true AMC-Essentia <p> This collection shows the capabilities of the <a href="">Essentia</a> DSP library in combination with Greenstone3, based on the 253 MP3 files from <a href="">AMC</a> </p> <p> When the digital library collection is built, Essentia is used to compute a range of audio fetures commonly use in Music Information Retrieval (MIR) for content analysis based techniques. These features are bound to the document in the digital library correspondig to the source MP3 file. </p> document all fields titles artists : Untitled () Untitled
  • Play all of: Untitled
/index/assoc//audio.mp3 var player = AV.Player.fromURL(gs.variables.mp3url);;
  • Click on the green bar above to start playing.
  • Click on it again, to pause.
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