Greenstone 3 now includes support for client-side XSLT, i.e. the user's web browser is responsible for converting the raw XML message returned by the web server into a web page (using the XSL file also returned from the web server). The seeds of this idea came from work on supporting Greenstone installed on an Android device. Other work done at this time to make the Greenstone 3 server run more efficiently was profiling the code for the most expensive methods, resulting in principally changes in how strings were handled. More specifically the main modifications were: * The use of Apache Commons StringUtils class for text replacement and splitting; * The use of StringUtils.contains over the *.text.* regular expression; * Plus: client-side XSLT support. Note that the XML Texts collection had to be modified in certain areas due to it using four XSL overrides in its transform directory. This may or may not be necessary depending on the XSL overrides in place for other collections. For an example of this, see the about-clientside.xsl file in the gberg collection. Steven McTainsh February 2011