Note: more up-to-date notes may be available on our website, at -- Compiling and installing on Unix -- cd to the top level gsdl directory (i.e. the directory where this file lives) and perform the following three steps. 1. ./configure 2. make 3. make install This will install the library executable to gsdl/cgi-bin. If you want to run Greenstone from a system cgi-bin directory you'll need to move the library executable and gsdlsite.cfg from gsdl/cgi-bin to your system cgi-bin. Note that the Greenstone directory structure is important to the operation of the software. Therefore the --prefix, --bindir etc. options to configure make no sense and will have no effect. If you want Greenstone to be installed somewhere specific (say /usr/local) you'll need to move the entire gsdl directory there. -- Compiling on Windows -- Greenstone has been successfully compiled using Microsoft Visual C++ versions 4.2 and 6.0. If anyone succeeds in compiling Greenstone with another compiler (or another version of VC++) we'd appreciate hearing about it at The major difference between compiling with VC++ 4.2 compared with VC++ 6.0 is that 4.2 must use the STLport standard template library (packaged with Greenstone) while VC++ 6.0 may use its own built in STL implementation. Perform the following steps to compile and install Greenstone. Note that some parts of the process described are specific to one or other of the two compilation options mentioned above (STLport or non-STLport). These steps are marked as such. 1. Unzip the following zip archives (into the directories in which the zip files themselves are contained). * gsdl\packages\windows\gdbm\ * gsdl\packages\windows\crypt\ * gsdl\packages\windows\stlport\ (STLport version only) 2. To use VC++ command line tools you may need to execute the MSDEV\BIN\VCVARS32.BAT batch file to set up your environment. 3. cd to the top level gsdl directory (i.e. the directory where this file lives). 4. compile the web library (library.exe) with "nmake /f win32.mak USE_STLPORT=1" (STLport version) or "nmake /f win32.mak" (non-STLport version). 5. compile the local library (server.exe) with "nmake /f win32.mak USE_STLPORT=1 LOCAL_LIBRARY=1" (STLport version) or "nmake /f win32.mak LOCAL_LIBRARY=1" (non-STLport version) This will install library.exe to the gsdl\cgi-bin directory and server.exe to the top level gsdl directory.