relation^IsFormatOf # URL encoding 530$u -> Relation^IsFormatOf # URL encoding 776$n$t -> Relation^HasFormat 530 -> Relation^HasFormat 776$o -> Relation^HasFormat # URL encoding 530$u -> Relation^HasFormat # URL encoding 522, 651 -> Coverage^Spatial 255 -> Coverage^Spatial # Some 255 information equivalent to DC encoding scheme but different syntax 650$z -> Coverage^Spatial 752 -> Coverage^Spatial 043$c,044$c -> Coverage^Spatial # ISO 3166 encoding 651 -> Coverage^Spatial # Subfield $2=tgn # Encoding TGN 513$b -> Coverage^Temporal 033$a -> Coverage^Temporal 506, 540 -> Rights