Tudor Quizzes:

Mary, queen of Scots: Life in France

1.  Mary's relatives in France belonged to which powerful family? 


2.  What scandalous color did Mary choose for her wedding gown?

*This question refers, of course, to her French marriage to the dauphin Francis.


3. Why was this color considered so scandalous?


4. Mary chose which flower as her emblem?


5. Which of the following illnesses did Mary NOT suffer from while living in France?


6. In late summer 1560, Mary ordered the French royal court to leave Fontainebleau for St-Germain.  Why did she give the order?


7. While Mary lived in France, one of her uncles recaptured which English outpost on the continent?


8. Where was Mary crowned Queen of France?


9. Mary's second husband's name was mentioned to her while she lived in France.  In what context did Lord Darnley's name appear?


10. Which governess of Mary's had an affair (and an illegitimate son) with Mary's father-in-law, King Henry II of France?



to Mary, queen of Scots: Biography, Portraits, Primary Sources

to Tudor Quizzes
to Tudor England 1