# # This file is used by MARCPlug for mapping MARC field numbers to # Dublin Core metadata. # # The field numbers listed in this file are for USMARC / MARC21. # # Lines beginning with "#" are comments. # The format for these files are: # -> GreenstoneMetadataName # # This is based on the Library of Congress MARC -> Dublin Core mapping as # found at http://www.loc.gov/marc/marc2dc.html # # The problem with that is that some mappings are conditional on # subfield values... ### Contributor ### ### Coverage ### 651, 662 -> dc.Coverage 751, 752 -> dc.Coverage ### Creator ### # Note, the LOC crosswalk uses dc.Contributor instead of dc.Creator 720 -> dc.Creator 100, 110, 111 -> dc.Creator 700, 710, 711 -> dc.Creator ### Date ### # Control field substring, not currently supported by mapping # 008/07-10 -> dc.Date 260$c$g -> dc.Date ### Description ### # 520 = "Summary, Note" 500-505, 507-529 -> dc.Description 531-539, 541-545, 547-599 -> dc.Description ### Format ### 340 -> dc.Format 856$q -> dc.Format ### Identifier ### 020$a, 022$a, 024$a -> dc.Identifier 856$q -> dc.Identifier ### Language ### # Control field substring, not currently supported by mapping # 008/35-37 -> dc.Language # ISO 639-2 encoding 041$a$b$d$e$f$g$h$j -> dc.Language 546 -> dc.Language ### Publisher ### 260$a$b -> dc.Publisher ### Relation ### # 787 = "Nonspecific Relationship Note" 787$o$t -> dc.Relation 530, 760-785 -> dc.Relation ## should be the following, but what does this mean?? # 530, 760-787$o$t -> dc.Relation ### Rights ### 506, 540 -> dc.Rights ### Source ### 786$o$t -> dc.Source 534$t -> dc.Source ### Subject ### #050, 060, 080, 082 -> dc.Subject 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 653 -> dc.Subject ### Title ### 245, 246 -> dc.Title ### Type ### 655 -> dc.Type # Leader fields not currently supported by mapping # Leader06, Leader07 -> dc.Type