#### # Instructions on how to build this collection from scratch #### #---- Note, the Arousal and Valence feature window values used is: 6 secs + 50% overlap So the Weka computed AV values are spaced out: 6s, 9s, 12s, ... #---- ### # Preparation ### To download (page scrape) the audio files from AMC web site into the 'prepare' directory: ./00-GET-AMC-SCRAPE.sh To rsync the downloaded files into the 'import' directcory: ./01-PREPARE-IMPORT.sh To computre Essential audio features for every audio file in 'import' and have it stored along side the audio file in CSV format: ./02-GENERATE-ALL-ESSENTIA-CSV-FEATURE-FILES.sh ### # Collection building ### ./IMPORT.sh ./BUILDCOL.sh ./ACTIVATE.sh