# intro page page.intro.displayText = Greenstone @version@ installer welcome-message.displayText = This will install the Greenstone3 (version @version@) Digital Library Software onto you computer. Greenstone3 is a software package for building digital libraries and hosting them online. # license page page.license.displayText = License conditions # destination page page.destination.displayText = Install Destination installDir.displayText = Select an installation directory # selector page page.selector.displayText = Components to install choose-components.displayText = Choose the components you want to install install-core-components.displayText = Core components install-core-components.explanatoryText = \ \ This is the core Greenstone3 system. It is a required component. \ install-java.displayText = Java (jre@bundled.version.java@) install-java.explanatoryText = \ \ Much of Greenstone3 is written in the Java programming language, and so requires
\ a Java Virtual Machine to run (@java.min.version@ or greater).

\ This installer comes bundled with Java (version @bundled.version.java@),
\ which you can choose to install if you don't have a sutible Java installed already.

\ If in doubt, install this component. \ install-tomcat.displayText = Apache Tomcat (@bundled.version.tomcat@) install-tomcat.explanatoryText = \ \ Greenstone3 requires the Apache Tomcat web server to serve your digital library over
\ the web. If you have an existing installation of Tomcat, you can use that installation
\ (some configuration is required), so you can safely opt not to install this component.

\ If in doubt, install this component. \ install-ant.displayText = Apache Ant (@bundled.version.ant@) install-ant.explanatoryText = \ \ Greenstone3 requires Apache Ant to start and stop the Tomcat web server, to recompile
\ the source code, and to perform some maintainence tasks. If you already have Ant installed,
\ you can safely opt not to install this component.

\ If in doubt, install this component. \ install-source-code.displayText = Source code install-source-code.explanatoryText = \ \ The source code is a purely optional component.

\ Install the source code if you wish to make modifications to your copy of Greenstone3, or just
\ want to see how it works. \ install-start-menu-shortcuts.displayText = Start Menu Shortcuts install-start-menu-shortcuts.explanatoryText = Create shortcuts to Greenstone on your Start Menu # tomcat-config page page.tomcat-config.displayText = Tomcat Configuration tomcat.server.displayText = Tomcat Server tomcat-server.explanatoryText = Please enter the name of the server machine where the library will be hosted. If you are not sure, accept the default (localhost). tomcat.port.explanatoryText = Please select the ports which tomcat should use. It is usually safe to accept the defaults. If you are already running other services on the default ports, please select some free ports. tomcat.port.displayText = Tomcat Port tomcat.shutdown.port.displayText = Tomcat Shutdown Port # progress page page.progress.displayText = Installation progress finishButtonText = Install # AntInstaller builtin stuff dirNotExistCreate=The Directory does not exist, create it? dirNotExist=The Directory does not exist fileNotExist=The File does not exist dirNotCreated=The Directory could not be created canNotCreateFile=Can not create file appRootInvalid=This directory does not appear to be the root of the application selectFile=Select File selectFolder=Select Folder notValidSelection=Not a valid selection showDetails=Show Details #Default loading promptLoadDefaults=Installation configuration found. Load the existing configuration? promptMissingDefaultPassword=A password was not found it may have been omitted for security reasons, it will be set to the default. click=Click toContinue=to continue failed=Failed exit=Exit complete=Complete finished=Finished extracting=Extracting... installFinished=Install Finished running=Running: backButton=Back cancelButton=Cancel nextButton=Next output=Output errors=Errors notCorrectFormat=The field is not of the correct format notCorrectPasswordFormat=The password is not of the correct format passwordsDoNotMatch=The passwords do not match installationFailed=Install failed propertiesVersionMismatch=Some options are missing from the previous version and must be manually entered, continue? Finished=Finished Failed=Failed, view the error messages ant.failure=Ant run failed - examine the error logs for details #Text for license page buttons license.next.text=Accept license.cancel.text=Reject