Tudor Quizzes:

Elizabeth I and Mary, queen of Scots

Mary, queen of Scots in 1565

1. How old was Elizabeth when Mary Stewart was born?
2. How old was Mary Stewart when she left Scotland and sailed to France as the betrothed of the dauphin?
3. In 1560, Mary's first husband Francois died.  What was the cause of death?
4.What title did Mary give Bothwell a few days before their wedding in 1567? 
5. In February 1567, the home of Mary's second husband Darnley was blown up.  However, Darnley's body was found in the garden; he had escaped from the house.  What was the real cause of his death?
6. In 1571, Mary planned to marry which cousin of Elizabeth's in connection with the 'Ridolfi Plot'?
7. In 1567, Mary was imprisoned by her Scottish enemies.  When she heard the news, Elizabeth wrote to the captors.  What did she tell them?
8. In a letter written in 1569, Elizabeth referred to Mary as 'the daughter of' what?
9. In 1569, a collection of letters supposedly written by Mary and her third husband Bothwell were presented at Westminster.  They offered conclusive proof that Mary and Bothwell had plotted Darnley's murder.  These letters had a nickname; what was it?
10. In 1580, Mary wrote an essay which included this observation on monarchs - 'Tribulation has been to them as a furnace to fine gold - a means of proving their virtue.'  What was this essay called?

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