#!/bin/bash if [ "x$TASK_HOME" == "x" ]; then TASK_HOME=`pwd`; fi export DATA_DIR=$TASK_HOME/diffcol-data export UPLOAD_DIR=$TASK_HOME/diffcol-reports export MONITOR_EMAIL=greenstone_team@cs.waikato.ac.nz # control if an existing compiled greenstone is used # or, if one should be checked out, which revision to checkout from svn SVN_OPT_REV="-r head" #export GSDLHOME= #export GSDL3SRCHOME= #check key environment vars are set if [ "$UPLOAD_DIR" == "" ]; then echo "Please set a UPLOAD_DIR for the test in an environment.sh file" exit fi if [ "$DATA_DIR" == "" ]; then echo "Please set a DATA_DIR for the test in an environment.sh file" exit fi if [ "$MONITOR_EMAIL" == "" ]; then echo "Please set a MONITOR_EMAIL for the test in an environment.sh file" exit fi if [ "$DATA_DIR" == "/" ]; then echo "DATA_DIR should not be the fs root" exit fi echo "DATA_DIR: $DATA_DIR" echo "UPLOAD_DIR: $UPLOAD_DIR" #create an id for this test dateid=`date +'%Y-%m-%d'` echo "Starting test '$dateid'" #set classpath CLASSPATH= for file in $TASK_HOME/lib/*.jar; do CLASSPATH=$file:$CLASSPATH done export CLASSPATH #set the location of the full report xmlout=$DATA_DIR'/full-report-'$dateid'.xml' # the toplevel folder of the greenstone installation being used greenstone_home= # gsdl is the checkout folder and can be greenstone2 or greenstone3 gsdl=greenstone2 # Check if using existing compiled-up greenstone installation # and set the greenstone_home location accordingly if [ "x$GSDL3SRCHOME" != "x" -o "x$GSDLHOME" != "x" ]; then echo "Found existing Greenstone home, will use that instead" greenstone_home=$GSDLHOME else greenstone_home="$DATA_DIR/$gsdl"; fi function setup_greenstone() { #clean up from previous tests echo -n "about to clean up any old tests (Ctrl-C to cancel)" for i in x x x x x; do sleep 1; echo -n .; done echo echo "cleaning up previous tests" rm -rf $DATA_DIR echo "creating the data dir" mkdir -p $DATA_DIR || exit cd $DATA_DIR # use existing compiled-up greenstone installation if [ "x$GSDL3SRCHOME" != "x" -o "x$GSDLHOME" != "x" ]; then echo "Found existing Greenstone home, will use that instead" return; fi # Else checkout a GS from svn into DATA_DIR #svn checkout of main gsdl directory echo "checkout $gsdl:" svn co $SVN_OPT_REV http://svn.greenstone.org/main/trunk/greenstone2 $gsdl echo "done" cd $DATA_DIR/$gsdl # since this is a bash script, we're on linux/darwin, need gnome-lib # for the correct architecture. Assume all darwin is intel, not ppc echo "setting up gnome-lib-minimal for compilation" # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/394230/detect-the-os-from-a-bash-script os='linux'; gl_suffix=$os; if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then os='darwin'; gl_suffix=$os'-intel'; else # linux, work out the bit architecture arch=`uname -m` if [[ "$arch" == *"64"* ]]; then arch='64'; gl_suffix=$gl_suffix'-x64'; else arch='32'; fi fi #svn checkout gnome-lib for this linux/darwin cd $DATA_DIR/$gsdl/ext # svn export http://svn.greenstone.org/gs2-extensions/gnome-lib/trunk/gnome-lib-minimal-linux-x64.tar.gz gl.tar.gz svn export http://svn.greenstone.org/gs2-extensions/gnome-lib/trunk/gnome-lib-minimal-$gl_suffix.tar.gz gl.tar.gz tar xvzf gl.tar.gz cd gnome-lib-minimal source devel.bash cd ../.. #configure echo "configure $gsdl: " echo "" >> $xmlout ./configure 2>> $DATA_DIR/compilation-errors echo "" >> $xmlout echo "done" #make echo "make $gsdl: " echo "" >> $xmlout make 2>> $DATA_DIR/compilation-errors echo "" >> $xmlout echo "done" #make install echo "make install $gsdl: " echo "" >> $xmlout make install $DATA_DIR/compilation-errors echo "" >> $xmlout echo "done" # set the path to the greenstone_home variable greenstone_home=$DATA_DIR/$gsdl } function run_test() { #perform the requested subcommands, outputting xml information echo '' > $xmlout # make sure that diffcol/model-collect is up to date before copying it over to greenstone-home echo "Updating $TASK_HOME/model-collect:" #cd $TASK_HOME/model-collect svn up $TASK_HOME/model-collect # go to whichever greenstone_home we're using cd $greenstone_home #get svn info echo "getting svn info: " echo "" >> $xmlout svn info >> $xmlout echo "" >> $xmlout echo "done" #set up the gsdl environment with the setup.bash script echo "setting up $gsdl environment: " export GSDLHOME= source setup.bash echo "done" #make two copies of the model-collect directory in gsdl #one to be rebuild and one as the basis for comparison #strip both of all .svn directories #copy the model collections to the collect folder to be rebuilt echo -n "installing test collections and model collections to new $gsdl installation... " #clean up rm -rf collect rm -rf model-collect #copy to collect and strip cp -r $TASK_HOME/model-collect collect find collect -type d -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \; #make the model copy cp -r collect model-collect echo "done" #for each collection, import, build and diff with its model counterpart for collection in collect/*; do #escape the filename (in case of space) collection=`echo $collection | sed 's@ @\\\ @g'` #get just the basename collection=`basename $collection` echo '' >> $xmlout #import #Ensure the OIDtype for importing is hash_on_full_filename # "to make document identifiers more stable across # upgrades of the software, although it means that # duplicate documents contained in the collection are no # longer detected automatically." echo $collection' - Importing:' echo "" >> $xmlout import.pl -OIDtype hash_on_full_filename $collection -removeold echo "" >> $xmlout echo "done" #build echo $collection' - Building:' echo "" >> $xmlout buildcol.pl $collection -removeold echo "" >> $xmlout echo "done" #rename the intermediate 'building' directory 'index' echo -n $collection' - Move "building" to "index"... "' rm -rf collect/$collection/index mv collect/$collection/building collect/$collection/index echo "done" #diffcol echo $collection' - Diffing:' cd $TASK_HOME/diffcol ./diffcol.pl -output xml -verbosity 10 $collection >> $xmlout cd $greenstone_home echo "done" echo "" >> $xmlout done echo "" >> $xmlout echo "done" } function upload() { # ensure the upload directory exists # before trying to transfer the xml and html files across # if it already existed, clear it of contents if [ ! -d "$UPLOAD_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$UPLOAD_DIR"; # else # rm $UPLOAD_DIR/* fi scp $DATA_DIR/*.xml $DATA_DIR/*.html $UPLOAD_DIR } function mail_simple_message() { # email out brief failure message if failed echo "Checking if successful... " result=`java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN "$xmlout" -XSL "$TASK_HOME/xsl/passed-or-not.xsl"` echo "result: "$result if [ "$result" != "yes" ]; then echo 'gsdl regression test for '$dateid' failed' | mail -s 'Regression Test Failed' $MONITOR_EMAIL #$WEBMASTER_EMAIL fi } function mail_with_report_attached() { # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17359/how-do-i-send-a-file-as-an-email-attachment-using-linux-command-line #echo "This is the message body" | mutt -a "/path/to/file.to.attach" -s "subject of message" -- recipient@domain.com # email out with report attached, if the tests failed echo "Checking if successful... " result=`java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN "$xmlout" -XSL "$TASK_HOME/xsl/passed-or-not.xsl"` echo "result: "$result if [ "$result" != "yes" ]; then echo $gsdl' regression test for '$dateid' failed' | mutt -a $DATA_DIR'/report-'$dateid'.html' -s 'Regression Test Failed' -- $MONITOR_EMAIL echo "Sent mail with report attached." fi } function summarise() { # make a summarised Xml report echo -n "Summarizing the xml report... " java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN $xmlout -XSL $TASK_HOME/xsl/xml-report.xsl -OUT $DATA_DIR/report-$dateid.xml echo "done" # make a summarised HTml report echo -n "Creating an html summary report... " java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN $DATA_DIR/report-$dateid.xml -XSL $TASK_HOME/xsl/html-report.xsl -OUT $DATA_DIR/report-$dateid.html echo "done" } #parse arguments if [ "$1" == "" ]; then action=all else if [ "$1" == "setup_greenstone" ]; then action=setup_greenstone elif [ "$1" == "run_test" ]; then action=run_test elif [ "$1" == "summarise" ]; then action=summarise elif [ "$1" == "upload" ]; then action=upload elif [ "$1" == "all" ]; then action=all else echo "bad subcommand" exit fi fi #do the requested action if [ "$action" == "setup_greenstone" ]; then setup_greenstone elif [ "$action" == "run_test" ]; then run_test # mail_simple_message elif [ "$action" == "summarise" ]; then summarise elif [ "$action" == "upload" ]; then upload # mail_simple_message mail_with_report_attached elif [ "$action" == "all" ]; then setup_greenstone run_test summarise upload mail_with_report_attached fi