/** * Sencha GXT 4.0.0 - Sencha for GWT * Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Sencha Inc. * * licensing@sencha.com * http://www.sencha.com/products/gxt/license/ * * ================================================================================ * Open Source License * ================================================================================ * This version of Sencha GXT is licensed under the terms of the Open Source GPL v3 * license. You may use this license only if you are prepared to distribute and * share the source code of your application under the GPL v3 license: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * If you are NOT prepared to distribute and share the source code of your * application under the GPL v3 license, other commercial and oem licenses * are available for an alternate download of Sencha GXT. * * Please see the Sencha GXT Licensing page at: * http://www.sencha.com/products/gxt/license/ * * For clarification or additional options, please contact: * licensing@sencha.com * ================================================================================ * * * ================================================================================ * Disclaimer * ================================================================================ * THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED "AS-IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS AND * REPRESENTATIONS WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, MERCHANTABLE QUALITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, DURABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, PERFORMANCE AND * THOSE ARISING BY STATUTE OR FROM CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE OR COURSE OF DEALING. * ================================================================================ */ theme { name = "greenstone" basePackage = "com.gs3.theme.greenstone" headerText { color = "#1c1c1c" family = "helvetica, arial, verdana, sans-serif" size = "13px" weight = "bold" } panelBackgroundColor = "#e0f0e0" borderColor = "#b0d0b0" details { borderColor = theme.borderColor backgroundColor = theme.panelBackgroundColor disabledOpacity = 0.5 disabledBackgroundColor = "cccccc" disabledTextColor = "000000" button { borderRadius = 0 border = util.border('solid', '#126DAF', 0) overBorder = util.border('solid', '#126DAF', 0) pressedBorder = util.border('solid', '#126DAF', 0) focusBoxShadow = "none" radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.radiusMinusBorderWidth(border, borderRadius) padding = util.padding(0); arrowColor = "#ffffff" backgroundColor = "#49CD00" overBackgroundColor = "#49CD6F" pressedBackgroundColor = "#45C05F" gradient = '#ffffff' overGradient = '#ffffff' pressedGradient = '#ffffff' font = util.fontStyle("helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif", '12px', '#FFFFFF', 'bold'); smallFontSize = 12 smallLineHeight = 18 mediumFontSize = 14 mediumLineHeight = 24 largeFontSize = 16 largeLineHeight = 32 } buttonGroup { borderRadius = 0 border = util.border('solid', '#dfeaf2', 0) headerGradient = util.solidGradientString('#ffffff') font = util.fontStyle("helvetica, arial, verdana, sans-serif", '13px', '#666666'); headerPadding = util.padding(2); bodyPadding = util.padding(4); bodyBackgroundColor = '#FFFFFF' } field { backgroundColor = "#ffffff" borderColor = "#c0c0c0" borderWidth = 1 borderStyle = "solid" emptyTextColor = "#808080" focusBorderColor = "#3892d3" height = 24 invalidBackgroundColor = "#ffffff" invalidBorderColor = '#D94E37' invalidBorderWidth = 1 lineHeight = "18px" padding = util.padding(2, 6, 1, 6) text = util.fontStyle("helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif", '13px', '#000000'); checkBox { boxLabel = text; padding { bottom = 0 left = 19 right = 10 top = 0 } } radio { boxLabel = text padding { bottom = 0 left = 19 right = 10 top = 0 } } slider { trackHeight = 8 trackBorder = util.border('solid', "#d4d4d4", 1) trackBackgroundColor = "#f5f5f5" trackRadius = 4 thumbWidth = 15 thumbHeight = thumbWidth thumbRadius = 8 thumbBorder = util.border("solid", "#777777", 1) thumbBackgroundColor = "#f5f5f5" } sideLabel { text = field.text textAlign = 'left' padding = util.padding(0, 0, 3) labelPadding = util.padding(5, 5, 0, 0) fieldPadding = util.padding(0) } topLabel { text = field.text textAlign = 'left' padding = util.padding(0, 0, 5) labelPadding = util.padding(6, 0, 0) fieldPadding = util.padding(0) } } datePicker { border = util.border("solid", "#e1e1e1", 1) backgroundColor = '#ffffff' headerPadding = util.padding(8, 6) headerBackgroundColor = "#f5f5f5" headerText = util.fontStyle("helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif", '12px', '#3892d3', 'bold') headerTextPadding = util.padding(0, 5) dayOfWeekBackgroundColor = '#ffffff' dayOfWeekText = util.fontStyle('helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '13px', '#000000', 'bold') dayOfWeekLineHeight = '24px' dayOfWeekPadding = util.padding(0, 9, 0, 0) dayBorder = util.border('solid', '#ffffff', 1) dayText = util.fontStyle('helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '13px', '#000000') dayLineHeight = '23px' dayPadding = util.padding(0, 3, 0, 0) dayDisabledBackgroundColor = '#eeeeee' dayDisabledText = util.extend(dayText, { color = '#808080' }) dayNextBackgroundColor = '#ffffff' dayNextText = util.extend(dayText, { color = '#bfbfbf' }) dayPreviousBackgroundColor = '#ffffff' dayPreviousText = dayNextText itemOverBorder = util.border('solid', '#ffffff', 1) itemOverColor = "#000000" itemOverBackgroundColor = "#eaf3fa" itemSelectedBorder = util.border('solid', '#3892d3', 1) itemSelectedBackgroundColor = '#d6e8f6' itemSelectedText = util.extend(dayText, { weight = 'bold' }) monthLeftButtonColor = "#ffffff" monthLeftButtonOpacity = 1 monthLeftButtonMargin = util.margin(0, 0) monthRightButtonColor = "#ffffff" monthRightButtonMargin = util.margin(0, 0) monthRightButtonOpacity = 1 todayBorder = util.border('solid', '#8b0000', 1) footerPadding = util.padding(3, 0) footerBackgroundColor = '#f5f5f5' buttonMargin = util.margin(0, 3, 0, 2) width = "212px" } panel { font = util.extend(headerText, { family = 'arial,helvetica,verdana,sans-serif' }) border = util.border('none') frameWidth = 0 frameHeight = 0 headerLineHeight = "15px" headerPadding = util.padding(10); padding = util.padding(0) backgroundColor = "#e0f0e0" headerBackgroundColor = "#b0d0b0" headerGradient = util.solidGradientString('#b0d0b0') } framedPanel = util.extend(panel, { borderRadius = 4 border = util.border('solid', theme.borderColor, 5) headerLineHeight = "15px" headerPadding = util.padding(util.abs(panel.headerPadding.top - borderRadius), panel.headerPadding.right, panel.headerPadding.bottom) radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.radiusMinusBorderWidth(border, borderRadius) }) window = util.extend(framedPanel, { border = util.border('solid', '#3291d6', 5) backgroundColor = "#e0f0e0" headerGradient = util.solidGradientString("#b0d0b0") headerLineHeight = "15px" }) messagebox { text = util.fontStyle('helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '13px') messagePadding = util.padding(10, 10, 5) bodyPadding = util.padding(5, 10, 10) iconPadding = util.padding(10) } borderLayout { panelBackgroundColor = "#c0c0c0" collapsePanelBackgroundColor = "#b0d0b0" collapsePanelBorder = util.border('solid', theme.borderColor, 1) } splitbar { dragColor = "#B4B4B4" handleOpacity = 0.5 handleWidth = 8 handleHeight = 48 } accordionLayout = util.extend(panel, { headerGradient = util.solidGradientString("#DFEAF2") headerBackgroundColor = "#DFEAF2" headerBarMargin = util.margin(0) headerPadding = util.padding(8, 10) font = util.extend(headerText, { color = '#666666' }) panelPadding { bottom = 1 left = 0 right = 0 top = 0 } firstPanelPadding = panelPadding border = util.border('solid', '#ffffff', 0, 0, 1) }) fieldset { backgroundColor = "#f6f6f6" text = util.fontStyle('helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '13px') border = util.border('solid', '#b5b8c8', 1) legendPadding = util.padding(5) padding = util.padding(5) collapseIconColor = tools.primaryColor collapseOverIconColor = tools.primaryOverColor expandIconColor = collapseIconColor expandOverIconColor = collapseOverIconColor } toolbar { backgroundColor = "#e0f0e0" gradient = util.solidGradientString("#ffffff") border = util.border('none') padding = util.padding(3) buttonOverride = util.extend(theme.details.button, { border = util.border('solid', '#cecece', 1) overBorder = util.border('solid', '#cecece', 1) pressedBorder = util.border('solid', '#cecece', 1) arrowColor = "#666666" // focusBoxShadow = "none" backgroundColor = "#F6F6F6" overBackgroundColor = "#EDEDED" pressedBackgroundColor = "#E1E1E1" gradient = '#F6F6F6 0%, #F5F5F5 50%, #E8E8E8 51%, #F5F5F5 100%' overGradient = '#EDEDED 0%, #EBEBEB 50%, #DFDFDF 51%, #EBEBEB 100%' pressedGradient = '#E1E1E1 0%, #D5D5D5 50%, #E1E1E1 51%, #E4E4E4 100%' font = util.fontStyle("helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif", '12px', '#666666', 'bold'); }) htmlEditorIconColor = "#666666" labelItem { text = field.text lineHeight = '17px' padding = util.padding(2, 2, 0) } separatorBorder { bottom = 0 color = "#d0d0d0" left = 0 right = 0 style = "solid" top = 0 } separatorHeight = 16 } status { text = util.fontStyle('helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '12px', '#000000') lineHeight = '16px' padding = util.padding(0, 5) border = util.border('solid', '#cccccc #d9d9d9 #d9d9d9', 1) } tools { primaryColor = util.mixColors("#ffffff", "#1c1c1c", 0.8) primaryOpacity = 1 primaryOverColor = util.mixColors("#ffffff", "#1c1c1c", 0.5) primaryOverOpacity = 1 primaryClickColor = util.mixColors("#ffffff", "#1c1c1c", 0.35) primaryClickOpacity = 1 warningColor = "#D94E37" allowColor = "#C6E38A" tabs { tabCloseOver = "#ffffff" } } tabs { activeHeadingText = util.extend(headingText, { color = "#101010" }) activeTabItemBackgroundColor = "#80b4d8" activeTabItemBorderBottom = "1px" activeTabItemBorderTop = "1px" activeTabItemMarginBottom = "-1px" activeTabCloseIconOpacity = 0.8 activeTabCloseOverIconOpacity = 1 tabCloseIconOpacity = 0.6 tabCloseOverIconOpacity = 1 borderRadius = 0 borderColor = "#b0d0b0" bodyBackgroundColor = "#ffffff" closeIconWidth = 11 gradient = util.solidGradientString("#80b4d8") headingColor = "#fcfcfc" headingText = util.extend(theme.headerText, { color = "#101010" }) hoverGradient = util.solidGradientString("#daedfc") hoverHeadingText = headingText hoverTabItemBackgroundColor = "#5fa7db" iconLeftOffset = 6 iconTopOffset = 5 iconWidth = 16 inactiveGradient = util.solidGradientString("#dedede") inactiveLastStopColor = "#4b9cd7" inactiveTabItemBackgroundColor = "#dedede" lastStopColor = "#c0c0c0" overTabItemBorderBottom = "1px" overTabItemBorderTop = "1px" overTabItemOpacity = 1 padding = util.padding(10) paddingWithClosable = util.padding(padding.right + closeIconWidth - 2) paddingWithIcon = util.padding(padding.left + iconWidth/2) plainActiveHeadingText = activeHeadingText plainHeadingText = headingText plainHoverHeadingText = hoverHeadingText plainTabBarBorderBottom = 1 plainTabBarBorderTop = 3 plainTabStripSpacerBorder = 2 plainTabStripSpacerHeight = 2 scrollerBackgroundColor = "#c0c0c0" scrollerLeftDisabledOpacity = 0.7 scrollerLeftOverOpacity = 0.7 scrollerRightDisabledOpacity = 0.7 scrollerRightOverOpacity = 0.7 scrollerWidth = 18 tabHeight = 31 tabBarBorder = "none" tabBarBottomHeight = 4 tabBodyBorder = "none" tabItemBorderBottom = "none" tabItemBorderLeft = "none" tabItemBorderTop = "none" tabItemBorderRight = "none" tabSpacing = 1 tabStripBottomBorder = "none" tabStripBackgroundColor = "#b0d0b0" tabStripGradient = util.solidGradientString('#b0d0b0') tabStripPadding = util.padding(0) tabStripTopBorder = "none" tabTextPadding = util.padding(10, 0) } tree { checkboxMargin = util.margin(4, 3, 0, 2) dragOverBackgroundColor = '#e2eff8' dropBackgroundColor = '#e2eff8' iconMargin = util.margin(0, 3, 0, 2) itemHeight = '25px' nodePadding = util.padding(0, 6, 0, 3) overBackgroundColor = '#e2eff8' selectedBackgroundColor = '#c1ddf1' text = util.fontStyle('helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '13px', '#000000') } info { backgroundColor = "#ffffff" borderRadius = 8 opacity = 1.0 border = util.border('solid', '#cccccc', 2) radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.radiusMinusBorderWidth(border, borderRadius) headerPadding = util.padding(0,0,8,0) headerText = util.fontStyle("Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif", '15px', '#555555', 'bold'); messagePadding = util.padding(0) messageText = util.fontStyle("Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif", '14px', '#555555'); margin = util.margin(2,0,0,0) padding = util.padding(2,7) } tip { backgroundColor = "#eaf3fa" borderRadius = 3 opacity = 1 border = util.border('solid', '#e1e1e1', 1) radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.radiusMinusBorderWidth(border, borderRadius) headerPadding = util.padding(0) headerText = util.fontStyle("Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif", '12px', '#000000', 'bold'); messagePadding = util.padding(0,0,0) messageText = util.fontStyle("Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif", '12px'); margin = util.margin(0) padding = util.padding(3) } errortip = tip grid { bodyBorder { bottom = 0 color = "#d0d0d0" left = 0 right = 0 style = "solid" top = 0 } columnHeader { backgroundColor = '#f5f5f5' borderWidth = 1 borderColor = '#c0c0c0' borderStyle = 'solid' gradient = '#f5f5f5 0%, #f5f5f5 100%' overBackgroundColor = '#eef6fb' overGradient = '#eef6fb 0%, #eef6fb 100%' text = util.fontStyle('helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '13px', '#666666', 'bold') padding = util.padding(7, 10) lineHeight = "15px" menuButtonWidth = 18 menuBackgroundColor = '#f5f5f5' menuGradient = gradient menuBorder = util.border('solid', '#c0c0c0', 0,0,0,1) menuHoverBackgroundColor = '#eef6fb' menuHoverGradient = overGradient menuHoverBorder = menuBorder menuActiveBackgroundColor = '#DFEAF2' menuActiveGradient = "#DFEAF2 0%, #DFEAF2 100%" menuActiveBorder = menuBorder } cellPadding = util.padding(5,10,4) cellText = util.fontStyle('helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '13px', '#000000') cellLineHeight = "15px" cellVBorderColor = '#ededed' cellHBorderColor = '#ededed' cellBorderWidth = 1 cellBackgroundColor = '#ffffff' cellAltBackgroundColor = '#fafafa' cellOverVBorderColor = '#ededed' cellOverVBorderStyle = 'solid' cellOverHBorderColor = '#e2eff8' cellOverHBorderStyle = 'solid' cellOverBackgroundColor = '#e2eff8' cellSelectedVBorderColor = '#ededed' cellSelectedVBorderStyle = 'solid' cellSelectedHBorderColor = '#e2eff8' cellSelectedHBorderStyle = 'solid' cellSelectedBackgroundColor = '#c1ddf1' specialColumnGradient = "" specialColumnGradientSelected = "" group { backgroundColor = '#f5f5f5' border = util.border('solid', '#c0c0c0', 0, 0, 1) text = columnHeader.text padding = util.padding(8, 4) iconSpacing = 11 + 6 // icon is 11px wide, plus 6px padding summary { text = util.extend(columnHeader.text, { color = '#000000' }) backgroundColor = '#ffffff' } } rowNumberer { text = util.fontStyle('helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '13px', '#000000') padding = util.padding(5,3,4) } rowEditor { backgroundColor = '#DFEAF2' border = util.border('solid', '#e1e1e1', 1, 0); } footer { text = util.fontStyle('helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '13px', '#000000', 'bold') backgroundColor = '#ffffff' cellBorder = util.border('solid', '#ededed', 1, 0, 0) } } listview { text = util.fontStyle('helvetica, arial, verdana, sans-serif','13px'); lineHeight = '22px' backgroundColor = '#ffffff' border = util.border('solid', '#e1e1e1', 1) item { backgroundColor = "#ffffff" padding = util.padding(0,6) border = util.border('none') gradient = util.solidGradientString('#ffffff') } overItem { backgroundColor = "#d6e8f6" padding = util.padding(0,6) border = util.border('none') gradient = util.solidGradientString('#d6e8f6') } selectedItem { backgroundColor = "#c1ddf1" padding = util.padding(0,6) border = util.border('none') gradient = util.solidGradientString('#c1ddf1') } } menu { backgroundColor = "#ffffff" border = util.border('solid', '#e1e1e1', 1) padding = util.padding(0) gradient = util.solidGradientString('#ffffff') lastGradientColor = '#ffffff' itemText = util.fontStyle('helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '13px') itemLineHeight = '24px' itemPadding = util.padding(0) activeItemText = itemText activeItemBackgroundColor = '#d6e8f6' activeItemGradient = util.solidGradientString('#d6e8f6') activeItemBorder = util.border('none') bar { backgroundColor = menu.backgroundColor border = util.border('solid', '#4f404f', 1) padding = util.padding(0) gradient = menu.gradient itemText = menu.itemText itemLineHeight = menu.itemLineHeight itemPadding = util.padding(1, 8) hoverItemText = itemText hoverItemBackgroundColor = menu.activeItemBackgroundColor hoverItemGradient = menu.activeItemGradient hoverItemBorder = util.border('none') activeItemText = itemText activeItemBackgroundColor = menu.activeItemBackgroundColor activeItemGradient = menu.activeItemGradient activeItemBorder = util.border('none') } scrollerHeight = 8 separator { height = 1 margin = util.margin(2, 3) color = '#e1e1e1' } header { border = util.border('solid', '#c8ddf2', 0, 0, 1) backgroundColor = 'b0d0b0' itemText = util.fontStyle('tahoma,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '10px', '#15428b', 'bold') itemLineHeight = '13px' itemPadding = util.padding(3) } } mask { opacity = 0.7 backgroundColor = '#ffffff' box { padding = util.padding(5) borderColor = '' borderStyle = 'none' borderWidth = 0 borderRadius = 3 radiusMinusBorderWidth = util.max(0, borderRadius - borderWidth) backgroundColor = '#e5e5e5' text = util.fontStyle('helvetica, arial, verdana, sans-serif', '13px', '#666666') textPadding = util.padding(21, 0, 0) loadingImagePosition = 'center 0' } } progressbar { border = util.border('solid', '#4f404f', 1) text = util.fontStyle('helvetica, arial, verdana, sans-serif', '13px', '#666666', 'bold') backgroundGradient = ''//transparent textPadding = util.padding(3, 0) textAlign = 'center' barTextColor = text.color barGradient = util.solidGradientString('#c1ddf1') barBorder = util.border('solid', '#4f4f4f', 1); } statusproxy { text = util.fontStyle('helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif', '13px') border = util.border('solid', '#dddddd #bbbbbb #bbbbbb #dddddd', 1) backgroundColor = '#ffffff' opacity = 0.85 } colorpalette { itemSize = 16 itemPadding = util.padding(2) backgroundColor = '#ffffff' itemBorder = util.border('solid', '#e1e1e1', 1) selectedBackgroundColor = '#e6e6e6' selectedBorder = util.border('solid', '#8bb8f3', 1) } } }