======================================= | Eurovision -- Let it Sparkle/Sparql | ======================================= | Compilation/Installation | --------------------------------------- -- 1. Requirements -- Core command-line tools used by Greenstone3 are: svn make, autoconf, gcc, g++ ant, javac libz, imagemagick, wget Sgvizler2 in the Apache Jena extension uses: npm, nodejs These can be installed on a Debian10 distribution, for example, with: sudo apt update sudo apt install subversion build-essential openjdk-11-jdk ant libz-dev, imagemagick wget sudo apt install npm For editing config files, our preference is to use emacs: sudo apt install emacs -- 2. Environemts Variable Settings -- For the above Debian10 setup, set the following environment variables: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64 export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH export CFLAGS=-fPIC export JAVACFLAGS="-source 1.6 -target 1.6" Adjust for your specific environemnt as necessary -- 3. Checkout and Prepare core Greenstone3 system -- svn co https://svn.greenstone.org/main/trunk/greenstone3 greenstone3-svn cd greenstone3-svn To generate a default 'build.properties' ant To check out GS2 building code: ant prepare Edit build.xml line 722 from: to: -- 4. Test you have an operational Greenstone3 base DL server: -- source ./gs3-setup.sh ant start In your browser, visit: http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/library If working on a remote compute, such as a Google Compute Engine, use its console/dashboard to look up the IP number of the machine, and also add in a firewall rule to open up port 8080 ant stop -- 5. Checkout and compile the Apache Jena Triplestore extension: -- svn co https://svn.greenstone.org/gs2-extensions/apache-jena/trunk/src gs2build/ext/apache-jena pushd gs2build/ext/apache-jena/ ./CASCADE-MAKE.sh popd -- 6. Test your Sparql endpoint: -- Run the Triplestore server: gs-triplestore-server3 In a browser visit: http://localhost:4040 Similar note about to the one above in (4) if setup/access is on/to a remote machine Stop gs-triplestore-server3 by pressing Control-C ======== Roadmap: ======== You are now ready to move on to CONFIGURE.txt, where you will checkout and setup the Eurovision-LOD interface and site After that follow BUILDING.txt to populate your collection Eurovision content, and built it.