###################################################################### # # English Language text and icon macros # -- this file contains english text that is of less importance # -- to translate when creating a new interface language ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # 'home' page package home ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _documents_ { documents. } _lastupdate_ {Last updated} _ago_ {days ago.} _colnotbuilt_ {Collection not built.} _textpagetitle_ {Greenstone Digital Library} _textadmin_ {Administration Page} _textabgs_ {About Greenstone} _textgsdocs_ {Greenstone Documentation} _textimagecollector_ { Helps you create new collections, modify or add to existing ones, or delete collections } _textimageadmin_ { Allows you to add new users, summarizes the collections in the system, gives technical information on the Greenstone installation } _textimagegogreenstone_ { Tells you about the Greenstone software and the New Zealand Digital Library Project where it originated } _textimagegodocs_ {Greenstone manuals} _textpoem_ {

Kia papapounamu te moana

kia hora te marino,
kia tere te karohirohi,
kia papapounamu te moana

may peace and calmness surround you,
may you reside in the warmth of a summer's haze,
may the ocean of your travels be as smooth as the polished greenstone. } _textgreenstone_ {

Greenstone is a semi-precious stone that (like this software) is sourced in New Zealand. In traditional Maori society it was the most highly prized and sought after of all substances. It can absorb and hold wairua, which is a spirit or life force, and is endowed with traditional virtues that make it an appropriate emblem for a public-domain digital library project. Its lustre shows charity; its translucence, honesty; its toughness, courage; and the sharp edge it can take, justice. The carved piece used in the Greenstone Digital Library Software logo is a patu or fighting club, and is a family heirloom of one of our project members. In hand-to-hand combat its delivery is very quick, very accurate, and very complete. We like to think these qualities also apply to our software, the razor sharp edge of the patu symbolizing the leading edge of technology. } _textaboutgreenstone_ {

Greenstone is a suite of software for building and distributing digital library collections. It provides a new way of organizing information and publishing it on the Internet or on CD-ROM. Greenstone is produced by the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato, and developed and distributed in cooperation with UNESCO and the Human Info NGO. It is open-source software, available from http://greenstone.org under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

The aim of the software is to empower users, particularly in universities, libraries, and other public service institutions, to build their own digital libraries. Digital libraries are radically reforming how information is disseminated and acquired in UNESCO's partner communities and institutions in the fields of education, science and culture around the world, and particularly in developing countries. We hope that this software will encourage the effective deployment of digital libraries to share information and place it in the public domain.

This software is developed and distributed as an international cooperative effort established in August 2000 among three parties.
New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato
Greenstone software grew out of this project, and this initiative has been endorsed by the Communication Sub-Commission of the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO as part of New Zealand's contribution to UNESCO's programme.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The dissemination of educational, scientific and cultural information throughout the world, and particularly its availability in developing countries, is central to UNESCO's goals as pursued within its intergovernmental Information for All Programme, and appropriate, accessible information and communication technology is seen as an important tool in this context.
The Human Info NGO, based in Antwerp, Belgium
This project works with UN agencies and other NGOs, and has established a worldwide reputation for digitizing documentation of interest to human development and making it widely available, free of charge to developing nations and on a cost-recovery basis to others.
} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "THE NEW ZEALAND DIGITAL LIBRARY" ## nzdl_heading ## nzdl2gr ## _httpiconnzdl_ {_httpimg_/nzdl2gr.gif} _widthnzdl_ {457} _heightnzdl_ {181} ## "select a collection" ## green_bar_left_aligned ## selcolgr ## _httpiconselcolgr_ {_httpimg_/selcolgr.gif} _widthselcolgr_ {537} _heightselcolgr_ {17} _altselcolgr_ {"Select a collection"} ###################################################################### # home help page package homehelp ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _text4buts_ {There are four further buttons on the home page} _textnocollections_ {

There are currently no collections available to this Greenstone installation. To add some collections you may either

} _text1coll_ {This Greenstone installation contains 1 collection} _textmorecolls_ {This Greenstone installation contains _1_ collections} ###################################################################### # external link package package extlink ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textextlink_ {External Link} _textlinknotfound_{Internal Link not Found} _textextlinkcontent_ {The link you have selected is external to any of your currently selected collections. If you still wish to view this link and your browser has access to the Web, you can go forward to this page; otherwise use your browsers "back" button to return to the previous document.} _textlinknotfoundcontent_ {For reasons beyond our control, the internal link you have selected does not exist. This is probably due to an error in the source collection. Use your browsers "back" button to return to the previous document.} # should have arguments of collection, collectionname and link _foundintcontent_ {

Link to "_2_" collection

The link you have selected is external to the "_collectionname_" collection (it links to the "_2_" collection). If you wish to view this link in the "_2_" collection you can go forward to this page; otherwise use your browsers "back" button to return to the previous document. } #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ###################################################################### # authentication page package authen ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textGSDLtitle_ {Greenstone Digital Library} _textusername_ {username} _textpassword_ {password} _textmessageinvalid_ {The page you have requested requires you to sign in.
_If_(_cgiargug_,[Note that you must belong to the "_cgiargug_" group to access this page]
) Please enter your Greenstone username and password.} _textmessagefailed_ {Either your username or password was incorrect.} _textmessagedisabled_ {Sorry, your account has been disabled. Please contact the webmaster for this site.} _textmessagepermissiondenied_ {Sorry, you do not have permission to access this page.} _textmessagestalekey_ {The link you have followed is now stale. Please enter your password to access this page.} ###################################################################### # 'docs' page package docs ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textnodocumentation_ {

This Greenstone installation does not include any documentation. This may be because:

  1. Greenstone was installed from CD-ROM using a compact installation.
  2. Greenstone was installed from a distribution downloaded from the internet.
In either case you may obtain the documentation either from the docs directory of a Greenstone CD-ROM or by visiting http://www.greenstone.org. } _textuserguide_ {User's Guide} _textinstallerguide_ {Installer's Guide} _textdeveloperguide_ {Developer's Guide} _textpaperguide_ {From Paper to Collection Guide} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "greenstone documentation" ## green_bar_left_aligned ## gsdocsgr ## _httpicongsdocsgr_ {_httpimg_/gsdocsgr.gif} _widthgsdocsgr_ {_pagewidth_} _heightgsdocsgr_ {17} ###################################################################### # collectoraction package collector ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textdefaultstructure_ {default structure} _textmore_ {more} _textcollector_ {The Collector} _textinfo_ {Collection information} _textsrce_ {Source data} _textconf_ {Configure collection} _textbild_ {Build} _textview_ {view} _textdel_ {delete collection} _textexpt_ {export collection} _textcollectorblurb_ { The pen is mightier than the sword!
Building and distributing information collections carries responsibilities that you may want to reflect on before you begin. There are legal issues of copyright: being able to access documents doesn't mean you can necessarily give them to others. There are social issues: collections should respect the customs of the community out of which the documents arise. And there are ethical issues: some things simply should not be made available to others.
Be sensitive to the power of information and use it wisely.
} _textcb1_ { The Collector helps you to create new collections, modify or add to existing ones, or delete collections. To do this you will be guided through a sequence of Web pages which request the information that is needed. } _textcb2_ {First, you must decide whether to} _textcnc_ {create a new collection} _textwec_ {work with an existing one, adding data to it or deleting it.} _textcb3_ { In order to build or modify digital library collections you must sign in. This is to protect you from others logging in to your computer and altering the information on it. Note: for security reasons you will be automatically logged out once a 30 minute period has elapsed since you logged in. If this happens, don't worry! -- you will be invited to log in again and can continue from where you left off. } _textcb4_ { Please enter your Greenstone username and password, and click the button to sign in. } _textfsc_ { First select the collection that you want to work with (write protected collections won't appear in this list). } _textwtc_ {With the collection you have selected, you can} _textamd_ {Add more data and rebuild the collection} _textetc_ {Edit the collection configuration file and rebuild the collection} _textdtc_ {Delete the collection entirely} _textetcfcd_ {Export the collection for writing to a self-installing Windows CD-ROM} _textcaec_ {Changing an existing collection} _textnwec_ {No write-enabled collections are available for modifying} _textcianc_ {Creating a new collection} _texttsosn_ {The sequence of steps needed to create a new digital library collection is:} _textsin_ {Specify its name (and associated information)} _textswts_ {Specify where the source data comes from} _textatco_ {Adjust the configuration options (advanced users only)} _textbtc_ {"Build" the collection (see below)} _textpvyh_ {Proudly view your handiwork.} _texttfsiw_ { The fourth step is where the computer does all the work. In the "building" process the computer makes all the indexes and gathers together any other information that is required to make things work. But first you have to specify the information. } _textadab_ { A diagram appears below that will help you keep track of where you are. The green button is the one that you click to carry on in the sequence. As you go through the sequence, the buttons will change to yellow. You can return to a previous page by clicking on the corresponding yellow button in the diagram. } _textwyar_ { When you are ready, click the green "collection information" button to begin creating your new digital library collection! } _textcnmbs_ {Collection name must be specified} _texteambs_ {Email address must be specified} _textpsea_ {Please specify email address in the form: usename@domain} _textdocmbs_ {Description of collection must be specified} _textwcanc_ { When creating a new collection you need to enter some preliminary information about the source data. This process is structured as a series of Web pages, overseen by The Collector. The bar at the bottom of the page shows you the sequence of pages to be completed. } _texttfc_ {Title for collection:} _texttctiasp_ { The collection title is a short phrase used throughout the digital library to identify the content of the collection. Example titles include "Computer Science Technical Reports" and "Humanity Development Library." } _textcea_ {Contact email address:} _textteas_ { This email address specifies the first point of contact for the collection. If the Greenstone software detects a problem, a diagnostic report is sent to this address. Enter an email address in its full form: name@domain. } _textatc_ {About this collection:} _texttiasd_ { This is a statement describing the principles governing what is included in the collection. It appears on the first page when the collection is presented. } _textypits_ { Your position in the sequence is indicated by an arrow underneath--in this case, the "collection information" stage. To proceed, click the green "source data" button. } _srcebadsources_ {

One or more of the input sources you specified is unavailable (marked _iconcross_ below).

This might be because

If this is a URL that you can see in your browser, it may be coming from a locally cached copy. Unfortunately, locally cached copies are invisible to our mirroring process. In this case we recommend that you download the pages using your browser first. } _textymbyco_ {

You may base your collection on either

} _textbtco_ {Base the collection on} _textand_ {Add new data} _textad_ {Adding data:} _texttftysb_ { The files that you specify below will be added to the collection. Make sure that you do not re-specify files that are already in the collection: otherwise two copies will be included. Files are identified by their full pathname, Web pages by their absolute Web address. } _textis_ {Input sources:} _textddd1_ {

If you use file:// or ftp:// to specify a file, that file will be downloaded.

If you use http:// it depends on whether the URL gives you a normal web page in your browser, or a list of files. If a page, that page will be downloaded -- and so will all pages it links to, and all pages they link to, etc. -- provided they reside on the same site, below the URL.

If you use file:// or ftp:// to specify a folder or directory, or give a http:// URL that leads to a list of files, everything in the folder and all its sub-folders will be included in the collection.

Click the "more sources" button to get more input boxes. } _textddd2_ {

Click one of the green buttons. If you are an advanced user you may want to adjust the collection configuration. Alternatively, go straight to the building stage. Remember, you can always revisit an earlier stage by clicking its yellow button. } _textconf1_ {

The building and presentation of your collection are controlled by specifications in a special "configuration file". Advanced users may want to alter the configuration settings.

If you are not an advanced user, just go to the bottom of the page.

To alter the configuration settings, edit the data that appears below. If you make a mistake, click on "Reset" to reinstate the original configuration settings. } _textreset_ {Reset} _textbild1_ { The collection is now being built: this might take some time. The building status line below gives feedback on how the operation is progressing. } _textbild2_ { To stop the building process at any time, click here.
The collection you are working on will remain intact. } _textstopbuild_ {stop building} _textbild3_ { If you leave this page (and have not cancelled the building process with the "stop building" button) the collection will continue to build and will be installed upon successful completion. } _textbuildcancelled_ {Build cancelled} _textbildcancel1_ { The collection building process was cancelled. Use the yellow buttons below to make changes to your collection or restart the building process. } _textbsupdate1_ {Building status update in 1 second} _textbsupdate2_ {Building status update in} _textseconds_ {seconds} _textbildsuc_ {Collection built successfully.} _textviewbildsummary_ { You may view the build summary of this collection for further details. } _textfailmsg11_ { The collection could not be built as it contains no data. Make sure that at least one of the directories or files you specified on the source data page exists and is of a type or (in the case of a directory) contains files of a type, that Greenstone can process. } _textfailmsg21_ {The collection could not be built (import.pl failed).} _textblcont_ {The build log contains the following information:} _texttryagain_ { Please restart the collector and try again. } _textfailmsg31_ {The collection could not be built (buildcol.pl failed).} _textfailmsg41_ {The collection was built successfully but could not be installed.} _textfailmsg71_ {An unexpected error occurred while attepting to build your collection} _textretcoll_ {Return to the collector} _textdelperm_ { Some or all of the _cgiargbc1dirname_ collection could not be deleted. Possible causes are:

} _textdelinv_ { The _cgiargbc1dirname_ collection is protected or invalid. Deletion was cancelled. } _textdelsuc_ {The _cgiargbc1dirname_ collection was successfully deleted.} _textclonefail_ { The _cgiargclonecol_ collection cound not be cloned. Possible causes are: } _textcolerr_ {Collector error.} _texttmpfail_ { The collector failed to read from or write to a temporary file or directory. Possible causes are: } _textmkcolfail_ { The collector failed to create the directory structure required by the new collection (mkcol.pl failed). Possible causes are: } _textnocontent_ { Collector error: no collection name was provided for the new collection. Try restarting the Collector from the beginning. } _textrestart_ {Restart the Collector} _textreloaderror_ { An error occurred while creating the new collection. This may have been due to Greenstone getting confused by the use of your browser's "reload" or "back" buttons (please try to avoid using these buttons while creating a collection with the Collector). It is recommended that you restart the Collector from the beginning. } _textexptsuc_ { The _cgiargbc1dirname_ collection was successfully exported to the _gsdlhome_/tmp/exported\__cgiargbc1dirname_ directory. } _textexptfail_ {

Failed to export the _cgiargbc1dirname_ collection.

This is likely to be because Greenstone was installed without the necessary components to support the "Export Collection" function.

} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "The collector" ## green_title ## h_colect ## _httpiconhcolect_ {_httpimg_/h\_colect.gif} ## "collection information" ## collector_bar_button ## info ## _httpicongcinfoof_ {_httpimg_/gcinfoof.gif} _httpicongcinfoon_ {_httpimg_/gcinfoon.gif} _httpiconycinfoof_ {_httpimg_/ycinfoof.gif} _httpiconycinfoon_ {_httpimg_/ycinfoon.gif} _httpiconncinfoof_ {_httpimg_/ncinfoof.gif} ## "source data" ## collector_bar_button ## srce ## _httpicongcsrceof_ {_httpimg_/gcsrceof.gif} _httpicongcsrceon_ {_httpimg_/gcsrceon.gif} _httpiconycsrceof_ {_httpimg_/ycsrceof.gif} _httpiconycsrceon_ {_httpimg_/ycsrceon.gif} _httpiconncsrceof_ {_httpimg_/ncsrceof.gif} ## "configure collection" ## collector_bar_button ## conf ## _httpicongcconfof_ {_httpimg_/gcconfof.gif} _httpicongcconfon_ {_httpimg_/gcconfon.gif} _httpiconycconfof_ {_httpimg_/ycconfof.gif} _httpiconycconfon_ {_httpimg_/ycconfon.gif} _httpiconncconfof_ {_httpimg_/ncconfof.gif} ## "build collection" ## collector_bar_button ## bild ## _httpicongcbildof_ {_httpimg_/gcbildof.gif} _httpicongcbildon_ {_httpimg_/gcbildon.gif} _httpiconycbildof_ {_httpimg_/ycbildof.gif} _httpiconycbildon_ {_httpimg_/ycbildon.gif} _httpiconncbildof_ {_httpimg_/ncbildof.gif} ## "view collection" ## collector_bar_button ## view ## _httpicongcviewof_ {_httpimg_/gcviewof.gif} _httpicongcviewon_ {_httpimg_/gcviewon.gif} _httpiconycviewof_ {_httpimg_/ycviewof.gif} _httpiconycviewon_ {_httpimg_/ycviewon.gif} _httpiconncviewof_ {_httpimg_/ncviewof.gif} ## "delete collection" ## collector_bar_button ## del ## _httpicongcdelof_ {_httpimg_/gcdelof.gif} _httpicongcdelon_ {_httpimg_/gcdelon.gif} ## "export collection" ## collector_bar_button ## expt ## _httpicongcexptof_ {_httpimg_/gcexptof.gif} _httpicongcexpton_ {_httpimg_/gcexpton.gif} ###################################################################### # 'gsdl' page package gsdl ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textgreenstone1_ { Greenstone is a suite of software which has the ability to serve digital library collections and build new collections. It provides a new way of organizing information and publishing it on the Internet or on CD-ROM. Greenstone is produced by the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato, and distributed in cooperation with UNESCO and the Human Info NGO. It is open-source software, available from http://greenstone.org under the terms of the GNU General Public License. } _textgreenstone2_ { The New Zealand Digital Library website (http://nzdl.org) contains numerous example collections, all created with the Greenstone software, which are publicly available for you to peruse. They exemplify various searching and browsing options, and include collections in Arabic, Chinese, French, Maori, and Spanish, as well as English. There are also some music collections. } _textgreenstone3_ { Greenstone runs on Windows and Unix. The distribution includes ready-to-use binaries for all versions of Windows, and for Linux. It also includes complete source code for the system, which can be compiled using Microsoft C++ or gcc. Greenstone works with associated software that is also freely available: the Apache Webserver and PERL. The user interface uses a Web browser: typically Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer. } _textgreenstone4_ { Many document collections are distributed on CD-ROM using the Greenstone software. For example, the Humanity Development Library contains 1,230 publications ranging from accounting to water sanitation. It runs on minimal computing facilities such as those typically found in developing countries. The information can be accessed by searching, browsing by subject, browsing by titles, browsing by organisation, browsing a list of how-tos, and by randomly viewing the book covers. } _textgreenstone5_ { Greenstone is specifically designed to be highly extensible and customisable. New document and metadata formats are accommodated by writing "plugins" (in Perl). Analogously, new metadata browsing structures can be implemented by writing "classifiers." The user interface look-and-feel can be altered using "macros" written in a simple macro language. A Corba protocol allows agents (e.g. in Java) to use all the facilities associated with document collections. Finally, the source code, in C++ and Perl, is available and accessible for modification. } _textthreedocs_ {There are three documents that explain the Greenstone system:} _textinstall_ {The Greenstone Digital Library Software Installer's Guide} _textuser_ {The Greenstone Digital Library Software User's Guide} _textdevelop_ {The Greenstone Digital Library Software Developer's Guide} _textmailinglist_ { There is a mailing list intended primarily for discussions about the Greenstone digital library software. Active users of Greenstone should consider joining the mailing list and contributing to the discussions. The mailing list is hosted by the Pathfinder Library System in beautiful Grand Junction, Colorado (John Campbell, john@colosys.net). To subscribe, send email to majordomo@colosys.net with the text (no subject, no name, nothing else). To send a message to the list, address it to greenstone@colosys.net. } _textreport_ { We want to ensure that this software works well for you. Please report any bugs to greenstone@cs.waikato.ac.nz } _textcredits_ {credits} _textwhoswho_ { The Greenstone software is a collaborative effort between many people. Rodger McNab and Stefan Boddie are the principal architects and implementors. Contributions have been made by David Bainbridge, George Buchanan, Hong Chen, Elke Duncker, Carl Gutwin, Geoff Holmes, John McPherson, Craig Nevill-Manning, Gordon Paynter, Bernhard Pfahringer, Todd Reed, Bill Rogers, and Stuart Yeates. Other members of the New Zealand Digital Library project provided advice and inspiration in the design of the system: Mark Apperley, Sally Jo Cunningham, Steve Jones, Te Taka Keegan, Michel Loots, Malika Mahoui and Lloyd Smith. We would also like to acknowledge all those who have contributed to the GNU-licensed packages included in this distribution: MG, GDBM, PDFTOHTML, WGET, WVWARE and XLHTML. } #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "about the greenstone software" ## green_bar_left_aligned ## abgsgr ## _httpiconabgsgr_ {_httpimg_/abgsgr.gif} _widthabgsgr_ {_pagewidth_} _heightabgsgr_ {17} ###################################################################### # 'users' page package userslistusers ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textlocu_ {List of current users} _textuser_ {user} _textas_ {account status} _textgroups_ {groups} _textcomment_ {comment} _textadduser_ {add a new user} _textedituser_ {edit} _textdeleteuser_ {delete} ###################################################################### # 'users' page package usersedituser ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textedituser_ {Edit user information} _textadduser_ {Add a new user} _textaboutusername_ { Usernames must be between 2 and 30 characters long. They can contain alphanumeric characters, '.', and '_'. } _textaboutpassword_ { Passwords must be between 3 and 8 characters long. They can contain any normal printable ASCII characters. } _textoldpass_ {If this field is blank the old password will be kept.} _textenabled_ {enabled} _textdisabled_ {disabled} _textaboutgroups_ { Groups is a comma separated list, do not put spaces after the commas. } ###################################################################### # 'users' page package usersdeleteuser ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textdeleteuser_ {Delete a user} _textremwarn_ {Do you really want to permanently remove user _cgiargumun_?} ###################################################################### # 'users' page package userschangepasswd ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textchangepw_ {Change password} _textoldpw_ {old password} _textnewpw_ {new password} _textretype_ {retype new password} ###################################################################### # 'users' page package userschangepasswdok ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textsuccess_ {Your password was successfully changed.} ###################################################################### # 'users' page package users ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textinvalidusername_ {The username is invalid.} _textinvalidpassword_ {The password is invalid.} _textemptypassword_ {Please enter an initial password for this user.} _textuserexists_ {This user already exists, please enter another username.} _textusernameempty_ {Please enter your username.} _textpasswordempty_ {You must enter your old password.} _textnewpass1empty_ {Enter your new password and then retype it.} _textnewpassmismatch_ {The two versions of your new password did not match.} _textnewinvalidpassword_ {You entered an invalid password.} _textfailed_ {Either your username or password was incorrect.} ###################################################################### # 'status' pages package status ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textversion_ {Greenstone version number} _textframebrowser_ {You must have a frame enabled browser to view this.} _textusermanage_ {User management} _textlistusers_ {list users} _textaddusers_ {add a new user} _textchangepasswd_ {change password} _textinfo_ {Technical information} _textgeneral_ {general} _textarguments_ {arguments} _textactions_ {actions} _textbrowsers_ {browsers} _textprotocols_ {protocols} _textconfigfiles_ {Configuration files} _textlogs_ {Logs} _textusagelog_ {usage log} _texterrorlog_ {error log} _textadminhome_ {admin home} _textreturnhome_ {Greenstone home} _titlewelcome_ { Administration } _textmaas_ {Maintenance and administration services available include:} _textvol_ {view on-line logs} _textcmuc_ {create, maintain and update collections} _textati_ {access technical information such as CGI arguments} _texttsaa_ { These services are accessed using the side navigation bar on the lefthand side of the page. } _textcolstat_ {Collection Status} _textcwoa_ { Collections will only appear as "running" if their build.cfg files exist, are readable, contain a valid builddate field (i.e. > 0), and are in the collection's index directory (i.e. NOT the building directory). } _textcafi_ {click abbrev. for information on a collection} _textcctv_ {click collection to view a collection} _textsubc_ {Submit Changes} _texteom_ {Error opening main.cfg} _textftum_ {Failed to update main.cfg} _textmus_ {main.cfg updated successfully} ###################################################################### # 'bsummary' pages package bsummary ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textbsummary_ {Build summary for _collectionname_ collection} _textflog_ {Fail log for _collectionname_ collection}