# Korero Māori ASR Interface A Greenstone 3 interface for the Atea Project, providing a refreshed and greenstone-integrated interface for the [Māori Macron Restoration service](https://trac.greenstone.org/browser/other-projects/the-macronizer/trunk). ## Project setup Ensure that [node.js](https://nodejs.org) is on your path. (e.g., which node) You will also need to setup the Greenstone3 `macron-restoration` extension. Visit https://trac.greenstone.org/browser/other-projects/the-macronizer/trunk to get the source, and check the [wiki page](http://wiki.greenstone.org/doku.php?id=internal:macroniser) for setup instructions. ``` npm install ``` ### Compile and hot-reload for development This will open a development webserver on http://localhost:8080 that is detached from the running Greenstone instance. ``` npm run serve ``` ### Compile and minify for production 1. In `vue.config.js`, uncomment the `publicPath` property, and optionally change it to point to where your production distribution will be placed relative to the root `interfaces` directory. 2. Build the project. ``` npm run build ``` 3. Visit the `macron-restoration` Greenstone3 XSL page. For a default Greenstone3 installation, this should be located at http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/library/page/macron-restoration ### Lint and fix files This uses the settings in `.eslintrc.js` to lint the project, and attempts to fix mistakes accordingly. ``` npm run lint ```