There are 3 main parts to the system: sites, interfaces, library executables. Sites contain collections. Interfaces contain images and xslts. There are 3 sites in this prototype example. sites/localsite is a standalone site, like used by a local library. It has no connections to any other sites. sites/site1 is a site that specifies a SOAP connection to another site: site2 sites/site2 can be run as a local site also. to run site1, and talk to site2 via SOAP, you need to have apache tomcat installed,running, and serving site2. (see INSTALL) You can add other sites by putting a directory in the sites directory, and configuring it appropriately. TODO MakeSite program There is one interface - default. you can add other interfaces if you like, in the interfaces directory. The interface and site to use for a particular servlet is determined by the init-params in the web.xml file XSL Files: when an xslt file is to be used, eg home.xsl, it is looked for in several places: in current site/transform, current interface/transform, and finally default/transform so you can change the interface by adding new xslt files to these three places. Note, if a stylesheet includes another one, eg they all include style.xsl, the included one needs to be in the same directory - ie you need to either create a new one, or copy the default one to the new location. Command line library need to run setup.bash to set CLASSPATH etc there is a sample executable class: Library1 it can be run by "java org.greenstone.gsdl3.Library1 " sitehome is the base dir for the site you are running: for the local library example site, its .../gsdl3/sites/localsite for the distributed soap example site, its .../gsdl3/sites/site1 Library1 - just takes straight XML queries and returns the results. It talks directly to the message router basically messages are like: with type="describe", to="", can use serviceList, collectionList and siteList for the info field. this program is not very useful - except for debugging - when using the servlet or Library2, can print out the messages - then cut and paste these for teh input to Library1 sample messages: (to cut and paste) describe request to message router: describe request to collection: query: the get Titles for a list of docs: get a document: Library2: java org.greenstone.gsdl3.Library2 takes xml request of 'cgi' params, and returns html (input must be all on one line) the info field is action/subaction, eg a=p&sa=home, or a=q&sa=text Some sample queries: (to cut and paste) home page: about page for mgppdemo: search for frog in mgppdemo: (no docs returned) search for frog in mgppdemo, with stemming on: (some docs returned)