==== To build and run this site: ==== 1. Check-out a base Greenstone3 system and compile up svn co https://svn.greenstone.org/main/greenstone3 greenstone3-svn-mars cd greenstone3-svn-mars # Optionally, check-out out a 'local' folder for your OS, e.g. for MacOs: svn co https://svn.greenstone.org/local/greenstone3/darwin-64bit local source ./gs3-devel.sh ant # Again, optionally activate the gnome and imagemagick emacs build.properties ant prepare ant install 2. Check-out the 'mars' extension cd ext svn co https://svn.greenstone.org/gs3-extensions/mars-src/trunk mars Follow the details in the Mar extensions README.txt file In essence (for first-time setup): a. Get setup with a Python3 under your own control b. Source its activate script c. Add in (pip install) the specified packages d. Setup up (GSLDL top-level) some symbolic links to make things run more smoothly in the future e. Source the extension's gs3-setup.bash file f. Run the extention's ./CASCADE-MAKE.sh g. Wait a while (NodeJS in particular takes a long time to compile from source) 3. Check-out the 'mars' site and interface Already covered off in the Mars extension README.txt, but if not already done: cd web/sites svn co https://svn.greenstone.org/main/trunk/model-sites-dev/mars cd ../interfaces/ svn co https://svn.greenstone.org/main/trunk/model-interfaces-dev/mars cd ../.. Now Update: web/WEB-INF/servlet.xsml So the main 'library' servlet specifies the 'mars' site and interface: site_name mars interface_name mars 4. Build the Weka Arousal-Valence model from the DEAM data Follow the instructions in the 'deam' collection README.txt In essence: a. download the files b. process the files c. move up to the right level to train the models Note: there is no need to build this collection 5. Generate the Arousal-Valence prediction values for the 'amc-essential' collection At the 'mars site' level: ./NOHUP-FOREACH-CSV-APPLY-AV-MODELS.sh