* * AFRepo top-level class to slot in with the Greenstone extension framework * * The audio is expected to be in subdirectories of the 'audio-files' directory, and * for example purposes can be named in such a way that the example * PathClassifier classifier can get meanining from it. */ class AFRepo extends AFRepoBase { private $allfiles; public function AFRepo() { $this->audio_files_dir = "audio-files"; $this->af_prefix = getcwd() . "/" . $this->audio_files_dir; } public function getName() { return "Salami 4Store audio repository"; } public function getURIPrefix() { #return "@afrepo-http-prefix@/afrepo/"; return "@public-facing-afrepo-http-prefix@"; } /* Done this way, can talk to the 4store server directly rather than relying on proxying through the PHP-based 'afrepo' server */ public function getTrippleStoreLocalURIPrefix() { //return "@afrepo-http-prefix@/4store/"; return "@4store-http-prefix@/"; } public function getTrippleStoreURIPrefix() { return "@public-facing-4store-http-prefix@"; } public function getSparqlEndpoint() { return $this->getTrippleStoreURIPrefix() . "sparql/"; } public function getDataEndpoint() { return $this->getTrippleStoreLocalURIPrefix() . "data/"; } /** * getAudioPath * Return the path to the audio links in this repository (without a trailing * slash) */ public function getAudioPath() { return realpath("audio-ids"); } public function remove_audio_files_prefix($full_filepath) { # echo "full filepath = " . $full_filepath . "\n"; # echo "af prefix = " . $this->af_prefix . "\n"; $af_prefix_len = strlen($this->af_prefix); $filepath = $full_filepath; if (substr($filepath, 0, $af_prefix_len) == $this->af_prefix) { $filepath = substr($filepath, $af_prefix_len); } # echo "** filepath = " . $filepath . "\n"; return $filepath; } /** * fileInRepo * Return true if the audiofile with the given path (canonical or symlink) * is in the repository or false if not */ public function fileInRepo($full_filepath) { $realpath = realpath($full_filepath); if ($realpath === false) { trigger_error("file '$filepath' does not exist on disk or is a broken symlink", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } return array_key_exists($full_filepath, $this->getAllFiles()); } /** * idToCanonicalPath * Return the path to the canonical file with the given ID */ public function idToCanonicalPath($id) { return readlink($this->idToLinkPath($id)); } /** * filePathToId * Return the ID of the audiofile with the given path (which can be * canonical or a symlink) */ public function filePathToId($full_filepath) { if (!$this->fileInRepo($full_filepath)) { throw new Exception("file with path '$filepath' is not in the repository"); } $hash_filepath = "salami:/" . $this->remove_audio_files_prefix($full_filepath); ## echo "Hashing on: " . $hash_filepath . "\n"; $id = md5($hash_filepath); return $id; } // recursive method to delete things from the links directory according to the // options function getAllCollectionFilesRec($collection, $path) { echo "Processing directory: " . $path . "\n"; $dir = dir($path); while (($entry = $dir->read()) !== false) { if ($entry == "." || $entry == "..") { continue; } $fullpath = $path . "/" . $entry; $isdir = false; if (is_link($fullpath)) { $realpath = readlink($fullpath); // follow potential chain of sym-links while (is_link($realpath)) { $realpath = readlink($realpath); } $isdir = is_dir($realpath); } else { $isdir = is_dir($fullpath); } if ($isdir) { $this->getAllCollectionFilesRec($collection,$fullpath); } else { // assume it is a file ## echo "Adding file: " . $fullpath . "\n"; $this->allfiles[$fullpath] = true; } } $dir->close(); } public function getAllFiles() { if (!is_null($this->allfiles)) { return $this->allfiles; } $this->allfiles = array(); ## $path = realpath($this->audio_files_dir); $path = $this->af_prefix; $dir = dir($path); while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { if ($file[0] == ".") { // skip all dot files and dirs continue; } $fullpath = $path . "/" . $file; $isdir = false; if (is_link($fullpath)) { $realpath = readlink($fullpath); // follow potential chain of sym-links while (is_link($realpath)) { $realpath = readlink($realpath); } $isdir = is_dir($realpath); } else { $isdir = is_dir($fullpath); } if ($isdir) { // recursively work through each collection directory $this->getAllCollectionFilesRec($file, $fullpath); } } $dir->close(); return $this->allfiles; } public function getAllFilesOLD() { if (!is_null($this->allfiles)) return $this->allfiles; $this->allfiles = array(); $path = realpath("audio-files"); $dir = dir($path); while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { if ($file[0] != "." && is_dir($path . "/" . $file)) { $subdir = dir($path . "/" . $file); while (($subfile = $subdir->read()) !== false) { if ($subfile[0] != "." && is_file($path . "/" . $file . "/" . $subfile)) $this->allfiles[$path . "/" . $file . "/" . $subfile] = true; } $subdir->close(); } } $dir->close(); return $this->allfiles; } public function getSongFilesOLD($id) { $filepath = $this->idToLinkPath($id); $origfilepath = realpath($filepath); if ($origfilepath === false) return array(); // is it a clip? if (preg_match('%\.clip\..{1,4}$%', $origfilepath)) { // does full version exist? $fullpath = preg_replace('%\.clip%', "", $origfilepath); if (file_exists($fullpath)) return array($fullpath, $origfilepath); return array($origfilepath); } // it's a full song. does clip exist? $clippath = preg_replace('%(\..{1,4})$%', '.clip\1', $origfilepath); if (file_exists($clippath)) return array($origfilepath, $clippath); return array($origfilepath); } public function haveMetadataPermission() { return true; } public function haveAudioPermission() { return ipInRange($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], ""); } public function getMBID($id) { $classifiers = array( new TagClassifier(), new EchoprintClassifier(), new EchonestClassifier(), new PathClassifier(), ); foreach ($classifiers as $classifier) if ($classifier->available() && $classifier->hasMBID($id)) return $classifier->getMBID($id); return null; } /** * extraTriples * Return an array of any extra implementation-specific triples should be * added to the RDF given the ID of an audiofile * * This should be an array of triples in Turtle format without the trailing * dot. (See generateRDF) * It should return triples about all audiofiles of the same song rather * than just the one with the ID given. */ protected function extraTriples($id) { $extra_triples = array(); // analyze the file, get some metadata $structured_metadata = $this->getStructuredMetadata($id); if ($structured_metadata !== false) { } // loop through the audiofiles for this tune /* foreach ($ids as $key => $fileid) { */ /* // some identifiers */ /* $audiofile = "repo:$fileid"; */ /* $digitalsignal = "repo:$fileid#DigitalSignal"; */ /* // triples about the document */ /* $triples[] = "{$audiofile}_ a foaf:Document; foaf:primaryTopic $audiofile"; */ /* // this is a mo:AudioFile, which is a mo:MusicalItem */ /* $triples[] = "$audiofile a mo:AudioFile"; */ /* // this encodes a corresponding digital signal */ /* $triples[] = "$audiofile mo:encodes $digitalsignal"; */ /* // our digital signal is a mo:DigitalSignal (which is a subclass of */ /* // mo:Signal, which is a subclass of mo:MusicalExpression) */ /* $triples[] = "$digitalsignal a mo:DigitalSignal"; */ /* // different logic depending whether this audiofile is the preferred */ /* // one or not */ /* if ($key == 0) { */ /* // preferred -- if we have an MBID this Signal is derived from */ /* // the original (that at Musicbrainz) */ /* if (!is_null($mbid)) */ /* $triples[] = "$digitalsignal mo:derived_from " . mbidToSignalURI($mbid); */ /* // otherwise we don't assert that it derives from anything */ /* } else { */ /* // non-preferred -- we assert that it is derived from our */ /* // preferred audiofile's Signal */ /* $triples[] = "$digitalsignal mo:derived_from repo:" . $ids[0] . "#DigitalSignal"; */ /* } */ /* // analyze the file, get some metadata */ /* $filemetadata = $this->getFileMetadata($fileid); */ /* // mo:AudioFile metadata */ /* if (isset($filemetadata["dataformat"])) */ /* $triples[] = "$audiofile mo:encoding \"" . $filemetadata["dataformat"] */ /* . (isset($filemetadata["bitrate"]) ? " @ " . $filemetadata["bitrate"] . "bps" : "") */ /* . (isset($filemetadata["bitrate_mode"]) ? " " . $filemetadata["bitrate_mode"] : "") */ /* . "\""; */ /* // mo:DigitalSignal metadata */ /* if (isset($filemetadata["playtime_seconds"])) */ /* $triples[] = "$digitalsignal mo:time [ " */ /* . "a time:Interval; " */ /* . "time:seconds \"" . $filemetadata["playtime_seconds"] . "\"^^xsd:float " */ /* . "]"; */ /* if (isset($filemetadata["channels"])) */ /* $triples[] = "$digitalsignal mo:channels \"" . $filemetadata["channels"] . "\"^^xsd:int"; */ /* if (isset($filemetadata["sample_rate"])) */ /* $triples[] = "$digitalsignal mo:sample_rate \"" . $filemetadata["sample_rate"] . "\"^^xsd:float"; */ /* } */ return $extra_triples; } /** * getgetStructuredMetadata * Return as a hashmap (keyed by algorithm the structured audio data * from the "big crunch" */ public function getStructuredMetadata($id) { $classifier = new StructuredAudioClassifier(); if ($classifier->available() && $classifier->hasMetadata($id)) { return $classifier->loadMetadata($id); } return false; } public function attributionToHtmlByAlgorithm() { $classifier = new StructuredAudioClassifier(); $full_dataset_path = getcwd() . "/" . "datasets"; $ametadata = $classifier->getAttribution(); $style = "\n"; $html_str = "$style\n"; foreach ($ametadata as $key => $value) { $html_str .= ""; $entry = $value; $title = $entry["title"]; $year = $entry["year"]; $articleUrl = $entry["articleUrl"]; $authorList = $entry["authorList"]; $authors = $entry["authors"]; $opt_linked_title = $title; if ($articleUrl != false) { $opt_linked_title = "$title"; } $desc_entry = "$opt_linked_title ($year)
\n"; foreach ($authorList as $author) { $author_details = $authors[$author]; $organizations = $author_details["organization"]; $email = $author_details["email"]; $desc_entry .= $author; if ($email != false) { $email = str_replace("@"," at ",$email); $desc_entry .= " ($email)"; } $desc_entry .= "
\n"; } $tarfilesize = filesize("$full_dataset_path/$key.tar.gz"); $download_key = "Download $key ($tarfilesize bytes)"; $html_str .= " \n"; $html_str .= "\n"; } $html_str .= "
"; return $html_str; } public function attributionToHtmlByCollection() { ## $classifier = new StructuredAudioClassifier(); $full_dataset_path = getcwd() . "/" . "datasets"; $cmetadata = array ( "american" => "American", "classical" => "Classical", "coversong" => "Cover Songs", "dram" => "Dram", "ehmann" => "Ehmann", "jamendo" => "Jameno", "latin" => "Latin", "magnatune" => "Magnatune", "mazurkas" => "Mazurkas", "uscrap" => "US Bargin Bin", "uspop" => "US Pop" ); $style = "\n"; $html_str = "$style\n"; foreach ($cmetadata as $key => $value) { $html_str .= ""; $tarfilesize = filesize("$full_dataset_path/$key.tar.gz"); $download_key = "Download $value ($tarfilesize bytes)"; $html_str .= " \n"; $html_str .= "\n"; } $html_str .= "
"; return $html_str; } } ?>