# ASR Interface Setup The ASR interface utilises tools such as [Grunt](https://gruntjs.com), [Sass](https://sass-lang.com) and [Vue](https://vuejs.org). To do this, it requires you have [node.js](https://nodejs.org/) and the `npm` package manager installed. To get started: - Install any dependencies. ``` npm install ``` - Run Grunt tasks. This performs things like Sass compilation and minification. ``` npx grunt ``` - For development purposes, use the Grunt file watcher to prevent the need to run `grunt` manually each time you change a file. ``` npx grunt watch ``` # ASR Development TODO - Play audio at certain words, based on timestamps returned by tuhituhi API - Corrections interface - WebVTT download option - Add transcription loading indicator - Make transcriptions fully load in on a separate page, with the normal entry providing an arrow link to expand it on the new page? - Ask user for confirmation before removing a transcription