#### Help properties file for Greenstone3's QBR web services describe=String describe(String lang, String subsetOption)
Sends a describe message to the MessageRouter.
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - pages 35-41.
Param lang: the language of the display strings in the response.
If "", assumed to be "en" for English.
Param subsetOption: the requested list of items to return in the response.
For the Message Router the value of this can be collectionList,
serviceClusterList, serviceList, siteList.
describeCollection=String describeCollection(String collection, String lang,
\tString subsetOption)
For sending Describe messages to Collections.
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - pages 35-41.
Param collection: the name of the Collection that this describe request
is sent to.
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response.
If "", assumed to be "en" for English.
Param subsetOption: the requested list of items to return in the
response. For Collections the value of this can be metadataList,
serviceList, displayItemList.
describeServiceCluster=String describeServiceCluster(String serviceCluster, String lang,
\tString subsetOption)
For sending Describe messages to Service Clusters.
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - pages 35-41.
Param serviceCluster: the name of the Service Cluster that this describe
request is sent to.
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response.
If "", assumed to be "en" for English.
Param subsetOption: the requested list of items to return in the
response. For Service Clusters the value of this can be metadataList,
serviceList, displayItemList.
describeCollectionService=String describeCollectionService(String collection, String service,
\tString lang, String subsetOption)
For sending a describe message to a Collection's Service.
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - pages 35-41.
Param collection: the name of the Collection whose service this describe
request is sent to.
Param service: the name of the Service (of that collection) to which
this describe request is sent.
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response.
If "", assumed to be "en" for English.
Param subsetOption: the requested list of items to return in the
response. For Services the value of this can be paramList, displayItemList.
describeService=String describeService(String service, String lang, String subsetOption)
For sending a describe message to a Service hosted by the Message
Router (no collection).
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - pages 35-41.
Param service: the name of the MessageRouter's Service to which this
describe request is sent.
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response.
Param subsetOption: the requested list of items to return in the
response. For Services the value of this can be paramList, displayItemList.
query=String query(String collection, String service,
\tString lang, Map nameToValsMap)
For executing a (process-type message) query-type service.
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - page 45.
Param collection: the name of the Collection whose query service this
query-process request is sent to. For "" the Message Router is assumed.
Param service: the name of the Query Service (of that collection) to
which this request is sent.
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response.
Param nameToValsMap: a Map of the (fieldname, value) pairs for the
parameters of the query. The field names should be those recognised by
Greenstone 3. That is, the names must exist for the (Collection-)Service
Query that this message is sent To (as given in "to" argument).
For names of Greenstone-accepted arguments, see
retrieveDocumentContent=String retrieveDocumentContent(String collection, String lang,
\tString[] docNodeIDs)
DocumentContentRetrieve request sent to a collection's
DocumentContentRetrieve service (see manual, p.48).
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - page 48
Param collection: the name of the Collection whose
DocumentContentRetrieve is requested
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response
Param docNodeIDs: the list of documentNodeIDs for which the content
ought to be retrieved.
retrieveEntireDocumentStructure=String retrieveEntireDocumentStructure(String collection,
\tString lang, String[] docNodeIDs)
DocumentStructureRetrieve request sent to a collection's
DocumentStructureRetrieve service (manual pp.48, 49) to retrieve
the entire document structure.
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - pages 48, 49
Param collection: the name of the Collection whose
DocumentStructureRetrieve is requested.
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response.
Param docNodeIDs: the list of documentNodeIDs for which the
entire structure ought to be retrieved.
retrieveDocumentStructure=String retrieveDocumentStructure(String collection,
\tString lang, String[] docNodeIDs, String[] structure, String[] info)
DocumentStructureRetrieve request sent to a collection's
DocumentStructureRetrieve service (manual pp.48, 49) to retrieve
the specified part of the document's structure.
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - pages 48, 49
Param collection: the name of the Collection whose
DocumentStructureRetrieve is requested.
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response.
Param docNodeIDs: the list of documentNodeIDs for which the
structure ought to be retrieved.
Param structure: specifies what structure information needs to
be retrieved. The values can be one or more of ancestors, parent,
siblings, children, descendents (NOTE SPELLING), entire.
Param info: for specifying extra information to be retrieved.
Possible values for info parameters are numSiblings, siblingPosition,
retrieveAllDocumentMetadata=String retrieveAllDocumentMetadata(String collection,
\tString lang, String[] docNodeIDs)
DocumentMetadataRetrieve request sent to a collection's
DocumentMetadataRetrieve service to retrieve all of a document's metadata.
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - page. 47
Param collection: the name of the Collection whose
DocumentMetadataRetrieve is requested
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response
Param docNodeIDs: the list of documentNodeIDs for which the
structure ought to be retrieved.
retrieveDocumentMetadata=String retrieveDocumentMetadata(String collection,
\tString lang, String[] docNodeIDs, String[] metaNames)
DocumentMetadataRetrieve service to retrieve some specific
metadata values of a document. (Manual on page 47.)
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - page 47
Param collection: the name of the Collection whose
DocumentContentRetrieve is requested.
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response
Param docNodeIDs: the list of documentNodeIDs for which the
structure ought to be retrieved.
Param metaNames: a list of metadata names which are requested
to be fetched for the specified documents.
retrieveAllBrowseMetadata=String retrieveAllBrowseMetadata(String collection,
\tString categoryName, String lang, String[] nodeIDs)
Retrieve all classification Metadata for browsing (sent to the
ClassifierBrowseMetadataRetrieve service).
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - pages 47, 48
Param collection: the name of the Collection whose
ClassifierBrowseMetadataRetrieve service is called
Param categoryName: name of the browsing category, usually
ClassifierBrowse. (If left as \"\", then it defaults to ClassifierBrowse)
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response
Param nodeIDs: the list of document or classifier NodeIDs
for which the metadata ought to be retrieved.
retrieveBrowseMetadata=String retrieveBrowseMetadata(String collection,
\tString categoryName, String lang, String[] nodeIDs, String[] metaNames)
ClassifierBrowseMetadataRetrieve service to retrieve some specific
metadata values of a document.
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - pages 47, 48
Param collection: the name of the Collection whose
ClassifierBrowseMetadataRetrieve service is called
Param categoryName: name of the browsing category, usually
ClassifierBrowse. (If left as \"\", then it defaults to ClassifierBrowse)
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response
Param nodeIDs: the list of document or classifier NodeIDs
for which the metadata ought to be retrieved.
Param metaNames: a list of metadata names which are requested
to be fetched for the specified documents or classifiers.
browseDescendants=String browseDescendants(String collection,
\tString browseService, String lang, String[] classifierNodeIDs)
To send a browse request for all the descendants of a classifier node.
Useful for getting the entire structure of a top-level
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - page 46
Param collection: the name of the Collection whose browse Classifier
Browse Service is called
Param browseService: the name of the (Classifier) Browse Service (of
the given collection) to which this request message is sent.
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response
Param classifierNodeIDs: an array of classifierNodeIDs for which the
structures ought to be retrieved.
browse=String browse(String collection, String browseService,
\tString lang, String[]classifierNodeIDs, String[] structureParams)
To send a browse request for specific parts of a classifier node
(children, ancestors, descendants). Useful for getting specific parts
of the structure of a top-level .
See http://www.greenstone.org/docs/greenstone3/manual.pdf - page 46
Param collection: the name of the Collection whose browse Classifier
Browse Service is called.
Param browseService: the name of the (Classifier) Browse Service (of
the given collection) to which this request message is sent.
Param lang: the language of the display content in the response
Param classifierNodeIDs is the list of classifierNodeIDs for which the
structure ought to be retrieved.
Param structureParams: the list of parameters indicating what structure
information is requested. Accepted values are ancestors, parent,
siblings, children, descendants.
help=String help()
Returns a String containing help usage and the list of methods
supported by Greenstone 3's web services.
helpWithMethod=String helpWithMethod(String methodName)
Returns a String containing a description of the requested web
service method denoted by "methodName".
Param methodName: the name of the web service operation for which
the help description string is to be returned.