#==== # Getting the extension #==== Assuming you are in the Greenstone3 top-level (i.e. GSDL3SRCHOME) directory, (if not already done so) this extension can be checked out as follows: svn co https://svn.greenstone.org/gs3-extensions/structured-image/trunk ext/structured-image Note that the plugin this extension introduces makes use of a Google Service Account and requires credentials. For more details, visit: https://cloud.google.com/vision/docs/setup. #==== # Compiling the extension #==== #-<> # #-- cd ext/structured-image ./CREATE-VENV-PYTHON3.sh cd ../.. ln -s ext/structured-image/SETUP-TOP-LEVEL.sh SETUP.sh ln -s ext/structured-image/DEVEL-TOP-LEVEL.sh DEVEL.sh # If your python does not already have Google Cloud Vision source ./SETUP.sh pip install --upgrade google-cloud-vision #-- # #