CAPTURE SERVER Server side: After downloading the Capture app, and installing ImageMagick and PerlMagick you need to run: cpan UUID IO::Sockets::INET6 JSON::XS File::HomeDir After that, you can run the server (With a default port of 51234) by running the command: ./ if you want to change the port you run the command: ./ Please note that if you do a port < 1024 on Linux you will require to run it as Root. If you want to modify the source, just open the .pm files in your favorite PERL editor. CAPTURE REMOTE CONTROL The remote control application requires no external dependencies. To run this for the first time you need to install eclipse on your PC, and have it set up for ADT, then import the Client folder and then Run the project. From that time on you then tap the Campus View Remote Control (CV-RC) icon. If you want to change the defaults you can click the Settings button in the top right corner and change them in there. To use the Remote Control, put the IP Address/Domain Name and port (If changed from default) with the syntax
: and unless you have changed the settings, you only need to tap Capture Images button. If it reports that no cameras are detected, you may need to tap the refresh button so that the Server detects the cameras. If you have an ISP that doesn't allow ports being opened, you can use AD-HOC networking.